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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 18,306 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Diagenesis and Microscopic Heterogeneity of Lacustrine Deltaic and Turbiditic Sandstone Reservoirs (Lower Cretaceous), Potiguar Basin, Brazil (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., secondary porosity, dolomite, and chlorite as the principal diagenetic elements. Porosity in these rocks is a complex association of reduced primary...
Anomalous Seismic Character of the Bering Sea Shelf*
Roger D. Hammond, John R. Gaither
Alaska Geological Society
.... The reflection is apparently time-transgressive because it crosses stratified section and was interpreted as a migratory diagenetic boundary related...
Memorial: Zuhair F. Al-Shaieb (1940-2004)
Jim Puckette
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... problems in Oklahoma and the Mid-continent region. He and his students devoted years to the development of depositional and diagenetic models...
Diagenetic Control of Reservoir Quality in Arc-Derived Sandstones Implications for Petroleum Exploration
William E. Galloway
Special Publications of SEPM
...Diagenetic Control of Reservoir Quality in Arc-Derived Sandstones Implications for Petroleum Exploration William E. Galloway Copyright © 2012...
Discovery of an Eolianite in the Upper Dalan Member, Khuff Formation, South Pars Field, Iran, #40493 (2010)
Gregory Frébourg, Claude-Alain Hasler, Eric Davaud, Jérémie Gaillot, Aurélien Virgone, Mohammad Kamali,
Search and Discovery.com
...), prior to early total porosity inversion. The combination of the observed sedimentary, pedogenetic and diagenetic features indicates a supratidal...
Abstract: Diagenetic Controls Over Porosity Distribution in Ancient Carbonate-Rock Sequences
Clyde H. Moore, Jr.
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Diagenetic Controls Over Porosity Distribution in Ancient Carbonate-Rock Sequences Clyde H. Moore, Jr. 1978 3 3...
Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Development in Teague Townsite Field Freestone County, Texas
R. Christian Faucette and Wayne M. Ahr
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Development in Teague Townsite Field Freestone County, Texas R. Christian Faucette and Wayne M. Ahr...
Diagenetic Factors Influencing the Pore System of the Handsworth Field, South-East Saskatchewan
Angelle Beriault, D. M. Kent
CSPG Special Publications
...Diagenetic Factors Influencing the Pore System of the Handsworth Field, South-East Saskatchewan Angelle Beriault, D. M. Kent 1996 113 113...
Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Characteristics in the Bakken Formation of SE Saskatchewan, Canada
Hasan S. Ferdous, Robin W. Renaut, Benjamin J. Rostron
CSPG Special Publications
...Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Characteristics in the Bakken Formation of SE Saskatchewan, Canada Hasan S. Ferdous, Robin W. Renaut, Benjamin J...
Travertine Deposition on Silurian Reefs: A Response to a Large-Scale Diagenetic Flow System in the Michigan Basin
R. Frizzell, M. Coniglio
CSPG Special Publications
...Travertine Deposition on Silurian Reefs: A Response to a Large-Scale Diagenetic Flow System in the Michigan Basin R. Frizzell, M. Coniglio 2001 135...
Diagenetic Replacement and Solution of Biogenic Phosphate by Silica: NOTES
Daniel Horowitz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Diagenetic Replacement and Solution of Biogenic Phosphate by Silica: NOTES Daniel Horowitz 1967 Vol. 37 No. 4. (December), Biogenic phosphates...
Evaluation Method of Low Permeability Reservoirs Based on Logging Petrophysical Facies Identification: A Case Study of the Upper Member of Mengyin Formation in Gaoqing Area, Dongying Depression; #42448 (2019)
Ya Wang, Shaochun Yang, Yan Lu
Search and Discovery.com
... rock facies and diagenetic reservoir facies was conducted using drilling, well logging, and thin section analysis. Taking the physical properties...
Donald L. Gautier, Yousif K. Kharaka, Ronald C. Surdam
Special Publications of SEPM
...). In recognition of the continued interest of the geological community in the role played by organic matter in the diagenetic evolution...
Diagenetic Evolution of Seamount Phosphorites
Laura M. Benninger, James R. Hein
Special Publications of SEPM
...Diagenetic Evolution of Seamount Phosphorites Laura M. Benninger, James R. Hein Copyright © 2012, Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) DIAGENETIC...
ABSTRACT: Norphlet Reservoir in Mobile Bay: Origins of Deep Porosity, by Brian E. Lock and Samuel W. Broussard; #91029 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Diagenetic porosity. Intercrystalline pores in dolostone
Search and Discovery.com
Bulk Solution Disequilibrium in Aqueous Fluids as Exemplified by Diagenetic Carbonates
Hans-G. Machel
AAPG Special Volumes
..., unambiguous recognition of the diagenetic environment is not possible using geochemical compositions (e.g., Veizer, 1983; James and Choquette, 1984; Machel...
The Evolution Of CD Carbonate In North Madura Platform, An Effort To Understand Reservoir Complexity Distribution
Aditya Kusuma Wijaya, Erik Yogapurana, Poetri Monalia, Haryono Haryanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... deposition and subsequent modification of the compositional and textural constituents by episodic diagenetic processes. This evolution is believed...
Diagenetic Patterns in the Wettersteinkalk (Ladinian, Middle Trias), Northern Limestone Alps, Bavaria and Tyrol
Klaus Germann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Diagenetic Patterns in the Wettersteinkalk (Ladinian, Middle Trias), Northern Limestone Alps, Bavaria and Tyrol Klaus Germann 1968 Vol. 38 No. 2...
Diagenesis of Sedimentary Rocks
D. N. Miller Jr.
Wyoming Geological Association
... at the University of Colorado for allowing me to use some of his material. The concept of diagenetic change is very old and in terms of geological...
Multiple Applications of Dipmeter Curves for Analyzing Evaporite Formations: Examples from Paleogene of Bresse Trough, France
Alain Curial
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Bresse Trough in southeastern France. The consistency of the 4 to 8 dipmeter curves allows clear recognition of different salt facies (primary salt...
Recognition and Geologic Preservation of Ancient Carbonate Eolianites
David B. Loope, F. E. (Rick) Abegg
Special Publications of SEPM
... to tell Given this subtidal bias and the between eolian and subtidal degree ofsimilar grainstones it is not surprising RECOGNITION CRITERIA that few...
Chapter 5
Mark W. Longman
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------ Present knowledge of deep-burial diagenetic events in carbonates has come mainly from studies of carbonate reservoirs...
The Behavior of Zn2+ and Mn2+ During Carbonate Diagenesis: Theory and Applications
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in zinc or manganese. The more pure water that enters and leaves the diagenetic site, the greater excess loss of calcium occurs, since calcium...
The Philosophy of Conducting a Fluid Inclusion Study
Robert H. Goldstein, T. James Reynolds
Special Publications of SEPM
... (SEPM) Systematics of Fluid Inclusions in Diagenetic Minerals (SC31), 1994 Chapter 5 THE PHILOSOPHY OF CONDUCTING A FLUID INCLUSION STUDY INTRODUCTION...