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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The modeling and simulation of Scholte wave propagation at fluid-solid interface

Zhiliang Wang, Rong Huang, Guojie Song

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...-ent the Lamé parameters. According to the theory of elastic media, longitudinal wave velocity v p     2   and transverse wave velocity vs...


Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking

Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding

AAPG Special Volumes

... strain across the sampled area is calculated from summed fault heaves. (C) Length vs. displacement cross-plot on a log-log scale should tend to overlie...


Rock Physics Modeling Optimizing Well Log and Core Data for the Abadi Gas Field

Shinji Matsuura

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... The Vp and Vs change by the pore fluid displacement is trivial, it can be recognized only in the Vp/Vs log...


A Comparison of the Various Methods of Dip Migration

H. Bruce Mayo

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... MIGRATOR (MC GUCKIN) USING AVERAGE VELOCITY VS DATA UNMIGRATED End_Page 323------------------------ Vertical Displacement The hunter type plotter...


Stratigraphic Traps: Quantitative Approach Based upon a Producing Field Database, #40436 (2009)

Jean Gerard

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... achieved when supported by good understanding of the geology, statistical analysis of geometric parameters and reality check with possible analogues from...


What Can Elasticity Moduli Tell Us About Lithology and Diagenesis?: ABSTRACT

Gildas Omnes

AAPG Bulletin

... rigidity, the displacement and velocity associated with pressure waves are not, for a given density, functions of the incompressibility alone, but also...


STAR … A Smart Technology for Maximizing the Value of Heavy Oil Reservoirs; #41229 (2013)

Ronald Pantin, Luis A. Rojas, Syeda Farouq, and Mac Fuenmayor

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... completion  Combustion front is fully monitored and controlled at real time.  Well synchronization at real time  Higher oil displacement area  Higher...


Geometry and Origin of Fault-Related Folds in Extensional Settings

Roy W. Schlische

AAPG Bulletin

... drag and differential compaction. Reverse-drag folds develop because displacement decreases with distance from the fault surface. Rollover folds...


Investigating the Controls of Salt Movement Using Finite Element Modelling; #42185 (2018)

James Hamilton-Wright, Stephen Dee, Christina Von Nicolai, Howard Johnson

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... of displacement vs. gravitational loading on structural development. Presenter’s notes: • These two model variants compare end-case scenarios: only...


Mud Displacement During the Cementing Operation – "A State of the Art"

Carl W. Sauer, Mike V. Till

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Mud Displacement During the Cementing Operation – "A State of the Art" Carl W. Sauer, Mike V. Till 1985 569 579 The replacement of drilling fluids...


Miocene Hypabyssal Magmatic Stoping in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California; #70126 (2012)

A. Eugene Fritsche

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... and show offset of the intruded strata, the result of simultaneous extensional fracturing, intrusion of magma, and relative displacement of the dike...


Effects of Molecular Level Forces on the Diffusivity Characteristics of Hydrocarbons in Shale Reservoirs

Yakup Coskuner, Xiaolong Yin, Erdal Ozkan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of each hydrocarbon component, we used the mean square displacement (MSD) vs. time graphs as illustrated in Figure 2 for butane. URTeC 5680 Figure 2...


Triaxial Direct-shear Reveals the True Magnitude of Shear Fracture Roughness Effects on Flow

Meng Meng, Luke P. Frash, J. William Carey, Nathan J. Welch, Wenfeng Li, Samantha K. Peterson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... stress via axial piston displacement at a steady rate until mechanical failure is observed. This event was indicated by a peak or plateau in shear...


Water-Oil Displacement in Shale: New Insights from a Comparative Study Integrating Imbibition Tests and Multiscale Imaging

Sheng Peng, Priyanka Periwal, Robert M. Reed

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Water-Oil Displacement in Shale: New Insights from a Comparative Study Integrating Imbibition Tests and Multiscale Imaging Sheng Peng, Priyanka...


Abstract: The Design and Application of Converted-wave COVs; #90187 (2014)

Richard Bale, Tobin Marchand, Keith Wilkinson, and Jeff Deere

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... is indicated by the two faint diagonal lines. This displacement informs us that the Vp/Vs of 2 used to perform ACP binning (equation 1) in this case...


Chapter 8: Insight on Mechanical Stratigraphy and Subsurface Interpretation

Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart

AAPG Special Volumes

... stratigraphy can provide crucial constraints on viable structural styles, for example, where faults are likely to cut across stratigraphy vs. where fault...


Fault displacement-distance relationships as indicators of contractional fault-related folding style

Amanda N. Hughes, John H. Shaw

AAPG Bulletin

... that develop as strata are displaced over a fault bend. The theory indicates that displacement remains constant along planar fault segments and changes...


Time-Lapse Monitoring with Satellite Data for Reservoir Management, #40921 (2012)

Andrea Tamburini, Marco Minini, Andy Higgs, Giacomo Falorni, Stefano Cespa

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... to both depth of the reservoir and plastic behaviour of the evaporite seal A A’ © TRE 2012 Middle East vs Tengiz displacement profiles...


Microseepage vs. Macroseeepage: Defining Seepage Type and Migration Mechanisms for Differing Levels of Seepage and Surface Expressions; #42542 (2020)

Michael A. Abrams

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..., role of micro-fractures in vertical migration? See Klusman (1993), Klusman and Saeed (1996) and Brown (2000) for greater details. Calculated vs reality...


Elastic full-waveform inversion of 4C ocean-bottom seismic data: Model parameterization analysis

Jian Cao, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Mtivier

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... to reconstruct the P-wave (Vp ) and S-wave velocity (Vs ) models jointly. However, compared with the mono-parameter acoustic FWI, the multi-parameter...


S-wave velocity model building using PP-PS tomography with dynamic warping

Terence Krishnasamy, Ronaldo Florendo, Aravind Nangarla, Carsten Udengaard, Prajnajyoti Mazumdar, Kevin Searles, Bjorn Olofsson, James Gaiser

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...). Figure 2: Vp model (left), final Vs model (middle) and resulting Vp/Vs ratio (right). estimate displacement fields, after preconditioning...


Fundamental Advances in Structural Geology Based on Ongoing Studies in Reactivation Tectonics, Part 2

S. Parker Gay Jr.

Oklahoma City Geological Society

..., with pertinent basement faults superimposed. Figure 18. West-bounding Pennsylvanian-age Nemaha Fault (red) vs. basement fault system interpreted from...


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