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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 15,798 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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James Wallace, Dowell Division of Dow Chemical, U.S.A., Tulsa, OklahomaJerry Hinkel, Dowell Division of Dow Chemical, U.S.A., Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

... are calculated using the equations below. A long-range goal is to convert dynamic properties determined from logs to in situ static...


Improve Well Performance by Reducing Formation Damage

Brian Goldstein, Kanth Josyula, Alan VanZeeland, Moustafa Aboushabana, Tuan Tran, Lisa O'Connell, Michael Conway

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... breakdown process is a critical first step. Discussion on polymer breakdown and cleanup from the proppant pack and formation follows...


Conditions of Turbidite Flow: Chapter VI: Part One. Study of Modern and Ancient Turbidites

Oscar E. Weser

AAPG Special Volumes

... here. The first is in the Mediterranean Sea where in 1954 cable breaks occurred during an earthquake near Orleansville, Algeria. The area where...


Basic Analysis

Richard H. Merkel

AAPG Special Volumes

... value. Determining Water Resistivity from the SP Curve To determine water resistivity in a particular zone, the resistivity of the mud and mud filtrate...


Impact of Coal Mine Water on Modern Gas Well Cements

James Gardiner, Barbara Kutchko, James Fazio, Richard Spaulding, Alexandra Hakala

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this paper does so at their own risk. The information herein...


A coupled geomechanical reservoir simulation analysis of carbon dioxide storage in a saline aquifer in the Ohio River Valley

Somayeh Goodarzi, Antonin Settari, Mark Zoback, David Keith

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... fracture model with constant injection rate of 7.2E4 m3/day (determined from the cumulative injection of the well with static fracture injecting at 37 MPa...


Re-assessment and Simulation of the Illinois Basin Decatur Project: Integration of New Geological Insights into the Carbon Capture and Storage Evaluation

Juan C. Mejía Fragoso, Nicolás Córdoba Castillo, Beatriz K. Herrera Hernández, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez B., María A. Santos González, Anngy D. Román Ortega, Stefany G. Peñaranda González, Rocío Bernal-Olaya

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... is the responsibility of,and is subject to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this paper does so...


Method of Determination of the Time of Formation of Gas Pools

V. A. Kirov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of determining the time of formation of gas pools, Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, 11. The first works on the method of determining the time of filling of structural...


Subsidence Analysis: Chapter 3

Charles L. Angevine, Paul L. Heller, Chris Paola

AAPG Special Volumes

... such changes; (4) significant lithologic breaks, which require different compaction corrections; and (5) the purpose of the study, which may require...


Drilling-Time Data in Rotary Practice: Part II. Determination of Data

P. B. Nichols

AAPG Bulletin

.... The instrument is recommended as a geologist's tool as the record is subject to gross misinterpretation if studied apart from well samples and knowledge...


Limitations on Resolution of Seismic Reflections and Geologic Detail Derivable from Them: Section 1. Fundamentals of Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data

Robert E. Sheriff

AAPG Special Volumes

... zone. Energy from the pe iphery of the first Fresnel zone will reach a detector at the source location 1/2-wavelength later than the first reflected...


Problem of Determining the Time of Formation of Gas Pools

A. Ya. Edel’shteyn

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... there have been no analytical methods of determining the age of purely gas accumulations and the time of their formation. Toward this end in 1959 first S. P...


ABSTRACT: Prediction of Fractures Distribution in Carbonate Reservoirs by Using Petrel* DFN Technique in Potwar Basin of Pakistan …Case History; #90120 (2011)

Abid H. Bhatti, Saeed Jadoon, Munazzah Afzal, Arshad H. Palekar, Muhammad Ramzan, and Faraz Hasan Siddiqui

Search and

... porosity and permeability. Production alone from matrix porosity in these reservoirs is not reported so far. Since no image log were available upto first...


Geomechanical and Flow Simulation of Hydrofracs Using High-Resolution Passive Seismic Images

Alfred Lacazette, William Dershowitz, Jan Vermilye

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is processed to remove coherent noise, make static corrections etc. similarly to standard reflection seismic processing. 3. A velocity model of the study...


Section VI: Conditions of Turbidite Flow

New Orleans Geological Society

... are given here. The first is in the Mediterranean Sea where in 1954 cable breaks occurred during an earthquake near Orleansville, Algeria. The area...


Toward a global model for correction of bottomhole temperature data: Progress and limitations

Tala Maria Aabø, and Christian Hermanrud

AAPG Bulletin

... 103 1 Static formation temperature (SFT) can be estimated from temperatures measured during wire-line logging (Tm). A large number of correction models...


Geomechanical Risk Investigation of Geological Sequestration of CO2 in Depleted Reservoirs

Avirup Chatterjee, Ahmadreza Younessi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... mechanical properties. The final 3D static geomechanical model consists of the structural grid, which covers the entire studied area from seabed level...


Geologic Characterization of a Bakken Reservoir for Potential CO2 EOR

Basak Kurtoglu, James A. Sorensen, Jason Braunberger, Steven Smith, Hossein Kazemi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Static Modeling A static geocellular model of the Bailey field area was built using a combination of core characterization data from the Corrine Olson...


Seismic Studies in the Church Rock Uranium District, Southwest San Juan Basin, New Mexico

William T. Phelps, Robert S. Zech, A. Curtis Huffman Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... coordinates of each line were added during the sorting operation to correct the source-receiver distance. Field static corrections were calculated...


Static Fracture Distribution Model Based on Sedimentary Facies; #41959 (2016)

Daniel Emiliano Bolaños-Rodríguez, Armando Altamira-Areyán

Search and

... investigation from the Permian Karoo Basin, South Africa: Sedimentology, v. 56/7, p 2132-2154. Static Fracture Distribution Model Based on Sedimentary...


Thermohaline Pore Water Trends of Southeastern Louisiana: Geologic Applications and Controls on Fluid Movement

Donald J. Marlin , William H. Schramm

GCAGS Transactions

... brines in the hydrostatic realm. The basis for discerning these trends is determining salinity from well logs and identifying how plumes of brine...


Regional Eagle Ford Modeling: Integrating Facies, Rock Properties, and Stratigraphy to Understand Geologic and Reservoir Characteristics

David Hull, Philip Chapman, Dave Miller, David Ingraham, Nicole Fritz, Nicholas Kernan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... County area. This information was incorporated into 3D static earth models from which geologic inputs drive engineering testing and adaptations...


Hydrodynamics of the Permian Basin

Robert P. McNeal

AAPG Special Volumes

... after two- or three-hour shut-ins. The loss to the operators in the Permian Basin from the first two conditions is not in poor hydrodynamic data alone...


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