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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,362 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Compaction and Decompaction Algorithms for Sedimentary Carbonates

R. K. Goldhammer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and repacking initiates dewatering. Numerous experimental compaction studies of carbonate mud constrain the porosity-depth behavior of carbonate muds beyond...


The World's Most Spectacular Carbonate Mud Mounds (Middle Devonian, Algerian Sahara)

Jobst Wendt, Zdzislaw Belka, Bernd Kaufmann, Renate Kostrewa, Jorg Hayer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., probably by dewatering and internal erosion, (2) cementation of stromatactis cavities and interparticle pore spaces by early high-Mg calcite and late...


Density-Driven Deformation Structures in Glacigenic Consolidated Diamicts: Examples From Traeth y Mwnt, Cardiganshire, Wales, U.K.

K.F. Rijsdijk

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by dewatering, volume loss, and concurrent increase of electrostatic van der Waals bonds between interstitial clay platelets (Scott 1980, p. 41). DEPOSITIONAL...


Process-Response Modeling of Wave-Dominated Coastal Systems: Simulating Evolution and Stratigraphy on Geological Timescales

Joep E.A. Storms, G.J. Weltje, J.J. van Dijke, C.R. Geel, S.B. Kroonenberg

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... extensions or improvements to the model. Compaction due to dewatering of the sediment shortly after deposition is not yet taken into account. The amount...


Chalk Dolomitization Beneath Localized Subsiding Tertiary Depressions in a Marginal Marine Setting in the Paris Basin (France)

Medard Thiry, Franck Hanot,, Catherine Pierre

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a silcrete armor developed (Thiry 1981). Middle and Late Eocene lacustrine limestones display numerous dewatering fabrics such as mudcracks, macroscopic...


Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of Early SYN-RIFT Tidal Sediments: The Nukhul Formation, Suez Rift, Egypt

Ian D. Carr,, Rob L. Gawthorpe, Christopher A.L. Jackson, Ian R. Sharp,, Ali Sadek

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to systems tracts. End_Page 414------------------------ shaking and dewatering due to the orientation of the dewatering features being parallel to basin...


Chapter 122: A High-resolution Record of Deep-water Processes in a Confined Paleofjord, Quebrada de las Lajas, Argentina

Mason Dykstra, Ben Kneller, Juan Pablo Milana

AAPG Special Volumes

... graded, and commonly exhibit parallel lamination, dewatering features, ripple cross-lamination, and small-scale slump folds. Paleocurrent indicators show...


New Progress and Technological Challenges in the Integral Development of the Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco, Venezuela

Teofilo Villarroel, Adriana Zambrano, Rolando Garcia

AAPG Special Volumes

... of crude over long periods with high water cuts.DewateringThis is a locally developed technique used mainly in western FPO, where a dewatering well...


50-Million-Year-Long Record of Glacial to Postglacial Marine Environments Preserved in a Carboniferous–Lower Permian Graben, Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia

N. Eyles, A.J. Mory, C.H. Eyles

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and dewatering structures. In places, these facies are thick enough to have been identified previously as a separate stratigraphic member (see Wicherina Member...


Up-Estuary Variation of Sedimentary Facies and Ichnocoenoses in an Open-Mouthed, Macrotidal, Mixed-Energy Estuary, Gomso Bay, Korea

Byongcheon Yang, Robert W. Dalrymple, Murray K. Gingras, Seungsoo Chun, Heejun Lee

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Anderson, F.E., and Howell, B.A., 1984, Dewatering of an unvegetated muddy tidal flat during exposure-desiccation or drainage?: Estuaries, v. 7, p. 225–232...


Stratigraphy and Petrology of Petroleum-Producing Waulsortian-Type Carbonate Mounds in Fort Payne Formation (Lower Mississippian) of North-Central Tennessee

William C. MacQuown , J. Hunt Perkins

AAPG Bulletin

... sediment compaction, dewatering, and early differential lithification, and locally to (3) postlithification stylolites. Some stylolites may form...


Temperatures and Depth-Dependent Heat Flow in Western North Sea

C. P. Andrews-Speed , E. R. Oxburgh , B. A. Cooper

AAPG Bulletin

... based on the reasonable assumption that during ba in formation, heat transfer occurs largely by conduction. Clearly, compaction and dewatering are likely...


Permian and Triassic Sedimentation in the Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Deposition of the Sadlerochit Group (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... unit is marked by a succession of medium- to thick-bedded sandstone layers containing ball-and-pillow and dewatering structures, intraformational...


Quartz Cementation in Sedimentary Basins

K. Bjorlykke , P. K. Egeberg

AAPG Bulletin

... is then, in the case of complete dewatering, approximately 5 × 104 /SUP> cm3/cm2. Compactional flow therefore must be focused by a factor of about 104 to cause...


Degradation of compressional fold belts: Deep-water Niger Delta

Pivi Heini, Richard J. Davies

AAPG Bulletin

... that this is a critical depth for a failure. A weak layer may exist at that depth e.g., because of dewatering and overpressure generation. The low-amplitude wedge M...


Disequilibrium compaction as the cause for CretaceousPaleogene overpressures in the Danish North Sea

Ole Valdemar Vejbaek

AAPG Bulletin

... close to this phase transition. At this site, minor contribution of smectite dewatering to overpressure may have occurred and may become more...


Mesozoic siliciclastic reservoirs and petroleum system in the Rub' Al-Khali basin, Saudi Arabia

S. A. Stewart, C. T. Reid, N. P. Hooker, and O. W. Kharouf

AAPG Bulletin

...). These overpressured lenses are attributed to some combination of inhibition of dewatering in sealed porous layers and pressure-enhancing effects, such as clay...


A Conventional Look at an Unconventional Reservoir: Coalbed Methane Production Potential in Deep Environments; #80122 (2010)

Robert R. Tonnsen and Jennifer L. Miskimins

Search and

... Langmuir Isotherms and Production Profiles C Stable Dewatering production stage stage B 400 Point A A "saturated" coal begins desorption as soon...


Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resource Plays in Pakistan: An Overview Awakening a South East Asian Sleeping Giant-Technological Solutions to Unlock the Vast Unconventional Reserves of Pakistan; #80216 (2009)

S. Areeba Ayaz, Batool Arhamna Haider, Kiran Ismail, and, Peter Mark Smith

Search and

...-evaluation stage Exploitation = Dewatering stage © 2010 Weatherford. All rights reserved. 45 Favorable Controls for Thar as a CBM Reservoir...


Shallow Water Flows in Gulf of Mexico, Relating High Sedimentation Rates to Proglacial Lake Source and Mass Transport Deposits in Deepwater Sink; #30615 (2019)

Thomas Bjerstedt, Kody Kramer

Search and

... to differential dewatering and compaction thought to be the cause of most flows. In the GOM there are two hot spots where SWFs have occurred; one...


Compressional and Shear Wave Seismic Studies in the Williston Basin of Central Saskatchewan

Bradley J. Carr, Zoltan Hajnal

Williston Basin Symposium

... are known to have experienced differential compaction and dewatering which has resulted in the collapse of overlying strata above the mound...


Mineralogy, Petrology, and Stratigraphy of Wolfcampian Strata in the Getty University 7-21 #1, Winkler County/Texas

Michael R. Yusas

West Texas Geological Society

... of homogenized sediment with numerous dewatering structures, such as dish structures, fluid escape pipes, clastic dikes, flame structures, and load...


Canada … Significant Production and Huge Potential

Halfdan Carstens

GEO ExPro Magazine

... per ton of coal, the gas quality, the permeability of the coal, the cost of completing and dewatering producing wells, and the cost of connecting...


Explanatory Notes Field Trip, Oil Creek Valley

Samuel T. Pees

Petroleum History Institute

... successors had produced oil for nearly one hundred years on that 501 acre farm. Very small amounts could still be produced there today with dewatering...


Prediction of the Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure Using Advanced Data Analytics

Mahshid Firouzi, Suren Rathnayake

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the amount of the recoverable reserves and accelerate the well dewatering by optimising the performance of the down-hole pump. Ideally, in CSG wells...


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