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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,359 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Role of Submarine Canyons on Shelfbreak Erosion and Sedimentation: Modern and Ancient Examples

Jeffrey A. May, John E. Warme, Richard A. Slater

Special Publications of SEPM

... convolutions dewatering pipes in the uppermost dish and pillar structures and portion clastic dikes Two separate mechanisms grain flow and fluidized flow N...


Origins of Dolomite in the Offshore Facies of the Bonneterre Formation (Cambrian), Southeast Missouri

Jay M. Gregg

Special Publications of SEPM

... initial compaction and dewatering of ar gillaceous sediments In the case of the Kimmeridge Clay and the Trenton Limestone this is supported...


Airfall Tuff in the Browns Park Formation, Northwestern Colorado and Northeastern Utah

Stanley J. Luft

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...); climbing ripple sets (Figures 4 and 7); load casts and other loading and dewatering features (Figures 6-9); clay-chip layers composed of reworked, clay...


Leidy Gas Field, Clinton and Potter Counties, Pennsylvania

John A. Harper

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Paleozoic. Overburden or dewatering pressures may have forced the hydrocarbon-rich fluids downward into the Ridgeley as well as upwar...


Red Oak Field

David W. Houseknecht, T. A. Mac McGilvery

AAPG Special Volumes

...). Locally, diffuse flat lamination (Figure 15A) and a diverse spectrum of dewatering structures (Figure 15B-D) are present. There are no thin...


High-Frequency Sequences and the Nature of Incised-Valley Fills in Fluvial Systems of the Breathitt Group (Pennsylvanian), Appalachian Foreland Basin, Eastern Kentucky

John F. Aitken, Stephen S. Flint

Special Publications of SEPM

..., dewatering structures 3A Crevasse splay Sharp-based interbedded sandstone and siltstone 3B 3C Lake fill Peat bog Pale grey to grey siltstone Coal...


Nainlin Formation, a new Middle Cambrian map unit from the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories

Robert B. MacNaughton, Karen M. Fallas

CSPG Bulletin

... in argillaceous sediments caused by earthquake-induced dewatering. Sedimentary Geology, v. 117, p. 1–10. Pugh, D.C. 1983. Pre-Mesozoic geology...


The Pinedale Gas Field: A Sweet Spot in a Regionally Pervasive Basin-centered Gas Accumulation, Green River and Hoback Basins, Wyoming

Ben E. Law, Charles W. Spencer

AAPG Special Volumes

..., p. 39–61. Law, B. E., J.R. Hatch, G.C. Kukal, and C.W. Keighin, 1983, Geologic implications of coal dewatering, AAPG Bulletin, v. 67, p. 2255–2260...


Chapter 21 - Diagenesis: Deformation Features

Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, Peter A. Scholle, Juergen Schieber, Robert J. Raine

AAPG Special Volumes

... of a basin: A factor in the dewatering of low-permeability sediments: AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, p. 737–748, doi: 10.1306/8626C997-173B-11D7-8645000102C1865D...


Chapter 13: The Tamar Giant Gas Field: Opening the Subsalt Miocene Gas Play in the Levant Basin

Daniel L. Needham, Henry S. Pettingill, Christopher J. Christensen, Jonathan ffrench, Zvi Kul Karcz

AAPG Special Volumes

... features observed are dewatering (dish structures, dewatering pipes), load and flames at the base, inverse grading bands (depositional sieving...


Late Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs in the Cordoba Platform and Veracruz Basin, Eastern Mexico

Salvador Ortuo-Arzate, Helga Ferket, Marie-Christine Cacas, Rudy Swennen, Franois Roure

AAPG Special Volumes

... fracturing, which predates the development of bedding-parallel stylolites, is locally evidenced. They are interpreted to relate to vertical dewatering...


Seismic Expressions of Prograding Carbonate Bank Margins: Middle Miocene, Maldives, Indian Ocean

Andrei V. Belopolsky, Andr W. Droxler

AAPG Special Volumes

... strata. Alternatively, the deformation may be related to early compaction of fine-grained sediments caused by dewatering. Regionally extensive...


The Growth History of Toe Thrusts of the Niger Delta and the Role of Pore Pressure

Scot W. Krueger, Neil T. Grant

AAPG Special Volumes

..., such as shale dewatering or perhaps fluid expansion during hydrocarbon generation.In the normal or poorly consolidated sediments prevalent in the delta toe, pore...


Sedimentology, Paleoflow Dynamics and Flood History of JoKulhlaup Deposits: Paleohydrology of Holocene Sediment Sequences in Southern Iceland Sandur Deposits

Judith Maizels

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and subsequent deposition, with an initial massive flood surge followed by flow deceleration, sediment 'freezing' and dewatering, producing a more fluid...


Updip to Downdip Cementation and Dolomitization Patterns in a Mississippian Aquifer, Appalachians

W. A. Nelson, J. F. Read

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... sections due to intense rock-water interaction. These basinal waters were generated by dewatering of the basinal shale section during Late Paleozoic...


Effects of Grand-Cycle Cessation on the Diagenesis of Upper Cambrian Carbonate Deposits in the Southern Appalachians, U.S.A.

Bosiljka Glumac, Kenneth R. Walker

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... with siliciclastic deposits (Fig. 11). Mechanical dewatering and the release of marine pore water from shale occur within the first 1 to 2 km of burial...


Origin of Saline Formation Waters, Cenozoic Section, Gulf of Mexico Sedimentary Basin (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... (September) Most water produced from Cenozoic oil and gas reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico sedimentary basin is derived from dewatering of the clastic...


Prospectivity of volcanic basins: Trap delineation and acreage de-risking

Max Rohrman

AAPG Bulletin

.... The observed higher velocities are possibly caused by heating and associated dewatering or uplift. The amount of uplift (Figure 8), estimated from...


Sequence-stratigraphic controls on complex reservoir architecture of highstand fluvial-dominated deltaic and lowstand valley-fill deposits in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Woodbine Group, East Texas field: Regional and local perspectives

William A. Ambrose, Tucker F. Hentz, Florence Bonnaffe, Robert G. Loucks, L. Frank Brown Jr., Fred P. Wang, Eric C. Potter

AAPG Bulletin

... with scour surfaces and soft-sediment deformation at 3599 ft (1097 m). (d) Rippled and scoured, organic-rich fine sandstone with dewatering structures...


Hydrocarbon plumbing systems of salt minibasins offshore Angola revealed by three-dimensional seismic analysis

Katrine J. Andresen, Mads Huuse, Niels H. Schodt, Lene F. Clausen, Lars Seidler

AAPG Bulletin

... by turbidite channels and the upper Miocene terminal fan systems and minibasin dewatering and degassing of biogenic methane.Characterization of the Fluid...


The place of tubular concretions in hydrocarbon cold seep systems: Late Miocene Urenui Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Stephanie L. Nyman, Campbell S. Nelson

AAPG Bulletin

...-rich dewatering on New Zealand convergent margins: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 39, p. 181200, doi...


Stratigraphic Evolution of the Eolian Navajo Sandstone, SE Utah; #51509 (2018)

Pamela Sansom

Search and

... upright folds with stratified synclines separating more massive anticlines, recording the foundering of sediment packages between vertical dewatering...


Descriptions, Petrology, Photographs, and Photomicrographs of Core from the Green River Formation, South-Central Uinta Basin, Utah (MP-04-2)

S. Robert Bereskin, Craig D. Morgan, Kevin P. McClure

Utah Geological Survey

... are subaqueous and display abundant dewatering phenomena, while others contain root casts, associated coal seams, mud-cracked horizons...


Downfan Transformation from Turbidity Currents to Debris Flows at a Channel-to-Lobe Transitional Zone: The Lower Pleistocene Otadai Formation, Boso Peninsula, Japan

Makoto Ito

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... are massive or weakly graded and contain dewatering deformation structure, except for the uppermost parts of some of them in which there are medium...


The Process of Sand Injection: Internal Structures and Relationships with Host Strata (Yellowbank Creek Injectite Complex, California, U.S.A.)

Anthony Scott, Mario Vigorito, Andrew Hurst

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) that are attributed to dewatering events (Pickering et al. 1990). However, in the case of YCIC the sandstone-filled fractures are likely to be the result...


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