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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 18,306 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphic Signatures in a Complex Shelf Sand System: Implications For Reservoir Modeling, by J. Howell and S. Flint; #90990 (1993).
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From High Resolution Stratigraphy to Sequence Stratigraphy the Case of the Cretaceous Carbonate Platform of Southern Italy, by B. D'Argenio, V. Ferreri, A. Raspini, F. Ardillo, and F. P. Buonocunto; #90986 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization in Bao and Ma Oil Fields, Kailu Basin, by Feng Shen, Jinliang Zing, Zhiyun Lai; #91020 (1995).
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Structural Interpretation of Buried Silurian Reefs in Southwestern Indiana: ABSTRACT
John B. Droste, Robert H. Shaver
AAPG Bulletin
... compaction between reef and contemporaneously deposited interreef rocks was the most important diagenetic process. Differential compaction in rocks far...
ABSTRACT: Compaction and the Dynamics of Carbonate Platform Development: Insights from the Permian Basin, by D. Hunt and W. M. Fitchen; #91021 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Limestone Microfacies and Sequence Stratigraphy: Eagle Ford Group, North-Central Texas Outcrops, by W. C. Dawson; #90941 (1997).
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Evaluation of Ancient Aragonite Cements and Their Temporal Distribution: ABSTRACT
Philip A. Sandberg
AAPG Bulletin
..., and they cannot have originated by replacement of aragonite by proximal to distal migration of a thin film diagenetic front. Geometric considerations also...
Perspectives on World-Class Carbonate Petroleum Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
P. O. Roehl, P. W. Choquette
AAPG Bulletin
...). The objective was to focus on the detailed depositional and diagenetic history of a significant number of carbonate reservoirs, and secondarily...
Carbonate porosity creation by mesogenetic dissolution: Reality or illusion?: Discussion
Simon J. Beavington-Penney
AAPG Bulletin
... in carbonate reservoirs: AAPG Bulletin, v. 76, p. 607620. In their recent discussion of the recognition of late burial dissolution of carbonates...
Abstract: Testing New Organic Geochemical Evidence for Sea Surface Temperature Changes at the Onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, by Courtney Turich; #90033 (2004)
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Abstract: Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in Eastern Canada—a Promising Newly Recognized Play in Paleozoic Carbonates, by Denis Lavoie; #90039 (2005)
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Abstract: Wave- and River Influenced Deltaic Clinoforms of the Chimney Rock Sandstone, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah, by Skinner, Jay P. and Piret Plink-Bjorklund; #90071 (2007)
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Abstract: Detailed Comparison of Wave- and River Influenced Clinoforms of the Chimney Rock Sandstone, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah, by Jay P. Skinner and Piret Plink-Björklund; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: The Role of Bioturbation in Low Permeability Gas-Charged Reservoirs, by George Pemberton, Murray K. Gingras, and James A. MacEachern; #90082 (2008)
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Abstract: Impact of Microbial Diagenesis from Deep-Water Carbonate Mound Formation in the Gulf of Cadiz, by Judith A. McKenzie, Stefanie P. Templer, Crisogono Vasconcelos, and Vitor Magalhães; #90082 (2008)
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Abstract: 3-D Seismic Expression of Karst Using 3-D Synthetic Seismic Model of Modern Analogs, by X. Janson and S. Fomel; #90090 (2009).
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Advancements in the Integrated Stratigraphic and Structural Model of the Guadalupian Mixed Clastic-Carbonate Model, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico
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Shale Lithofacies Classification and Modeling: Case Studies From the Bakken and Marcellus Formations, North America
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Visual Rock Characterization can Benefit Reservoir Analysis
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The Importance of Detrital Dolomite in Upper Devonian Carbonates: Examples from the Dyer Formation (Northwest Colorado) and Bakken/Three Forks Petroleum System (Williston Basin)
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Abstract: Time-dependent Flow Partitioning in Weakly Deformed, Giant Carbonate Reservoirs
Susan M. Agar, Ravi Shekhar, Michael Tsenn, Paul Benkendorfer
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... by the combined impacts of primary and diagenetic textures and deformation overprints. These processes create and destroy permeability, influencing time...
Predictive Modeling and Timing of Porosity-Preserving Events in Maastrichtian-Danian Chalk Reservoirs of the North Sea, by Peter A. Scholle, Henrik Tirsgaard, and Lene Clausen; #90052 (2006)
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Multiple Provenances on Predicting Reservoir Quality; #10520 (2013)
Saju Menacherry, Tobias Payenberg, Simon Lang, and William Heins
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... the diagenetic processes of compaction and cementation. The ability to quantifiably predict such diagenetic processes (controlled by lithology, pressure...
Influence of Depositional Fabric
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