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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 18,306 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Mechanically Infiltrated Clays: Recognition and Influence in Fluvial Reservoirs of Reconcavo Basin, Brazil, by Marco A. S. Moraes and Luiz F. De Ros; #91022 (1989)
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ABSTRACT: Recognition of Low Resistivity, High Permeability Reservoir Beds in the Travis Peak and Cotton Valley of East Texas, by J. R. Turner; #90941 (1997).
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AAPG Special Volumes
... processes are dealt with wherever they provide a clue to depositional settings. Rarely are diagenetic features absolute criteria for recognition...
Abstract: Chemostratigraphy: A Tool for the Correlation of Barren Sequences, by T. J. Pearce, D. K. Wright, S. Cope, R. T. J. Moody, and I. Jarvis; #90987 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: Laumontization and Its Relationship to Carbonate Cementation and Dissolution Within Santa Fe Springs Oil Field, Los Angeles Basin, California, by Richard L. Coffman; #91038 (2010)
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Interpreting Diagenetic History of Sandstones: ABSTRACT
E. C. Dapples
AAPG Bulletin
...Interpreting Diagenetic History of Sandstones: ABSTRACT E. C. Dapples 1959 1765 1765 43 7. (July) Diagenesis is regarded commonly as effecting only...
Significant Properties of Sandstones--Aids to Exploration and Exploitation: ABSTRACT
W. R. Walton
AAPG Bulletin
... properties of sandstones reveal both depositional and diagenetic history from which continuity, heterogeneity, reservoir potential, and producing...
Abstract: Reconstruction of Dissolved Evaporite Facies, by S. D. Hovorka; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: A Cold Phosphatic Woodford Shale, Michael Aufill
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Abstract: Recognition of Hardgrounds in Terrigenous Stratigraphic Sections: The Moseley Limestone, Middle Eocene, Southeast Texas, by C. A. Thornton and R. J. Stanton, Jr.; #90983 (1994).
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Abstract: Depositional Model, Sequence Stratigraphy, Diagenesis and Geochemistry of the Sefid-Kuh Formation (Late Scythian) in Aghdarband Tectonic Window, NE of Iran; #90255 (2017)
Mohsen Liaghat, Mohammad Hossein Adabi
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... the depositional model, sea level fluctuation, original carbonate mineralogy and diagenetic processes, four stratigraphic sections include kale Faqir...
Abstract: Application of a Novel High Resolution Object Recognition Algorithm for Petrographic Image Analysis of Reservoir Facies from the Rabbit Hills Oil Field, Montana, by M. S. Hendrix and R. Ford; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Application of a Novel High Resolution Object Recognition Algorithm for Petrographic Image Analysis of Reservoir Facies from the Rabbit Hills Oil Field, Montana, by M. S. Hendrix and R. Ford; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: The Opal-CT/Ouartz Diagenetic Boundary Within the Monterey Formation of the California Offshore Santa Maria Basin: An Untapped Exploration Target, by D. Mayerson and J. Crouch; #90981 (1994).
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Abstract: Carbonate Platform Architecture: A Record of Dynamic Processes in Facies and Diagenesis, by Gregor P. Eberli; #90948 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: Core Description Reveals Patterns of Reservoir Compartmentalization in the Leonardian/Guadalupian (Permian) San Andres Formation, Vacuum Field, Lea County, New Mexico, by Stoudt, Emily L.; #90026 (2004)
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Porosity in Sandstones: Classification, Recognition, and Significance
G. Shanmugam
West Texas Geological Society
... is critical in recognizing secondary porosity. Schmidt and McDonald’s (1979b) petrographic criteria for recognition of secondary porosity include: (1...
Forward Stratigraphic Modeling Value Added Workflows and Its Potential Use for Eastern Mediterranean Basin Plays
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Abstract: Depositional Models, Intrabasin Tectonics, and Sea Level Changes in Petroleum Exploration
Robert J. Weimer
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... are commonly observed and they sometimes mask the recognition of exact time of sporadic fault movement. The most common petroleum reservoirs...
Abstract: Recognition of Hardgrounds in Terrigenous Stratigraphic Sections: The Moseley Limestone (Middle Eocene, Southeast Texas)
C. A. Thornton, R. J. Stanton, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Recognition of Hardgrounds in Terrigenous Stratigraphic Sections: The Moseley Limestone (Middle Eocene, Southeast Texas) C. A. Thornton, R...
Abstract: Significance of the Pelecypod Shell Beds in the Guasare Formation, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, by E. Hernandez, A. Oldershaw, and F. Krause; #90951 (1996).
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Depositional Models, Intrabasin Tectonics, and Sea Level Changes in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer
AAPG Bulletin
... are commonly observed, and they sometimes mask the recognition of exact time of sporadic fault movement. The most common petroleum reservoirs are deposited...
Recognition and Correlation of Morrowan-Age Wash Reservoirs in Roger Mills and Beckham Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
David M. Sturm, Keith L. Talley, Alan R. Carroll
AAPG Bulletin
...Recognition and Correlation of Morrowan-Age Wash Reservoirs in Roger Mills and Beckham Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT David M. Sturm, Keith L. Talley...