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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,867 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Lithologic and Diagenetic Sequences of the Monterey Formation, Molino Field, Offshore Santa Barbara, California

Nancy W. Hinman, Daniel E. Schwartz

Special Publications of SEPM

... for the analysis of this complex, deep-marine, Miocene deposit. The Molino Field cores utilized in this core workshop provide an opportunity to view...


Vertical anomaly clusters: Evidence for vertical gas migration across multilayered sealing sequences

Martino Foschi, Joseph A. Cartwright, and Frank J. Peel

AAPG Bulletin

..., p. 3254–3261, doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.244.Brown, A., 2000, Evaluation of possible gas microseepage mechanisms: AAPG Bulletin, v. 84, p. 1775...


Seismic geomorphology and high-resolution seismic stratigraphy of inner-shelf fluvial, estuarine, deltaic, and marine sequences, Gulf of Thailand

Hernan M. Reijenstein, Henry W. Posamentier, Janok P. Bhattacharya

AAPG Bulletin

... facies. The sinuous but continuous mud-filled channel may act as a lateral muddy barrier or baffle that can potentially subdivide a reservoir system...


Concluding Remarks

Robert V. Demicco, Lawrence A. Hardie

Special Publications of SEPM

..., Diagenetically enhanced bedding in argillaceous platform limestones: stratified cementation and seIective compaction: Sedimentology, v. 34, p. 749-778...


Early Vadose Silt in Townsend Mound (Reef), New Mexico

Robert J. Dunham

Special Publications of SEPM

... of the mound nor its regional relationships nor its reservoir properties instead it is the origin of a is well of which also shells half filled with mud...


A Source-to-Sink Compositional Model of a Present Highstand: An Example in the Low-Rank Tiber Depositional Sequence (Latium Tyrrhenian Margin, Italy)

Daniel Tentori, Salvatore Milli, Kathleen M. Marsaglia

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., A., and Villa, I.M., 1993, 40Ar/39Ar chronostratigraphy of the initial activity in the Sabatini Volcanic Complex (Italy): Societa Geologica Italiana...


Metallogenesis on Oceanic Plates--East Pacific Rise and Bauer Basin

Gary M. McMurtry

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and the mobilized metals are deposited in two major reservoirs: (1) a subsurface sulfide reservoir with reducing, acidic, high-temperature (~300°C) conditions...


Diagenesis of the Frontier Formation, Moxa Arch: A Function of Sandstone Geometry, Texture and Composition, and Fluid Flux: Part 3. Applications in Exploration and Production

Sharon A. Stonecipher, Robert D. Winn Jr., Michele G. Bishop

AAPG Special Volumes

... parameters: an evaluation: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 38, p. 45-53. Nixon, R. P., 1973, Oil source beds in Cretaceous Mowry Shales of northwestern...


Miette Platform Evolution and Relation to Overlying Bank ("Reef") Localization, Upper Devonian, Alberta

Harry E. Cook

CSPG Bulletin

.... Sed. Petrology, v. 38, p. 1040-1058. Klovan, J. E., 1964, Facies analysis of the Redwater reef complex, Alberta, Canada; Bull. Can. Petroleum Geology...


Revisions of Outcrop Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature in the Lower to Middle Mississippian Subsystem (Kinderhookian to Basal Meramecian Series) Along the Shelf-Edge in Southwest Missouri, Northwest Arkansas, and Northeast Oklahoma

S. J. Mazzullo, Darwin R. Boardman, Brian W. Wilhite, Cory Godwin, Beau T. Morris

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... it is the reservoir of some large oil and gas fields in south-central Kansas and north-central Oklahoma (Wilhite et al., 2010; Mazzullo et al., 2011...


Abstracts: Petroleum History Institute 2022 Oil History Symposium Santa Barbara, California, May 18, 2022

Petroleum History Institute

Petroleum History Institute

...). The response time was within hours, indicating a direct hydraulic connection between the reservoir at one kilometer subsea and the seabed. Using the lag...


Interaction of Reaction, Mass Transport, and Rock Deformation During Diagenesis: Mathematical Modeling of Intergranular Pressure Solution, Stylolites, and Differential Compaction/Cementation

Thomas Dewers, Peter J. Ortoleva

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and Differential Compaction/Cementation Thomas Dewers, Peter J. Ortoleva 1990 147 160 M 49: Prediction of Reservoir Quality through Chemical...


The Abenaki Formation, Nova Scotia Shelf, Canada -- A Depositional and Diagenetic Model for a Mesozoic Carbonate Platform

Leslie S. Eliuk

CSPG Bulletin

..., the uppermost member (Artimon). Achauer, C.W. and Johnson, J. Harlan, 1969, Algal stromatolites in the James Reef Complex (Lower Cretaceous...


The Diagenesis of Shell Middens along the Gulf Coasts of Texas and Florida

Nicole M. Villarreal, Henry Chafetz, John Meredith

GCAGS Journal

... for this study. Settings Four middens at three geographic sites were sampled for this study: Sea Rim State Park, the Pineland Site Complex, and two midden...


Chemical Diagenesis of a Multicomponent Carbonate System -2: Stable Isotopes

Uwe Brand , Jan Veizer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of seawater requires a separate evaluation of the Mississippian and Silurian carbonate components. Examination of the 18O content of the least-altered...


Regional Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Offshore Central California

David S. McCulloch

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Ridge landslide complex near Stevens Creek Reservoir, Santa Clara County, California, in R. Streitz, and R. Sherburne, eds., Studies of the San Andreas...


Chronostratigraphy and Tectonic Significance of Lower Cretaceous Conglomerates in the Foreland of Central Wyoming

Michael T. May, Lloyd C. Furer, Erik P. Kvale, Lee J. Sutfner, Gary D. Johnson, James H. Meyers

Special Publications of SEPM

... 38N 86W (19-38N-86W) SP SP Hog E-Iog B B' Aleova Reservoir Alcova Reservoir 30N 83W (30N-83W) Cenomanian Cenomanian Albian Albian I Mowry Fm...


Vadose Diagenetic Dissolution Textures, Cementation Patterns, and Aragonite and Mg-Calcite Alteration in the Holocene Isla Cancún Eolianite Aragonitic Ooids: Modern Analog for Ancient Ooid-Grainstone Pore Networks

Robert G. Loucks, Kim Patty

GCAGS Journal

... the Cancún Eolianite can be applied to understanding how ancient ooid-reservoir pore networks formed and evolved. Ooid grainstones in the ancient...


Sem Petrography of Eastern Mediterranean Sapropels: Analogue Data For Assessing Organic Matter In Oil and Gas Shales

Kitty L. Milliken, Lucy T. Ko, Maxwell Pommer, Kathleen M. Marsaglia

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in unconventional reservoir rocks has drawn attention to the appearance of sedimentary organic matter (OM) as seen in high-resolution SEM images. Field-emission SEM...


Characteristics Of Polycrystalline Quartz/Chert In The Stanley Shale (Mississippian) During Diagenesis/Low-Grade Metamorphism, Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas1

Jeannine A. Perrot

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... and metashales from the Franciscan subduction complex with the Basal Great Valley sequence, California: Jour. Geol., v. 91, p. 291-306. CONOLLY, J.R., 1965...


Diagenesis of the Devonian Southesk-Cairn Carbonate Complex, Alberta, Canada: Marine Cementation, Burial Dolomitization, Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction, Anhydritization, and Squeegee Fluid Flow

Hans G. Machel, Beate Elisabeth Buschkuehle

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... on the hydrocarbon reservoir properties throughout the entire reef complex was highly variable. Specifically, matrix dolomitization, thermochemical...


Authigenesis of Titanium Minerals in Two Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks from Southern and Central Sweden

Sadoon Morad, Ala Adin Aldahan

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... A., 1971, Iron-titanium oxide minerals from the Giles complex, Central Australia: Proc. Austral. Inst. Min. Metal., v. 239, p. 51-58. GEE, D. G...


Cherts with Moganite in Continental Mg-Clay Deposits: An Example of False Magadi-Type Cherts, Madrid Basin, Spain

M.A. Bustillo

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... amounts of a new silica polymorph named moganite (Florke et al. 1984). According to Heaney (1995), magadiite diagenetically transforms to quartz...


Seals and Migration Pathways in Paleogeomorphically Trapped Petroleum Occurrences: Permian White Rim Sandstone,Tar-Sand Triangle Area, Utah

Jackie E. Huntoon, John C. Dolson, Bruce M. Henry

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., the Permian-Triassic or TR-1 unconformity, contributes to the effectiveness of the White Rim Sandstone as a reservoir. Pre-Triassic paleotopographic relief...


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