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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 27,779 Results. Searched 196,369 documents.

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Bryan L. Roth, Roth Exploration Geoservices, Westerville, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

.... The advanced seismic interpretation process begins with quality seismic acquisition and processing. Acquisition and processing...


ABSTRACT Seismic Characterization of Discontinuities Zones from a Deepwater Fold-and-Thrust System Niger Delta, #90104 (2010)

Iacopini David; Butler Robert W.

Search and

.... In this contribution the results of a volume image processing (using SVI Pro) within a 3D seismic  dataset from the deep water fold and thrust systems of the western...


Abstract: Integrated Interpretation of Potential Field and Reflection Seismic Data from the Orsa Area of the Siljan Impact Crater, Central Sweden; #90255 (2017)

Harbe Muhamad, Christopher Juhlin, Alireza Malehmir

Search and

.... In addition to the main previous processing steps, cross-dip corrections were also applied. Cross-dip angles ranging between +85° to -85° were tested...


Advances in Diplog® Data Processing for Stratigraphic Analysis

C. Carter Waid, S. B. Easton, G. S. Weissmann

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the repeatability of the entire Diplog® system which comprises both data acquisition and Strata Dip processing. The usefulness of the program as an aid...


Dip and Azimuth Determination in 3D CRS-Stack

A. Hendriyana, M. Jaya, R. Sule, A.D. Guntara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... avoided because of unrealistic processing time. Emergence angle attributes are directly linked with local dip reflector. The goal is to find an efficient...


Chapter 12: Microseismic Monitoring in Early Haynesville Development

Peter M. Duncan, William B. Barker, Leo Eisner, Peter G. Smith, Kevin Smith, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud

AAPG Special Volumes

... their imaged locations to actual locations gives an estimate of location uncertainty (Figure 9). Figure 8. Seismic time section showing the moveout corrected...


Outcrop and Seismic Analysis of Natural Fractures, Faults and Structure at Teapot Dome, Wyoming

Scott P. Cooper, Bruce Hart, John C. Lorenz, Laurel B. Goodwin, Mark Milliken

Wyoming Geological Association

... of the dome is poorly imaged. Dip moveout was applied during processing. Here we report some of our preliminary structural observations. The 3-D volume helps...


Full Use of Dipmeter Data for Geocellular Property Modeling in the McMurray Formation, Alberta; #41586 (2015)

Gregory S. Benson

Search and

... and Discussion We have developed a processing method that measures the variation of dipmeter orientations within a moving window, which allows isolation...


Coherence Cube for Structural and Stratigraphic Delineation in Clastic And Carbonate Sequences

Scott Miller

Abilene Geological Society

.... The dip and azimuth are important variables that are utilized in the definition of the processing parameters for each individual data set (see Figure...


Abstract: Q Migration and CRP Optimization Technology Based on Hessian Matrix for Unconventional Reservoir Targets Exploration;

Shu-Min Chen, Yi Bao, Jia-Yi Wu, Cheng Wang, Zhi-Ming Zhang, Jiang-Yun Pei, Ji-Feng Ding, Jin-Ye Liu, Xiao-Wei Guan, Jin Li

Search and

... of seismic imaging in the target area of unconventional exploration through innovation of the seismic data processing technology, so as to obtain...


ABSTRACT Seismic Characterization of the Internal Fault Architecture from a Deepwater Fold and Thrust System, Niger Delta, #90123 (2011)

David Iacopini, Rob Butler

Search and

... (in TWT) of the main stratal horizons. The dip and azimuth steering volumes were then reprocessed using a detailed structurally-oriented image processing...


Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring of Individual Hydraulic Frac Stages Using a Downhole Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array

Gary Binder, Aleksei Titov, Diana Tamayo, James Simmons, Ali Tura, Grant Byerley, David Monk

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... In the rest of the paper, first the DAS data acquisition and processing to recover P-wave time shifts will be described. To understand the distribution of time...


Multicomponent Seismic Studies of the Gas-hydrate System at the Storegga Slide

Stefan Bunz, Jurgen Mienert, Karin Andreassen

AAPG Special Volumes

..., including dip-moveout and prestack time migration of the P-wave component that yielded physical interval velocities of the uppermost 600 m (1968 ft...


Improving Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretation of Suban 3D Through Advanced Reprocessing

Safitri Nurida, Irfan Yuliandri Syukri, Ludy Andria

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for the lower Talang Akar Formation and basement reservoirs. The processing started with the raw field data and was conducted in two phases: a pre...


III Columbia Oil & Gas Investment Conference: Conventional & Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources - Abstracts

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

..., we used velocities from conventional seismic processing. Then, we estimated the interval velocities by coherency, in a continuous velocity analysis...


Interpreting Borehole Image Data from Deep-Marine Environments

Adriaan A. Bal, Kenrick A. A. van Noord, Gde P. Wirawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of dips include dip and dip-azimuth tadpole versus depth plots, stereoplots, and dip-vector plots. Dip information together with image fabric and bed...


Structural Interpretation and Modeling of Seismic Data from the Moran and Paua Area, PNG Foldbelt

S. Lingrey

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

...; the noisy data are unsuitable fo r useful depth m igration processing and tim e m igration, eith er pre-stack or post-stack, cannot account...


Seismic Processing in the Papua New Guinea Fold Belt - Recent Experience

N. J. Fisher, F. R. Nicholson

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... complex and the common midpoint assumption breaks down to a large degree. Standard land processing procedures, notably residual statics and dip move...


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