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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,887 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT Depositional and Diagenetic Factors Influencing CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery in Estuarine Sandstone Facies of the Donovan Sand Citronelle Field Southwest Alabama, #90104 (2010)

Hills Denise J.; Kopaska-Merkel David C.; Pashin Jack C.

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.... ; Kopaska‐Merkel, David C. ; Pashin, Jack C.  (1) Geological Survey of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.     Citronelle Field is a classic Gulf Coast oil field...


Examination of Inferred Third-Order Structural Features of the Marcellus Shale Using Wireline Logs in the Broadtop Synclinoriu

Catherine B. Enomoto, Ricardo A. Olea, and James L. Coleman, Jr.

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... in the Broadtop Synclinorium, Virginia and West Virginia  By Catherine B. Enomoto1, Ricardo A. Olea1, and James L. Coleman, Jr.1    1 U. S. Geological Survey...


Abstract: Seismic Guided Pore Pressure Prediction In Deepwater Block Of Mahanadi Basin; #90315 (2017)

Surya Kumar Singh, Kumar Vivek, Pinaki Basu, B.K. Mangaraj, Hari Lal

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... in the southern part of one deep-waterblock within water depth of 1200 – 2100 m and it is covered by 3D Q marine seismic survey. The imperatives for selecting...


The CSIRO in-situ Laboratory: A Field Laboratory for Derisking Underground Gas Storage

Karsten Michael, Ludovic Ricard, Linda Stalker, Allison Hortle

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... geochemical impact on reservoir and seal properties. CSIRO PUBLISHING Field site for derisking underground storage...


Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) Seismic Survey at Gorgon Gas Field

Ronald Cupich, Birgit Cropp

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) Seismic Survey at Gorgon Gas Field Ronald Cupich, Birgit Cropp The APPEA Journal 2017, 57, 726–727 Extended abstract http...


Assessment of Fluid Contacts and Compartmentalization in Sandstone Reservoirs Using Fluid Inclusions: An Example from the Magnus Oil Field, North Sea

S. A. Barclay, R. H. Worden, J. Parnell, D. L. Hall, and S. M. Sterner

AAPG Bulletin

... reserves and for designing production strategies. Identifying hydrodynamic barriers or baffles is also important for optimizing both recovery and flow...


Abstract: Business Cycle and Prospecting; #91205 (2023)

Barry Rava

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... prices and demand cycles. Cycles are a very present part of oil and gas exploration and should be recognized and considered when designing an exploration...


What Are You Sampling?

J. M. Macpherson, D. W. Lewis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... analytical result, care must be exercised both in designing the sampling programme and in collecting the samples. In addition, workers should clearly...


Abstract: Designing Wavefield Extrapolators using a Weighted Least-Squares with a Transition Band Approach; #90211 (2015)

Saleh Al-Saleh, John Bancroft, Gary Margrave

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...Abstract: Designing Wavefield Extrapolators using a Weighted Least-Squares with a Transition Band Approach; #90211 (2015) Saleh Al-Saleh, John...


Beryllium Deposits in the Spor Mountain Area, Juab County, Utah

Leland J. Davis

Utah Geological Association

... for recognition by the naked eye. A detailed mining operation is used by Brush Wellman having several procedures to follow in survey control, use...


A Practical Discussion of 3D Seismic Surveys

Howell Pardue, Stephen Jumper, Frank Brown, Peter Morton

West Texas Geological Society

... if due care and attention is not given to the survey design. There are many aspects to be considered in designing a successful 3D survey, some of which...



AAPG Special Volumes

... survey: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 342 p. Ernst, Werner, 1970, Geochemical facies analysis: Methods in geochemistry...


Optimum Candidate Selection of Coiled Tubing Velocity String Application for Liquid Loaded Gas Wells

Satria Andrianata, Keken Rante Allo, Ade Lukman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., pressure survey indicates liquid level, and liquid production ceases. Installing a smaller diameter coiled tubing string inside the production tubing...


Compartmentalized Reservoirs in Rocky Mountain Basins - Front Matter and Foreword

Roger Slatt

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... in designing a secondary recovery project. Environments of deposition, diagenesis, faulting and other factors all have the potential to create compartments...


Rapid field identification of LCT pegmatite mineralogy: Application of portable Raman spectroscopy

Sophie Perring, Nigel Brand

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Colin Street West Perth, WA 6005 Geochemical Services Pty Ltd 1/5 Colin Street West Perth, WA 6005


Front Matter: Memoir 121: Integrated Geology of Unconventionals: The Case of the Vaca Muerta Play, Argentina

Daniel Minisini, Manuel Fantín, Iván Lanusse Noguera, Héctor A. Leanza

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Petrography, and Lithofacies D. A. Kietzmann, F. González Tomassini, and T. Smith Chapter 11 297 Organic Geochemical Patterns of the Vaca Muerta...


Synthetic time-lapse FWI analysis for designing cross well seismic survey during CO2 injection in a depleted oil field

Toru Taira, Takuji Mouri, Ayato Kato, Yusaku Konishi, Takashi Akai, Shotaro Nakayama

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Synthetic time-lapse FWI analysis for designing cross well seismic survey during CO2 injection in a depleted oil field Toru Taira, Takuji Mouri...


Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Devonian Elk Sands in the Appalachian Basin - Workshop Summary

Dan Billman, Mike Canich, Marty Comini, Ray Follador, Bob Heim, Chris Laughery, Roger Willis, Bill Zagorski


..., Pennsylvania Geological Survey Elk Sand Stimulation Roger Willis, Universal Well Services Harvey Lake Gas Field Bill Zagorski, Great Lakes Energy 401...


Refining the Tactics: Current Approaches to Exploration and Development of Shale Plays in the U.S., #70173 (2014).

Susan Smith Nash

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... to enter the sweet spots that contain “stranded pay” (identified by microseismic or geochemical methods) Note: Halliburton already has a whipstock tool...


Source-Rock Evaluation. Best Tactics for Finding the Sweet Spots within Unconventional and Conventional Reservoirs in the Permian Basin; #42569 (2021)

David Entzminger, Mohamed K Zobaa

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... importance in evaluating petroleum systems. Organic geochemical analysis is a powerful tool that can provide a wide range of crucial information...


Wettability Alteration in Reservoirs: How It Happens and How It Boosts Production, #80520 (2016).

Geoffrey Thyne

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... the basis for designing the correct fluid chemistry while minimizing negative effects such as reservoir damage. This provides the ability to optimize...


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