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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 18,306 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Dolomitization and Limestone Diagenesis - An Introduction

Raymond C. Murray, Lloyd C. Pray

Special Publications of SEPM

... of each and the validity of thc pres ent criteria for recognition of the processes in volved Several of the symposium papers partic ularly those...


“Frozen-In” Hydrocarbon Accumulations or Diagenetic Traps–Exploration Targets

H. Hugh Wilson

Abilene Geological Society

... the updip trapping agent is a contemporaneous facies change of reservoir rock to nonreservoir rock. Exploration for Diagenetic Traps-Geologic Criteria...


Subaerial Leaching in the Limestones of the Bowan Park Group (Ordovician) of Central Western New South Wales

Vic Semeniuk

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... recognition as an early diagenetic feature may be of use in predicting the reservoir potential of a carbonate unit (Choquette and Pray, 1970...


The Role of Diffusion During Carbonate Diagenesis

Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the diagenetic site and the aquifer solution. If the pores at (reaction zone) and in the immediate neighborhood of the diagenetic site are of insufficient...


Diagenesis and Porosity in the Eastern View Group, Bass Basin

G. F. J. Meszoly, J. M. Bodard, V. J. Wall

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... and compaction are deleterious to porosity. However, impetus for examining diagenetic trends in a sedimentary pile lies in the recognition of porosity...


Underexplored Opportunities in the Arabian Plate: Application of Global Analogues, #30491 (2017).

Joanna Garland, Andrew Horbury

Search and

...) but have not so far yielded subsurface production. The final category of play concept is a diagenetic trap. Principally this consists of looking...


Enhanced Carbonate Petrography Using Fluorescence Microscopy

Jeffrey J. Dravis, Donald A. Yurewicz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... microscopy can recognize depositional facies and delineate diagenetic fabrics and porosity relationships in certain highly dolomitized or recrystallized...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Distribution of Diagenetic Overprints and Reservoir Quality in Woodbine Sandstones, Double A Wells Field, Polk County, Texas

Barrett, Mary L., Bresch, Chris, and Kitchingham, Trevor

GCAGS Transactions

... are often less than one millidarcy. Burley, S. D, and J. D. Kantorowicz, 1986, Thin section and S.E.M. textural criteria for the recognition...


Diagenetic Traps in Sandstones

Douglas J. Cant

AAPG Bulletin

...Diagenetic Traps in Sandstones Douglas J. Cant 1986 155 160 70 2. (February) Diagenesis may be an important agent in trapping hydrocarbons...


Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Bodcaw Sand, Cotton Valley Group (Upper Jurassic), Longwood Field, Caddo Parish, Louisiana

Billy Joe Russell, Jr. , Austin A. Sartin , Ernest B. Ledger

GCAGS Transactions

...Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Bodcaw Sand, Cotton Valley Group (Upper Jurassic), Longwood Field, Caddo Parish, Louisiana Billy Joe...


Introduction to Memoir 31: Sandstone Depositional Environments

AAPG Special Volumes

... of these criteria are stressed in the various chapters of this book. We would like to emphasize again that the recognition of depositional...


Abstract: Diagenesis and Depositional Environment of the F6 Reef Complex, Central Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak

Md. Nazri Ramli

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... internaZ architecture with weZZ defined Zitho-stratigraphic zonation. AZthough the diagenetic overprint is vepY marked with virtuaZZy aZZ porosities...


"Reservoir Characterization of Low Permeability, Gas Productive Sandstones: Upper Mannville, Countess-Makepeace Area, Southern Alberta [Abstract]"

Stevens, L.M., Steffes, D.

CSPG Bulletin

... by combining depositional-diagenetic environment interpretation, facies interpretation, mineralogy and pore system evaluation with recognition of reservoir...


Prospect to Pipeline; 48th Annual Field Conference Guidebook

Timothy J. McCutcheon, Janice A. McCutcheon

Wyoming Geological Association

... and Their Regional Significance      Harold A. Boyd 3 The Shannon Sandstone, Salt Creek Area, Wyoming     Roderick W. Tillman 29 Recognition of a Distal...


Abstract: Uranium and radioactive elements in the Horton Group: possible connection to palaeosaprolites developed under the Carboniferous unconformity in the Maritimes Basin of eastern Canada

R. J. Ryan, A. M. O’Beirne-Ryan

Atlantic Geology

... to the deposits of Texas and the western United States. However, the recognition of deeply weathered granitoids below the unconformity of the Horton Group...


Facies Patterns and Oil Accumulation in Pennsylvanian of Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

E. C. Dapples, L. L. Sloss

AAPG Bulletin

..., stratigraphic units. The writers have been able to extend a correlation network based on recognition of cyclical units which can be grouped into major...


Lacustrine Criteria: ABSTRACT

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

.... The recognition of lacustrine rocks requires a variety of techniques. Inasmuch as unique criteria generally are lacking, the geologist must infer...


Keys to Recognition of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks: ABSTRACT

Donald G. Harris, J. O. Szabo, F. B. Williams

AAPG Bulletin

...Keys to Recognition of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks: ABSTRACT Donald G. Harris, J. O. Szabo, F. B. Williams 1973 782 783 57 4. (April) A 4-step...


Origin of Ca, Fe, and Mg Carbonates in Oil Shales of Eocene Green River Formation in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah: ABSTRACT

George A. Desborough, Janet K. Pitman

AAPG Bulletin

... with excess Ca, siderite, magnesiosiderite with low Ca, and aragonite. Recognition of the ubiquitous presence of Mg-calcite in these rocks seems important...


Facies Recognition from Well Logs to Predict Permeability of Eocene Deltaic Sandstones, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: ABSTRACT

Susan H. Ritchie

AAPG Bulletin

...Facies Recognition from Well Logs to Predict Permeability of Eocene Deltaic Sandstones, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: ABSTRACT Susan H. Ritchie 1979 516...


Rhythms in Deep-Marine Turbiditic Shales and Fine-Grained Debris Flow: ABSTRACT

Ganapathy Shanmugam

AAPG Bulletin

...-grained sediments have not been studied previously because of their complex depositional cycles and diagenetic changes. Examination of nearly 9,000 layers...


Facies Control of Carbonate Reservoir Properties: ABSTRACT

Jeff P. Reid, Norman C. Wardlaw

AAPG Bulletin

... the depositional and diagenetic facies within a carbonate reservoir may affect the success of a secondary-recovery project in terms of the residual oil saturation...


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