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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Geological Applications of Capillary Pressure: A Review (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... displacement efficiency for oil recovery by waterflooding: Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, v. 13, p. 54-62. Morrow, N. R., 1970, Irreducible...


A Study to Formulate Predictive Model and Screening Criteria for New EOR Method in Indonesia: Surfactant Huff n Puff Injection

Muhammad Romadhona, Karlita Threes Octaviany, Pomto Jaya

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of Oil Displacement Surfactant injection is used to reduce interfacial tension between faces of oil-injection fluids so that oil recovery can be enhanced...


Geology of the Tunu Gas Field

Sujatmiko, Agus Salim, Bambang Seto Irawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... continuity. Figure 10. Pressure Evolution Vs Depth Due to these difficulties, the structural limits of the accumulation are still unknown, the minimum areal...


Mechanical Models of Triangle Zone Evolution

William R. Jamison

CSPG Bulletin

... detachment and produce intense, local deformation. Backthrust displacement on an upper detachment that extends tens of kilometres to the foreland...


Low Cost 3D Mapping Using a Commercial Drone/UAV: Application in Structural Geology; #42054 (2017)

Riccardo Rocca

Search and

...° sharp bend of the stream running down the glacial valley, where it gets captured and deviated along the fault strike; 100 m dextral displacement...


Scaled Experimental Models of Extension: Dry Sand vs. Wet Clay

Martha Oliver Withjack, Roy W. Schlische, and Alissa A. Henza

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Scaled Experimental Models of Extension: Dry Sand vs. Wet Clay Martha Oliver Withjack, Roy W. Schlische, and Alissa A. Henza 2007 31 49 49 8 Abstract...


Auto-Control Model Building Using Machine Learning Regression for Extreme Response Prediction

Darrell Leong, Anand Bahuguni

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... simulation (MCS). In classical control variate theory, an alternative response evaluation is needed at every sample point, with traditional controls...


Global Sea Level Change: A View from the Craton: Resources, Comparative Structure, and Eustatic Changes in Sea Level

L. L. Sloss

AAPG Special Volumes

... and emergence or of deposition and erosion at continental margins and within continental interiors. MARGINS VS. INTERIORS Visualization...


Exploring La Luna Formation Unconventional Plays in the Maracaibo Lake Basin, Through 3D Modeling Based on Acoustic Seismic Inversion

Jose Mendez, Carlos Lobo, Ronny Movil, Carlos Alcantara, Luis Yegres, James Brown

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... vertical displacement and compartmentalize the area in two blocks, i.e., one hanging and one depressed block. These blocks are in turn segmented...


Numerical modeling of low-frequency distributed acoustic sensing signals for mixed-mode fracture activation

Chaoyi Wang, David W. Eaton, Yuanyuan Ma

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of mixed-mode LFDAS signals are poorly understood. We present a numerical simulation approach based on the Displacement Discontinuity Method to perform...


Fault transmissibility in clastic-argillaceous sequences controlled by clay smear evolution

Silvio B. Giger, Michael B. Clennell, N. Bozkurt Ciftci, Craig Harbers, Peter Clark, Mark Ricchetti

AAPG Bulletin

... response across the fault zone was monitored continuously during deformation using a new type of direct shear cell. The displacement at which seals...


Problem of the Method of Calculating Remaining Oil Reserves at Depth

B. M. Sarkisyan

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...., 1958, Analysis of the displacement of the water-oil contact along horizon PK of the Neftyanye Kamni field: Azerb. NKh, no. 1. 2. Sarkisyan, B. M...


Petroleum Geology of Cretaceous-Tertiary Rift Basins in Niger, Chad, and Central African Republic

G. J. Genik

AAPG Bulletin

.... H. Ribbon, J. J. Walsh, and J. Watterson, 1987, Displacement geometry in the volume containing a single normal fault: AAPG Bulletin, v. 71, p. 925-937...


Evolution of Eastern Greater Antillean Island Arc

Thomas W. Donnelly

AAPG Bulletin

... as to homologies between arcs and alpine mountains, but also as to certain aspects of the recent arcs. Further, island-arc theory has generally developed...


The Pitfalls of Seismic Interpretation: How to Reduce Risk With Certainty; #70226 (2016)

David Quinn

Search and

... interpretation Richards et al. 2015 6 Accuracy Vs Precision Accurate, but not Precise + Precise, but not Accurate ++ ++ + + + + + Not Accurate...


Geologic-carbon-sequestration potential of the Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan and Illinois Basins, United States

David A. Barnes, Kevin M. Ellett, and John A. Rupp

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

...), and uncertainty is accounted for only in the displacement terms. In reality, there still exists some uncertainty in the geologic terms, even though we have...


Compressibility, Porosity, and Permeability of Shales Involving Stress Shock and Loading/Unloading Hysteresis

Faruk Civan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... by anyone other than the author without the written consent of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract This paper presents the theory and formulation...


The Nature and Significance of Large 'Blind' Thrusts Within the Northern Rocky Mountains of Canada

R.I. Thompson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... subprovince within the southern Rocky Mountains, and leads to the impression that little lateral displacement has occurred. Where deep cross-cutting valley...


Seals - A Critical Element To Successful Exploration and Production - Workshop Summary

Robert Sneider, Ronald Surdam, Charles Vavra


... capillary curves and microscopic measurements; hydrocarbon shows; fault displacement vs. lithologies; and pressure tests (DST's and Pulse tests...


So: How Many Grid Blocks Do I Need?, #40417 (2009)

Edmund Stephens and Mark Bentley

Search and

... heterogeneity with fluid type and displacement process into a single number. The result indicates if zones should be retained explicitly in the grid...


Structures of the Rocky Mountain Foreland: Fivemile Fault-Related Fold Trend, Central Bighorn Basin

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... Two, deep, small-displacement, northeast-vergent, basement-involved thrusts are clearly imaged on the profile. These thrusts propagate upward out...


Abstract: Resolvability Analysis of Single Azimuth Seismic Moment Tensor Inversion; #90171 (2013)

Ismael Vera Rodriguez and Mauricio D. Sacchi

Search and

... the resolvability of the SMT solution as a function of azimuth. Theory We start with the equations relating the far-field displacement and the SMT rate...


PS reflection-based full-waveform inversion using single-mode propagator

Yongbo Zhai, James Xu, James Rickett, Peng Wang, Xin Cheng, Denes Vigh, Suyang Chen, Cara Smith

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... PP and PS events at the same depth in the joint tomography. The ‘displacement field’ represents the depth difference between these events and provides...


Ceramic Red Clay Near Henefer, Utah

Bronson Stringham, Harold P. Cahoon

Utah Geological Association

... is in reality a mixture of many minerals including kaolinite, muscovite, quartz, and feldspar. The texture and grain size suggests that the name...


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