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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 15,776 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Bed Configurations in Steady Unidirectional Water Flows. Part 1. Scale Model Study Using Fine Sands

Lawrence A. Boguchwal , John B. Southard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-flow bed configurations in a large, thermally insulated laboratory flume. Three different water temperatures, ranging from 14 to 75°C, provided three...


Flume Experiments on the Production of Stratification and Cross-stratification

Edwin D. McKee

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... attain magnitudes as great as those responsible for certain types of structures developed in nature, and deposits must necessarily be largely of types...


Polymer and Polymer-Gel Water Shutoff Treatments, What It takes To Be Successful and Illustrative Field Application - Workshop Summary

Bob Sydansk, Randy Seright


... 3-D structures that will not enter into, or flow through, porous rock of normal permeabilities (less than 10 Darcys). Gelation time determines how...


Unitization Practices in Indonesia

July Usman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... - 7 shows a reservoir of lense nature; the unitization shall be made on the entire structure. Structures with Pinching Out Sand Layers Figure - 8...



C. S. Content

Montana Geological Society

..., and Yellowtail damsite on the Big Horn River at the mouth of the Big Horn Canyon 45 miles southwest of Hardin are other proposed structures...


Depositional Interpretation and Reservoir Characterization of the Tithonian in Mizzen F-09, Flemish Pass Basin, Canada; #50967 (2014)

Simon R. Haynes, Jonathan Marshall, Erik Imsland Wathne, Geoff Minielly, Elisabeth Mortlock, Olav Walderhaug, and Trevor Johnson

Search and

..., predominantly unidirectional current flow sedimentary structures in the lower half of the core, the coarseness and roundness of the gravel clasts...


Possible Explanation of the Large Initial Production of Some Wells of the Haynesville Field, Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

M. Albertson

AAPG Bulletin

... that gravel beds may have in determining the capacity of the wells. It is believed that the chief factors influencing the rate of flow are: (1) size...


Chapter 2: Processes of Eolian Sand Transport and Deposition

C. J. Schenk

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

..., trees, teepees or other evaporitic structures on sabkhas, and folds in algal mats. Dry sand collects in the zones of flow separation. Winds...


Supercritical-flow Deposits and Their Distribution in a Submarine Channel System, Middle Eocene, Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees

Pauline H. Cornard, Kevin T. Pickering

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to erosional coarse-grained supercritical-flow bedforms related to meter and centimeter-scale scours and backfilling structures interpreted as large...


Marine Sedimentation of Clastic Volcanic Strata: ABSTRACT

William R. Dickinson

AAPG Bulletin

... of deposition, determining the dispersal agents of sediment, and creating transitory sources of sediment must be correctly evaluated. The following...


Bedform Disequilibrium

Paul M. Myrow, Douglas J. Jerolmack, J. Taylor Perron

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Clark, J.E., 2016, First wide-angle view of channelized turbidity currents links migrating cyclic steps to flow characteristics: Nature Communications, v...


Reactivation of pressure-solution seams by a strike-slip fault-sequential, dilational jog formation and fluid flow

A. John Watkinson, E. M. Geraghty Ward

AAPG Bulletin

...Reactivation of pressure-solution seams by a strike-slip fault-sequential, dilational jog formation and fluid flow A. John Watkinson, E. M. Geraghty...


ABSTRACT: Gas Shale, Oil Shale, and Oil-Bearing Shale: Similarities and Differences; #90122 (2011)

Pierre Allix, Alan Burnham, Michael Herron, and Robert Kleinberg

Search and

... Source rock-associated hydrocarbon reservoirs are rapidly emerging as proved or potential reserves of oil and natural gas. The nature and potential...


Relations Between Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Flow

David M. Rubin

Special Publications of SEPM

..., 1987). Fluctuating flow and superimposed bedforms can flow superimposed be expected to produce recognizably different kinds recognizably of structures...


Representation of Bed Configurations in Depth-Velocity-Size Diagrams

John B. Southard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., AND NORDIN, C. F., JR., 1965, Sedimentary structures generated by flow in alluvial channels: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Spec. Pub...


Features of the Morphology and Formation of Platform Structures of the Pri-Kama

I. M. Mel’nik, K. S. Shershnev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Features of the Morphology and Formation of Platform Structures of the Pri-Kama I. M. Mel’nik, K. S. Shershnev 1965 190 194 Vol. 9 (1965) No. 3...


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