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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Place of Faults in Petroleum Traps

Rasoul Sorkhabi, Yoshihiro Tsuji

AAPG Special Volumes

.... H., 1983, Pressure solution in nature, theory and experiment: Journal of Geological Society (London), v. 144, p. 725740.Sales, J. K., 1993, Closure...


Basics of Reflection Seismic Technology

Abilene Geological Society

...? The answer to this question comes from basic seismic theory. Impedance is a concept often used in engineering. It is the ratio of potential to flow...


A simple method of determining sand/shale ratios from seismic analysis of growth faults: An example from upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Niger Delta deposits

S. Pochat, S. Castelltort, J. Van Den Driessche, K. Besnard, C. Gumiaux

AAPG Bulletin

... deposits S. Pochat, S. Castelltort, J. Van Den Driessche, K. Besnard, C. Gumiaux 2004 1357 1367 88 10 A plot of fault throw vs. depth is a simple...


Abstract: Interpreting Pumping Test Data from Fractured Aquifers … The Dual Porosity Model; #90224 (2015)

Luis E. Rivera

Search and

... by a 24-h recovery period. Aquifer behaviour resulting from pumping (drawdown vs. time), along with the interpretation of the flow type is presented...


Application of Electrical Resistivity Measurements to Problem of Fluid Flow in Porous Media

M. R. J. Wyllie , M. B. Spangler

AAPG Bulletin

..., Sp is the surface area per unit of pore volume, PD is the pressure required to initiate the displacement of a wetting phase from the medium by a non...


The Growth History of Toe Thrusts of the Niger Delta and the Role of Pore Pressure

Scot W. Krueger, Neil T. Grant

AAPG Special Volumes

... modeled occurring in three discrete episodes, each using a sinusoidal function. (b) Integrated displacement vs. time plot based on the three discrete...


Geometry and Mechanical Relationship of Folds to Thrust Fault Propagation Using a Minor Thrust in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains

S.P. Brown, J. H. Spang

CSPG Bulletin

.... Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 52, no. 4, p. 641-664. Gardner, D.A.C. and Spang, J.H., 1973, Model studies of the displacement transfer associated...


Protection Refrac: Analysis of Pore Pressure and Stress Change Due to Refracturing of Legacy Wells

Ali Rezaei, Mehdi Rafiee, Giorgio Bornia, Mohamed Soliman, Stephen Morse

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... may be derived from dislocation theory (Bobet and Mutlu 2005). The original formulation of the displacement discontinuity method was elastic...


Water Imbibition and Oil Recovery in Shale: Dynamics and Mechanisms Using Integrated Cm-to-Nm-Scale Imaging

Sheng Peng, Jacob LaManna, Priyanka Periwal, Pavel Shevchenko

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... 9D vs. 9E). This result verifies that minimal water-oil displacement occurred in this sample. The micro-CT images of the miniplug from lamina 1 in S2...


Rock Dilation and Its Effect on Fracture Transmissivity

Hongyuan Zhou, Aly Abdelaziz, Giovanni Grasselli

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... surface geometry, termed ultimate dilation by Zhou & Grasselli, 2018 (Figure 3). Figure 3: Dilation vs. shear displacement response of C3 joint...


Deformation of Non-Layered Materials that Affect Structures in Layered Rocks

D. W. Stearns, Gary Couples, M. T. Stearns

Wyoming Geological Association

... and/or displacement at the boundaries of a block of material. Then through proper mathematical manipulation a solution for the potential faults that could form...


Faulting and Petroleum Accumulation at Mexia, Texas

Wallace E. Pratt, F. H. Lahee

AAPG Bulletin

... parallel to, the main fault in the southern end of the field. The simple fault system shown in the accompanying figure may in reality be complicated...


Geodynamic Modeling of Sedimentation-induced Overpressure, Gravitational Spreading, and Deformation of Passive Margin Mobile Shale Basins

Markus Albertz, Christopher Beaumont, Steven J. Ings

AAPG Special Volumes

...:10.1016/S0025-3227(97)00117-5.Lehner, F. K., 2000, Approximate theory of substratum creep and associated overburden deformation in salt basins and deltas...


Abstract: A Ray+Waveform Inversion for the Potency Tensor; #90187 (2014)

Scott Leaney and Chris Chapman

Search and

... theory with the accuracy of waveform fitting. Rather than inverting for the moment tensor as described previously (Leaney et al., 2011), we invert...


Control of Annular Gas Flow and Application in Indonesia

A. De Almeida, W. Hernowo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... free solution, "Petrole Informations (July 1983). 4. Sauer, C. W.: "Mud displacement during the cementing operation: State of the art 1985 SPE Annual...


Understanding Fault Facies Improves Reservoir Modelling

Halfdan Carstens

GEO ExPro Magazine

... reality. Faults are much more complex as a result of their genesis. "A fault is not a line or a plane. A fault represents a three-dimensional rock body...




Montana Geological Society

.... STRUCTURE The Golden dome structure is in reality two faulted half domes, or a series of fault segments on the Dry...


Know Your Faults!

Rasoul Sorkhabi

GEO ExPro Magazine

...: displacement (strike slip) rotate). In reality, rock types A-D are translational (dip-slip) faults; E-F are rotational faults exhibit different mechanical...


Structural Style„Brooks Range Mountain Front, Alaska

R. C. Crane, C. G. Mull

Pacific Section SEPM

... structural levels are exposed, the total thrust displacement remains essentially constant because of transfer of motion to higher thrusts. Most...


Geochemical characterization of natural gas: A physical multivariable approach and its applications in maturity and migration estimates: Discussion

Alton Brown

AAPG Bulletin

..., then exploration geologists may be led to drill deeper in the same area in search of wetter gases. In reality such wells are likely to be dry...


3D Geostatistical Interpolation and Geological Interpretation of Paleo…Groundwater Rise in the Holocene Coastal Prism in the Netherlands

Kim M. Cohen

Special Publications of SEPM

... 80–200 cal yr and depend on dating technique (AMS dating of selected macrofossils vs. conventional dating of bulk samples) and position...


Petrophysical characteristics and facies of carbonate reservoirs: The Red River Formation (Ordovician), Williston basin

Lillian Hess Tanguay, Gerald M. Friedman

AAPG Bulletin

... the throat is filled with mercury. For imbibition, where Pc is the pressure in psia (Hg-air) related to the hydrocarbon-water displacement pressure...


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