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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 15,776 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Downcurrent Changes in Sedimentary Structures in Ordovician Turbidite Greywackes

Barham Parkash

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... that separation of flow could have taken place to form the observed structures by migration of ripples. Also, there is no resemblance to cross bedding formed...


Flow Systems in the Alberta Basin: Patterns, Types and Driving Mechanisms

Stefan Bachu

CSPG Bulletin

... some issues that need to be addressed and researched further, such as: the true nature of the flow-driving mechanism in the deep Paleozoic aquifers...


An Exhumed, Lower Cambrian Tidal Flat: The Antietam Formation, Central Virginia, U.S.A.

Edward L. Simpson

CSPG Special Publications

...-flow ripples; d) south-directed dunes; e) south-directed current ripples on lee sides and in troughs of dunes; f) runoff microdelta; g) rill structures...


Seismogenic Deformation Structures in Microbialites and Mudstones, Silurian Lockport Dolomite, Northwestern Ohio, U.S.A.

Charles F. Kahle

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...; Guiraud and Plaziat 1993; Pope et al. 1997). Determining whether deformation structures in sedimentary rocks are syndepositonal or post-lithification can...


Morphology of Molar-Tooth Structures in Precambrian Carbonates: Influence of Substrate Rheology and Implications for Genesis

Mark D. Pollock, Linda C. Kah, Julie K. Bartley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... fundamental observations regarding the nature of MT voids and their fill: (1) MT voids occur as a variety of coexisting morphologies; (2) MT structures...


The Role of Waves and Tidal Currents in the Development of Tidal-inlet Sedimentary Structures and Sand Body Geometry: Examples from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

Dennis K. Hubbard, George Oertel, Dag Nummedal

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., 1965, Sedimentary structures generated by flow in alluvial channels, in Middleton, G. V., ed., Primary sedimentary structures and their hydrodynamic...


Structural Geology Applied to the Evaluation of Fractured Sedimentary Bedrock Aquifers in the Pinebrook Subdivision, Summit County, Utah

Kelly F. Keighley, James P. Evans

Four Corners Geological Society

... and stratigraphy that may influence ground water flow with geologic mapping at a scale of 1:4500. In detail, the dominant structures influencing the hydrogeology...


Hydraulic Sorting of Heavy-Mineral Grains by Swash on a Medium-Sand Beach

Michael G. Hughes, Jock B. Keene, Rebecca G. Joseph

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in determining the sorting mechanism operating at a particular location. Shear sorting was found to be feasible within the modeled flow constraints...


Subsidence Structures Associated with Subaerial Desiccation-Crack Piping and Their Role in Drainage Evolution on a Drained Proglacial Lake Bed: Hagavatn, Iceland

David Huddart , Matthew R. Bennett

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Subsidence Structures Associated with Subaerial Desiccation-Crack Piping and Their Role in Drainage Evolution on a Drained Proglacial Lake Bed...



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Abstract: Variance in Reservoir Quality Due to Diagenesis: A Study from Tidal Deposits, Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia

Azirahtul Atifah binti Mohamed Sabri, Numair A. Siddiqui

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of micro distribution of pore geometry. Here diagenesis play important role in determining the reservoir quality with better understanding. The main...


Displacement distributions on extensional faults: Implications for fault stretch, linkage, and seal

S. A. Stewart

AAPG Bulletin

..., Model for hydrocarbon migration and entrapment within faulted structures: AAPG Bulletin, v. 73, p. 803-811. Antonellini, M., and A. Aydin, 1995, Effect...


Comparison of deterministic with stochastic fracture models in water-flooding numerical simulations

Mandefro W. Belayneh, Stephan K. Matthai, Martin J. Blunt, Stephen F. Rogers

AAPG Bulletin

... analysis of the model is that this yields a faster way of determining whether the flow within the model is fracture or matrix dominated; i.e., how...


A Methodology For Determining Orientations In Unscribed Core

Robert W. Dalrymple, Laurent Godin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of fluid flow in reservoirs (e.g., Martel 1999) or for predicting the location of mineralized structures (e.g., Annels and Hellewell 1987; Scott...


Distribution of total dissolved solids in McMurray Formation water in the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta, Canada: Implications for regional hydrogeology and resource development

Benjamin R. Cowie, Bruce James, and Bernhard Mayer

AAPG Bulletin

... groundwater flow paths as primarily local in nature, driven by topographic recharge (Bachu and Underschultz, 1993; Anfort et al., 2001; WorleyParsons, 2010a, b...


Fluvially Generated Heterolithic Stratification as a Tool for Determining Process Dominance and Location in the Fluvial-Marine Transition; #51144 (2015)

Robert W. Dalrymple, Colleen E. Kurcinka, Bryce Jablonski, Aitor Ichaso, Duncan Mackay

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... for determining location in the fluvial-marine transition and the nature of coastal environments at a larger scale. References Cited Dalrymple, R.W....


Reconstructing Paleochannel Morphologic and Flow Characteristics: Methodology, Limitations, and Assessment

Frank G. Ethridge, Stanley A. Schumm

Dallas Geological Society

... of an alluvial stream channel reflects the nature of the sediment load moved by the stream (Table 3) which is of primary importance in determining...


Reconstructing Paleochannel Morphologic and Flow Characteristics: Methodology, Limitations, and Assessment

Frank G. Ethridge, Stanley A. Schumm

CSPG Special Publications

... of an alluvial stream channel reflects the nature of the sediment load moved by the stream (Table 3) which is of primary importance in determining...


Sedimentology, Paleoflow Dynamics and Flood History of JoKulhlaup Deposits: Paleohydrology of Holocene Sediment Sequences in Southern Iceland Sandur Deposits

Judith Maizels

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... associated with the application of paleoflow models for determining former flow dynamics. The models adopted suggest that most of the flows occurred...


Characteristics of Gravel Bars in Ephemeral Streams

Marwan A. Hassan

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and local flow structures during flow events. The model is based on the idea that local sediment sorting and small-scale bed structures such as pebble...


Reservoir Characterization Using Open-Hole, Cased-Hole, and Production Logging - Workshop Summary

Zaki Bassiouni, Steve Halvorsen, Tim Quinlan


... and porosities. A number of tools may be useful for determining the effective isolation of producing zones and determining flow behind pipe. The gamma...


Experiments on Ripple Laminanon

Edwin D. Mckee

Special Publications of SEPM

... in which relatively unimportant with respect to the quantity of symmetrical ripples in nature Much more significant in determining whether ripples...


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