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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Fault Patterns Around Salt Domes: Unit 19: Principles

Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway

AAPG Special Volumes

..., merely deciding by whim which fault offsets another, possibly creating long throughgoing faults that have no basis in reality. Experimental modeling shows...


Pitfalls of Structural StylesŽ Analysis in Frontier Basins, #30183 (2011)

Ana Krueger, Ed Gilbert, Mike Murphy

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..., and (2) what appear to be mixed compressional and extensional deformation across a single fault. In reality demonstrable strike-slip deformation...


Pressure and Basin Modeling in Foothill Belts: A Study of the Kutubu Area, Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt

Jean-Paul Callot, William Sassi, François Roure, Kevin Hill, Nigel Wilson, Renaud Divies

AAPG Special Volumes

... conservations: Dogma or reality: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 41, p. 64–75. Naville C, Ancel M, Andriessen P, Ricarte P, Roure F (2010) New...


Physical Models for Inter-Well Interference in Shale Reservoirs: Relative Impacts of Fracture Hits and Matrix Permeability

Wei Yu, Kan Wu, Lihua Zuo, Xiaosi Tan, Ruud Weijermars

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., where well-to-well interference occurs through multiple connecting complex fractures. In reality, a complex fracture geometry is often created during...


Gravitational sliding on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Kane Transform: Implications for submarine basin-slope degradation and deformation

Dengliang Gao

AAPG Bulletin

...-marine environment, gravity-induced displacement of slope-forming materials occurs in different styles in diverse geologic settings. Submarine...


A Robust Technique for Resolving Faulting Problems on the Steeply Dipping Flanks of Salt Bodies, Using the Multiple Bischke Plot Analysis (MBPA)

R. E. Bischke, J. Brewton, D. J. Tearpock

GCAGS Transactions

... be distinguished. MBPA plots can differentiate growth-displacement patterns, resolve stratigraphic and salt-related structural problems, distinguish between...


Preliminary Report on Curved Fractures Near Faults as Related to Fluid Extraction

Richard J. Erdlac, Jr., Richard J. Erdlac

West Texas Geological Society

... near these fractures. The paleostress field curvature was modeled using linear elastic theory and the principle of superposition. Three individual load...


Abstract: Caribbean Tectonics - Facts and Fantasy

Amos Salvador

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and South American plates during the last 40 to 50 million years. This interpretation would require very large horizontal displacement along the northern...


ABSTRACT: Variation of Three Phase Relative Permeability in Fractured Reservoirs in Relation with Time; #90061 (2006)

Mohammad M. Bahar and Raj Rajeswaran

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... it was observed that the displacement time affects the curvature of relative permeability with long time displacement, the curvature will become linear...


Geological Considerations during Microseismic Monitoring, Processing, and Interpretation of Hydraulic Fracture Treatment

J. Le Calvez, S. Hanson-Hedgecock, P. Primiero, T. Al-Wadhahi, O. Harrasi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... If the velocity model used to process the recorded acoustic emissions is inappropriately blocked, the geological reality is not properly represented...


Exploitation of Multizones by Water Flooding in the Daqing Oil Field: Chapter 6

Jin Yusun, Yang Wanli, Wang Zhiwu

AAPG Special Volumes

... (in Chinese). Yang Yuzhe and Lan Chenjing, 1979, Analysis of factors affecting displacement efficiency of oil by water (in Chinese). Yang Puhua, 1980...


Application of Miscible Ethane Foam for Gas EOR Conformance in Low Permeability Heterogeneous Harsh Environments

Mohamad Salman, Konstantinos Kostarelos, Pushpesh Sharma, Jae Ho Lee

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... prior to each run. Tests were performed at 165°F at a displacement velocity of 101.7 ft/d. MMP is defined as the 90% breakpoint in slope for pressure vs...


An Interstratal Peel on Maverick Hill, Alberta

D. K. Norris

CSPG Bulletin

.... Regionally Turtle Mountain fault is decreasing southward in stratigraphic throw as well as in horizontal displacement, whereas Mutz fault is End_Page...


High-resolution seismic reservoir monitoring with multitask and transfer learning

Ahmed M. Ahmed, Ilya Tsvankin, Yanhua Liu

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...). The features extracted from records of the two particle-displacement components are combined into one latent space that is passed to the decoder...


Chloride Stres Corrosion Cracking in Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Tubes

Nasrizal Zulkarnaen, Zainal Abidin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the expanded tube until the un-expanded tube   Figure 9 - Displacement load time history of expander tool Figure 10 - Stress Vs. Deformation of tube...


Investigation of Flow and Imbibition Processes in Spraberry Fracture Systems Using a Hyper-Threaded Reservoir Simulator

Kyle D. Scott, Michael A. Quinn, Gene D. Monson, Paul A. Leonard

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... displacement takes place at the interface between these two systems and can be the key driver to recovery in fractured reservoirs3,4,5. However, fine...


ABSTRACT: Relay Ramp Style in Massive Limestone: Examples from the Sierra Del Carmen, West Texas; #90007 (2002)

David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Deborah J. Waiting, Futoshi Tsuneyama, Yoshihiko Tamura, Darrell W. Sims

Search and

.... The spectrum of relay ramp geometries includes relay ramps where displacement is partially accommodated by development of synthetic dip or several...


The Attenuation Effects of Surface-Wave Propagations on Rockmass Using SASW Method

Suharsono, Abdul Rahim Samsudin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... as shown in Figure 1. The propagation velocity of S-waves, Vs, and the ratio VpNs depends on the values of the Poisson ratio, n (Fig. 2). The value of shear...


Mathematical Model for Immiscible CO2 Core Flooding: Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection, the Best Green Oil Scenario

Purwanto Mardisewojo, Bayu Dedi Prasetiyo, Leonard Hendrawan, Adrian Promediaz

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... into CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery. Whether it can be carried out as a miscible or immiscible displacement and regardless of how it is applied...


Abstract: Contrasting Parameters of Deposition and Erosion of High Vs. Low-Latitude Muddy Shelf Seas … an Experimental Perspective; #120178 (2015)

Juergen Schieber

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...Abstract: Contrasting Parameters of Deposition and Erosion of High Vs. Low-Latitude Muddy Shelf Seas … an Experimental Perspective; #120178 (2015...


Lower Cretaceous Geology Northwestern Karnes County, Texas

Delos R. Tucker

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... down-to-the-coast type displacement. Fault (A) is believed to be the well-known Falls City fault which has been mapped on the surface...


Revisiting the Eland Field Lodgepole Mound Complex (Stark County, North Dakota) Twenty Years after its Discovery

Mark W. Longman, Stephen P. Cumella

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... BCF of gas, and more than 100 MMBW. Figure 2, a crossplot of cumulative water production vs. cumulative oil for these Lodgepole fields, shows nicely...


Evolution and origin of deep reservoir water at the Activo Luna oil field, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico

P. Birkle, J. J. Rosillo Aragon, E. Portugal, J. L. Fong Aguilar

AAPG Bulletin

... in the residual fluid, causing a horizontal trend of the evaporation trajectory. Figure 7. Log Cl vs. log Br for the Activo Luna formation waters...


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