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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,867 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Spirit River Formation - Deep Basin Gas Reservoir

Douglas Cant

CSPG Special Publications

...The Spirit River Formation - Deep Basin Gas Reservoir Douglas Cant 1983 3 10 Cant, D.J., in press, The Spirit River Formation: a stratigraphic...


What Drives the Link? Salt, Oil, Gas and Metals, #70219 (2016).

John K. Warren,

Search and

... diagenetically active, separates it from other trap styles in a petroleum system. It means that a salt unit, by its comings and goings, plays ongoing...


Pleistocene Shoreline Deposition and Sea-level History at Swartklip, South Africa

John H. Barwis, Anthony J. Tankard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in a coastal foredune complex near the start of the Wurm (Wisconsinan) glacial climate when atmospheric circulation was more intense. Modern pedotubule...


Understanding the Influence of Precambrian Crystalline Basement on Upper Devonian Carbonates in Central Alberta from a Geophysical Perspective

Darran J. Edwards,, R. James Brown

CSPG Bulletin

... a preferred NNE arrangement of linear reef chains, isolated reefs or reef complexes and an extensive shelf complex. Using seismic, potential-field...


Failure modes of shales and their implications for natural and man-made fracture assemblages

Atilla Aydin

AAPG Bulletin

... of the most common rock types, with a rich and complex variety of failure structures in the Earth’s continental crust. In this paper, a synopsis...


Characterizing the Lithology, Petrophysical Properties, and Depositional Setting of the Belridge Diatomite, South Belridge Field, Kern County, California

D. E. Schwartz

Pacific Section SEPM

... for determining production characteristics and predicting reservoir character in marine basins with similar sedimentary patterns. Sedimentary cycles...


Sequence Stratigraphy in Fine-Grained Rocks: Examples from the Monterey Formation. Frontmatter and Road Logs

Jon R. Schwalbach, Kevin M. Bohacs

Pacific Section SEPM

... goal in this volume is not to rehash much of this excellent work, but to present new ideas and techniques for the stratigraphic evaluation...


An Automated and Universal Approach for Characterising Cored Formation Intervals: Gaining More Insight from Comparing Zonation Results … According to Geological Facie, Rock Type and Hydraulic Units

Peter Behrenbruch, Trevor Doan, Phil Dohuu, Hussam Goda, Spencer Quam

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... for dynamic reservoir simulation. This paper demon­ strates a fully automated and comparative analysis approach to define formation characteristics: based...


Sodium in Carbonate Sediments and Rocks: A Possible Index to the Salinity of Diagenetic Solutions

Lynton S. Land, Guenther K. Hoops

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... ratios of diagenetically altered limestones in the Bermuda Islands: Jour. Geol., v. 72, p. 170-194. KINSMAN, D. J. J., 1969, Interpretation of Sr...


Aeromagnetic Detection of Diagenetic Magnetite over Oil Fields: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Terrence J. Donovan , Randal L. Forgey , Alan A. Roberts

AAPG Bulletin

... suggest that the slow but long-continued leakage from a petroleum or natural gas reservoir of hydrocarbons and/or associated compounds causes...


Parameters Influencing Porosity in Sandstones: A Model for Sandstone Porosity Prediction: REPLY

M. Scherer

AAPG Bulletin

.... 68, p. 753-764. Nagtegaal, P. J. C., 1980, Diagenetic models for predicting clastic reservoir quality: Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones...


ABSTRACT: Gas storage in the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Woodford Shale, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma„How Much of a Role Do the Cherts Play?; #90122 (2011)

Neil S. Fishman, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Stanley T. Paxton, Marvin M. Abbott, and Adam R. Boehlke

Search and

... in the cherts formed diagenetically from recrystallization of radiolarian skeletal parts; the uncollapsed nature of some originally fragile and delicate...


Controls on Porosity Development and the Potential for CO2 Sequestration or Waste Water Disposal in the Cambrian Potosi Dolomite (Knox Group): Illinois Basin, #50731 (2012)

Jared T. Freiburg, Hannes E. Leetaru

Search and

... Dolomite throughout the Illinois Basin. The Potosi Dolomite may be a reliable and excellent reservoir for CO2 sequestration and/or wastewater disposal...


Episodic Fluid Flow and Dolomitization By Methane-Bearing Pore Water of Marine Parentage In An Accretionary Prism Setting, Barbados, West Indies

Hans G. Machel, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Patricia N. Kambesis, Joan R. Mylroie, John E. Mylroie, Michael J. Lace

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., and Sumrall, J., 2012, Pleistocene–Holocene Karstification of Barbados and its implications for the Devonian Grosmont reservoir: CSPG Vision 2012, http...


Genesis and Environment of Deposition of the Meagher Formation in Southwestern Montana

Lawrence R. Lebauer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., organically controlled, and diagenetically controlled. Mottling, with the exception of the depositionally controlled type, is associated...


Petroleum Geology of Cook Inlet Basin -- An Exploration Model

Leslie B. Magoon , George E. Claypool

AAPG Bulletin

..., and 2,112.3 m, respectively. Sandstone of potential reservoir quality is present in the Cretaceous and lower Tertiary rocks. All siltstones and shales...


Authigenic Clays Diagenetic Sequences and Conceptual Diagenetic Models in Contrasting Basin-Margin and Basin-Center North Sea Jurassic Sandstones and Mudstones

Stuart D. Burley, Joe H. S. Macquaker

Special Publications of SEPM

... but of these generally are minerals indicate clay commonly by vermiform large variations in dominated their chemistries Each Jurassic reservoir...


Diagenesis and High Fluid Pressures in the Frio and Vicksburg Shales, Brooks County, Texas

Winston F. Bott, Jr. , Thomas T. Tieh

GCAGS Transactions

... in reservoir sandstones, as well as in the primary migration of hydrocarbons. Alternatively, some of the diagenetically produced fluid may be trapped...


Diffusion of Light Hydrocarbons in Subsurface Sedimentary Rocks

D. Leythaeuser, R. G. Schaefer, H. Pooch

AAPG Bulletin

.... These observations are significant with respect to an evaluation of the role of diffusion processes for hydrocarbon migration. Berner, R. A., 1980...


Factors Controlling Permeability Variation in Sandstones of the Garn Formation in Trestakk Field, Norwegian Continental Shelf

S.N. Ehrenberg , T. Boassen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... BJORLYKKE, K., AAGAARD, P., DYPVIK, H., HASTINGS, D.S., AND HARPER, A.S., 1986, Diagenesis and reservoir properties of Jurassic sandstones from...


Overview: Late Paleozoic Geologic History of the Northern Denver Basin

Timothy R. Garfield, Alan J. Scott, Ann L. Walker

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Arch which effectively subdivided the area. Northwest of the arch restricted marine conditions prevailed. Reservoir facies in this area are primarily...


Stable-Isotope and Elemental Trends in Pleistocene Sabkha Dolomites: Descending Meteoric Water vs. Sulfate Reduction

Henry S. Chafetz, Alicia A. Imerito-Tetzlaff, Jilin Zhang

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Sugarloaf Key, Florida: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 57, p. 153-165. CHAFETZ, H.S., AND RUSH, P.F., 1994, Diagenetically altered sabkha-type...


Using Cathodoluminescence to Map Regionally Zoned Carbonate Cements Occurring in Diagenetic Aureoles Above Oil Reservoirs: Initial Results from the Velma Oil Field, Oklahoma

Charles E. Barker, Debra K. Higley, Mary C. Dalziel

Special Publications of SEPM

... subsurface faults which cut the of reservoir (Ferguson, Dotsshow localitieswhere CL intensity reservoir(Ferguson, 1975). Dots show localitieswhereCL...


Seal failure assessment of a major gas field via integration of seal properties and leakage phenomena

M. Foschi, and J. A. Cartwright

AAPG Bulletin

... that hosts a complex plumbing system connecting the top of the reservoir to the seabed (Figure 9B). The subvertical components of the plumbing...


Development of Incisions on a Periodically Emergent Carbonate Platform (Natih Formation, Late Cretaceous, Oman)

Carine Grelaud, Philippe Razin, Peter W. Homewood, Anne M. Schwab

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-Habsi, A.H., and Partington, M., 2002, A new look at an old play: an integrated evaluation approach targeting Natih stratigraphic opportunities...


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