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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,867 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Evaluation of Paleozoic source rocks in Kuwait

Fowzia Abdullah, Fouad Shaaban, Awatif Al-Khamiss, Fikry Khalaf, Fatma Bahman, and Bibi Akbar

AAPG Bulletin

...Evaluation of Paleozoic source rocks in Kuwait Fowzia Abdullah, Fouad Shaaban, Awatif Al-Khamiss, Fikry Khalaf, Fatma Bahman, and Bibi Akbar 2021 721...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Pleistocene and Holocene Carbonate Eolianites, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, U.S.A.

Charles T. Blay, Mark W. Longman

Special Publications of SEPM

... An ABSTRAcr extensive 701 Harlan complex of E 69 Lakewood Colorado 80214 U S A e mail mw1ongmanJ@aoJ com Pleistocene and Holocene carbonate...


Chapter 123: Mixed Braided and Leveed-channel Turbidites, West Crocker Fan System, Northwest Borneo

Paul D. Crevello, Howard D. Johnson, Felix Tongkul, Martin R. Wells

AAPG Special Volumes

... because of its diagenetically poor reservoir-quality sandstones and lack of hydrocarbons. However, the West Crocker outcrops offer superb exposures...


Integrated high-resolution chemostratigraphy and facies-based stratigraphic architecture of the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian), Shu’aiba Formation, Saudi Arabia

Nasser Al-Ghamdi and Michael Pope

AAPG Bulletin

... significantly constrain the stratigraphic framework and will lead to better geologic and simulation models for reservoir characterization and development...


Lithofacies and Depositional Environments of the Monterey Formation, California

Kenneth A. Pisciotto, Robert E. Garrison

Pacific Section SEPM

... margin of South America, and southern California continental borderland. Fine-grained Monterey rocks are both source and, where fractured, reservoir...


Diagenesis of Plio-Pleistocene Nonmarine Sandstones, Cagayan Basin, Philippines: Early Development of Secondary Porosity in Volcanic Sandstones: Part 2. Aspects of Porosity Modification

Mark E. Mathisen

AAPG Special Volumes

... of older volcaniclastic sediments. Secondary porosity increases the reservoir quality of volcaniclastics prior to more extensive compaction and cementation...


Tectonic Evolution of the Golconda Allochthon, Nevada: Problems and Perspectives

Walter S. Snyder, Hannes K. Brueckner

Pacific Section SEPM

... (lithotectonic units) have undergone complex, polyphase deformation involving at least four structural phases. The event resulting in emplacement...


Describing Difficult Shell-Hash Assemblages from the Lower Cambrian Soltanieh Formation, Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran

Amelia Lindsay-Kaufman, Stephanie A. Rosbach, Lauren S. Wright, Emily L.V. Edwards, Seyed Hamid Vaziri, Mahmoud Reza Majidifard, Tara Selly, Marc Laflamme, James D. Schiffbauer


... and separate, diagenetically later infillings of void space with either phosphatic or calcium carbonate cements. In parallel with the taphonomic study...


Remote Sensing of Geomorphology and Facies Patterns on a Modern Carbonate Ramp (Arabian Gulf, Dubai, U.A.E.)

Samuel J. Purkis, Bernhard M. Riegl, Serge Andrefouet

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of boundary- and patch-based metrics, and the spatial distribution of early diagenetically cemented hardgrounds and unconsolidated carbonate sand were...


Fluid evolution in fracturing black shales, Appalachian Basin

John N. Hooker, Joe Cartwright, Ben Stephenson, Calvin R. P. Silver, Alexander J. Dickson, and Yu-Te Hsieh

AAPG Bulletin

... extension fracturing: Journal of Geodynamics, v. 27, p. 45–60, doi:10.1016/S0264-3707(97)00029-X. Cartwright, J., 2011, Diagenetically induced shear failure...


Preservation of trace fossils and molds of terrestrial biota by intense storms in mid-last interglacial (MIS 5c) dunes on Bermuda, with a model for development of hydrological conduits

Paul J. Hearty, Storrs L. Olson


... marine (+2.5 m) of Rocky Bay Formation) [marine, eolianite, ‘‘palmetto stumps’’ in upper levels] Red geosol (?) [complex paleosol] Harvey Rd Q...


Origin of Steranes and Triterpanes: Chapter 2

Douglas W. Waples, Tsutomu Machihara

AAPG Special Volumes

... in varying concentrations in many organisms. During diagenesis some of these precursor molecules are converted, through a complex series of chemical...


Ordovician and Silurian Stratigraphy and Sedimentation in Southern Manitoba, Canada

John M. Andrichuk

AAPG Bulletin

.... STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS The Winnipeg rests unconformably on the Precambrian basement complex that is composed of granites, granodiorites...


Isotopic and Petrographic Evidence for Carbonate Diagenesis in Nonmarine Sandstones, Green River Basin, Wyoming

Warren W. Dickinson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Geol., p. 469-490. LAW, B. E., SPENCER, C. W., AND BOSTICK, N. H., 1980, Evaluation of organic matter, subsurface temperature, and pressure...


Asphalts, Oils, and Bituminous Rocks from the Dead Sea Area--A Geochemical Correlation Study

B. Spiro, D. H. Welte, J. Rullkotter, R. G. Schaefer

AAPG Bulletin

... boiling point hydrocarbons. This could be due to a thermal event or to opening of the reservoir (weathering). The distinct loss of C6 to C12 n-alkanes...


Beach Environment: Chapter 5: PART 1

Richard F. Inden, Clyde H. Moore

AAPG Special Volumes

... is dispersed into the backshore backstone zone via storm surge channels (arrow). Large washover in foreground is now stable and has a complex of subenvironments...


Sedimentological, Petrophysical, and Seismic Characterization of an Upper Jurassic Shoreface-Dominated Shelf Margin (the Boulonnais, Northern France)

H. Braaksma, J.N. Proust, J.A.M. Kenter, G.G. Drijkoningen, N. Filippidou

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... cementation, which exerts primary control on reservoir and acoustic properties. Stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts are quantified for physical...


Multi-episodic recrystallization and isotopic resetting of early-diagenetic dolomites in near-surface settings

Brooks H. Ryan, Stephen E. Kaczmarek, John M. Rivers

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of carbonates can be extremely complex, resulting in multiple stages of mineral replacement and isotopic exchange in meteoric and shallow marine fluids...


Pelagic and Hemipelagic Sedimentation in Active Margin Basins

Robert E. Garrison

Pacific Section SEPM

... of the photic zone. Sediments dominated by one or the other of these two groups are products of complex patterns of fertility and preservation. Diatomaceous...


Chapter 21 - Diagenesis: Deformation Features

Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, Peter A. Scholle, Juergen Schieber, Robert J. Raine

AAPG Special Volumes

... increase reservoir anisotropy and inhomogeneity and perhaps create fluid-flow barriers and compartmentalization. Fractures can have long and complex...


Distribution, Chemistry, Isotopic Composition and Origin of Diagenetic Carbonates: Magnus Sandstone, North Sea

Calum I. Macaulay, R. Stuart Haszeldine, Anthony E. Fallick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Haszeldine, Anthony E. Fallick 1993 Vol. 63 No. 1. (January), Diagenetic ferroan carbonates grew in the Upper Jurassic reservoir sandstones of the Magnus...


Chapter 19: High-Resolution Stable-Isotope Chemostratigraphy in the Mississippian Limestone of North-Central Oklahoma

Ashley Dupont, G. Michael Grammer

AAPG Special Volumes

... Mississippian system, which yields complex reservoir lithologies and distributions that are laterally discontinuous and difficult to predict...


Relation of Oil Migration to Secondary Clay Cementation, Cretaceous Sandstones, Wyoming

J. E. Webb

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Powder River basin of Montana and Wyoming. Each of these samples is from the productive part of the sandstone reservoir in its respective field...


Sandstone Petrology and Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Northwest California and Southwest Oregon Coast Ranges

K. R. Aalto

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Franciscan Complex into units correlative to the Eastern and Central Franciscan (CE) belts. Eastern belt rocks may be further divided into those...


Pushing the envelope of seismic stratigraphic interpretation: a case-study from the Mannville Group using small 3-D surveys

M. Smaili, B.S. Hart

CSPG Bulletin

... for porosity and pore fluid: lessons from chalk reservoir characterization and exploration. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Expanded Abstracts v. 15...


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