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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 18,306 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Sequence-Stratigraphic Analysis of Correlative Outcropping and Subsurface Chase Group Strata, by C. A. Burtnett; #90940 (1997).
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Abstract: Future Petroleum Potential of Front Range Areas, Colorado, by D. R. Hembre; #90946 (1997).
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Carbonate-Cement Stratigraphy of Burlington Limestone (Osagean) of Iowa: Evidence for Eh Gradients in a Regional Mississippian Paleogroundwater System: ABSTRACT
David C. Harris, William J. Meyers
AAPG Bulletin
... a single luminescent zone, which formed under continuously reducing conditions. The recognition of Eh gradients that were effective during carbonate...
ABSTRACT: Evaluating Controls on Sandstone Diagenesis: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Carboniferous Strata in the Appalachian Basin; #90013 (2003)
Jason S. Reed, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Michal Kowalewski
Search and Discovery.com
... of diagenetic alterations in the burial environment. Despite the widespread recognition of lithic grains as an important source of silica for quartz cementation...
ABSTRACT: Characterizing Secondary Seals for Geologic Storage of CO2 in the Weyburn Field of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada; #90013 (2003)
Per Kent Pedersen, Steve Whittaker, Jim E. Christopher, Melinda Yurkowski
Search and Discovery.com
... is contained within the reservoir primarily by sedimentary anhydrite layers and diagenetic anhydrite cements. In the Weyburn Field the Mississippian...
ABSTRACT Lacustrine Carbonates, #90104 (2010)
Gierlowski-Kordesch Elizabeth H.
Search and Discovery.com
... and stratification. The use of stable isotopes of oxygen, carbon, and strontium as well as the recognition of diagenetic alternation in lacustrine...
Diagenetic Stabilization of Aragonite and Low-Mg Calcite, II. Stable Isotopes in Rudists
Ihsan S. Al-Aasm, Jan Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... with the previously discussed trace element and petrographic criteria (Al-Aasm and Veizer 1986), of isotopic shifts during diagenetic stabilizations...
ABSTRACT: Petrography, Petrophysics, and Stratigraphy in the Basin Analysis Laboratory at Ball State University: Application to the Oil and Gas
Jeffry D. Grigsby
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... accurate reservoir calculations) it is important to recognize this diagenetic complexity through electric log response. One of the main logs used during...
Carbonate Petrography--Update on New Techniques and Applications: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Jeffrey J. Dravis
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... applications of blue-light fluorescence microscopy. These applications included recognition of depositional and diagenetic fabrics in massively...
Phreatic vs. Vadose Diagenesis: Stratigraphy and Mineralogy of a Cored Borehole on Barbados, W. I.
Randolph P. Steinen , R. K. Matthews
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... This paper presents data to suggest meteoric water diagenesis may occur more rapidly in the phreatic diagenetic environment. Continuous drill core...
ABSTRACT: Newtonia Field: Model for Mid-Dip Lower Tuscaloosa Retrograde Deltaic Sedimentation, by Michael D. Hogg; #91036 (2010)
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The Role of Bioturbation in Low Permeability Gas Charged Reservoirs
S. George Pemberton
Search and Discovery.com
... textural heterogeneities; 4) Diagenetic textural heterogeneities; and 5) Cryptic bioturbation. Each of these flow-media types is further examined for its...
The Role of Bioturbation in Low Permeability Gas Charged Reservoirs
S. George Pemberton
Search and Discovery.com
... textural heterogeneities; 4) Diagenetic textural heterogeneities; and 5) Cryptic bioturbation. Each of these flow-media types is further examined for its...
Bituminous-Sandstone Diagenetic Sequence of Silurian Age in the Majiang Paleopool, Guizhou Province, China
Liu Shuhui, Hu Weiyuan, Qui Yunxin, Chen Yanbin
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... the recognition of yet another phase of the entire diagenetic sequence. This method is called "the significant event 623 LIU, HU, QIU, CHEN method...
Abstract: Environmental and Diagenetic Controls of Carbonate and Evaporite Source Rocks
Morad Malek-Aslani
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Environmental and Diagenetic Controls of Carbonate and Evaporite Source Rocks Morad Malek-Aslani 1980 2 2...
Red River Problems: stratigraphic, depositional and diagenetic
Alan C. Kendall
CSPG Special Publications
...Red River Problems: stratigraphic, depositional and diagenetic Alan C. Kendall 1997 151 151...
Abstract: Fluorine-rich ferroan calcite and diagenetic zircon in the Newburn H-23 well, Scotian Basin, Canada: indicators of unusual diagenetic processes*
Christopher R. Sangster, Georgia Pe-Piper, Yuanyuan Zhang
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Fluorine-rich ferroan calcite and diagenetic zircon in the Newburn H-23 well, Scotian Basin, Canada: indicators of unusual diagenetic...
Diagenesis of Cotton Valley Sandstone (Upper Jurassic), East Texas: Implications for Tight Gas Formation Pay Recognition
William A. Wescott
AAPG Bulletin
... dissolution of detrital grains or their replacement minerals, and by the dissolution of authigenic cements. Criteria for the recognition of secondary porosity...
Diagenesis and Depositional Heterogeneities: Reviewing a Complex Issue in Reservoir Modeling of Mature and Marginal Assets; #50381 (2011)
Jose Daudt
Search and Discovery.com
... the diagenetic impact on reservoir quality is one of the challenges these days. Depositional and/or stratigraphic architecture defines the main...
Diagenesis of Cotton Valley Sandstone (Upper Jurassic), East Texas: Implications for Tight Gas Formation Pay Recognition: DISCUSSION
James L. Coleman, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Diagenesis of Cotton Valley Sandstone (Upper Jurassic), East Texas: Implications for Tight Gas Formation Pay Recognition: DISCUSSION James L. Coleman...
Freshwater Phreatic Diagenesis in the Marine Realm of Recent Arabian Gulf Carbonates
Henry S. Chafetz, Allene G. McIntosh, Patrick F. Rush
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Arabia, reveal complex depositional and diagenetic patterns. The constituents composing the sediments and rocks are similar to those being deposited...
Chemical Diagenesis of a Multicomponent Carbonate System--1: Trace Elements
Uwe Brand , Jan Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... considerations (i.e., partition coefficients, water/rock ratio, chemistry of interstitial meteoric water) of elemental behaviour during diagenetic...
Carbonate Geology
William J. Meyers
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and diagenetic studies, and ranged in scale from regional to local in a variety of shelf-interior and shelf-margin settings. Important features of the symposium...
Syngenetic Formation of Grainstones and Pisolites from Fenestral Carbonates in Peritidal Settings
S. J. Mazzullo, Barbara A. Birdwell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Formation. This comparison provides an analog for the recognition of diagenetic grainstones in other ancient peritidal carbonate sequences. EXPERIMENTAL...
A New Method for Recognizing Subsurface Hydrocarbon Seepage and Migration Using Altered Foraminifera from a Gas Chimney in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
David H. McNeil, James R. Dietrich, Dale R. Issler, Stephen E. Grasby, James Dixon, Lavern D. Stasiuk
AAPG Special Volumes
... diagenetic zones (HRDZs) in the Vulcan sub-basin, Timor Sea: Recognition and exploration implications: Australian Petroleum Exploration Association...