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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT Strain and Displacement Analysis Using the Displacement/Distance Method: Application to 3D Seismic Data from a Deep Water Thrust Belt, #90123 (2011)

David Iacopini, Rob Butler

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...ABSTRACT Strain and Displacement Analysis Using the Displacement/Distance Method: Application to 3D Seismic Data from a Deep Water Thrust Belt...


Elastic Properties of Propped and Unpropped Eagle Ford Shale and 3D-printed Fractured Models Under Iso-static Stress

Suresh Dande, Robert R. Stewart, Michael T. Myers, Lori Hathon, Nikolay Dyaur

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in uniaxial compression experiments, we found that Vs is decreased by 10% for the sand-proppant model, and the Young’s modulus of sand-propped models...


Abstract: Sealing and Nonsealing Faults

Derrell A. Smith

GCAGS Transactions

... migration. The phenomenon of fault entrapment reduces to a relationship between: 1) the capillary pressure within the reservoir; and 2) the displacement...


Chapter 26: Fault Displacement Distributions: Insights Using High-Resolution 3-D Seismic Data

Christopher S. Mansfield

AAPG Special Volumes

...Chapter 26: Fault Displacement Distributions: Insights Using High-Resolution 3-D Seismic Data Christopher S. Mansfield 1996 351 361 SG 42...


Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults: ABSTRACT

Derrell A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... for hydrocarbon migration. The phenomenon of fault entrapment reduces to a relationship between (1) the capillary pressure and (2) the displacement pressure...


Bishop-Bradshaw Creek Fault: ABSTRACT

Peter Lessing

AAPG Bulletin

... end of the fault trace is a semi-circular "donut," 5 mi (8 km) in diameter and truncated by a N25°E-trending linear fault. Displacement along...


Seeing and Believing The Potential of Fractured Basement Reservoir in The Northern Merang High Through Seismic Identification and Modelling

Annisa Indah Vinaldi, Riky Hendrawan Bayu Pandito, Belmesty Kamila, Dody Apriadi, Fikri M Fiqih

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) solution (4) Present-day hydraulic conductivity analysis as the further step in fracture modelling to map critically...


Paleostress and Slip Recovery from Complex Faults Geometry Using Mechanical Interactions: Application to Fracture Prediction, #40439 (2009)

Frantz Maerten and Laurent Maerten

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..., it is then possible to compute anywhere within the 3D elastic field, the strain, stress and displacement. Particularly, the stress field can be used to predict...


Outcrop-Scale Variations in Petrophysical Properties of Faulted Carbonates: Exploring the Relative Influence of Lithology, Fault Displacement and Juxtaposition; #120061 (2012)

Dave Healy, Emma Michie, Tom Haines, Joyce Neilson, Ian Alsop, Nick Timms, and Moyra Wilson

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...Outcrop-Scale Variations in Petrophysical Properties of Faulted Carbonates: Exploring the Relative Influence of Lithology, Fault Displacement...


Application of New Type Curves Using Fractal Concept for Analyzing the Interference Test Data in Dieng Geothermal Reservoir

Doddy Abdassah, I. Nengah Suabdi, Leksono Mucharam, R. Sumantri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Mandelbrot B.B. (1982) introduced theory and concepts of fractal geometry that is a relatively new approach for describing and modeling of complex...


Late Quaternary Slip Rates on the Oak Ridge Fault, Transverse Ranges, California: Implications for Seismic Risk

Robert S. Yeats

Pacific Section of AAPG

... in the hanging-wall block of the fault. An assumed displacement of 3 m per event gives an average recurrence interval of 250 to 500 yr, with the major...


Numerical Analysis of the Design of a Subsea Gas Pipe Route Passing a Thrust Fault Using the Finite Element Method

Fatma Dewi Sinurat, Ir. Dr. Arianta

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the earthquake due to seismic events will be converted into displacement (Bai & Bai, 2005). * Universitas Pertamina © IPA, 2021 – 45th Annual...


Thoughts on Overthrust Faulting in a Layered Sequence

P. E. Gretener

CSPG Bulletin

.... Freeman & Co., 434 p. Skempton, A. W., 1960, Significance of Terzaghi's concept of effective stress. From theory to practice in soil mechanics: New...


Smorbukk Field: A Gas Condensate Fault Trap in the Haltenbanken Province, Offshore Mid-Norway: Chapter 21

S. N. Ehrenberg, H. M. Gjerstad, F. Hadler-Jacobsen

AAPG Special Volumes

... passes into the narrower Donna terrace, and to the south the displacement is concentrated within the narrow Klakk fault complex. The Halten terrace...


Quantitative comparison of active and passive surface wave data obtained from distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and three-component geophones

Koichi Hayashi, Hayato Nonaka, Peter Hubbard, Yasuhiro Yokota, Kensuke Date, Kazuhiko Masumoto, Takaaki Taira, Kenichi Soga

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... measurements or seismic interferometry, are receiving increased attention since the methods provide S-wave velocity (Vs) profile of the ground non-invasively...


Capillary Pressure Techniques: Application to Exploration and Development Geology

Jeffrey B. Jennings

AAPG Bulletin

... by injecting mercury into sample plugs to produce a plot of injection pressure vs. mercury saturation. The resulting capillary pressure curves can provide...


Residual Saturation During Multiphase Displacement in Heterogeneous Fractures with Novel Deep Learning Prediction

Eric Guiltinan, Javier E. Santos, Qinjun Kang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Residual Saturation During Multiphase Displacement in Heterogeneous Fractures with Novel Deep Learning Prediction Eric Guiltinan, Javier E. Santos...


Velocity for Pore Pressure Prediction Modeling and Risk Assessment

Selim Simon Shaker

GCAGS Transactions

... of Mexico gas and oil sands: OCS Report 086, New Orleans, Louisiana. Shaker, S. S., 2014, Reservoir vs. seal pressure gradients: Calculations and pitfalls...


Modeling3: Integrating Structural Modeling, Fault Property Analysis, and Petroleum Systems ModelingAn Example from the Brooks Range Foothills of the Alaska North Slope

Carolyn Lampe, Kenneth J. Bird, Thomas E. Moore, Robert A. Ratliff, Brett Freeman

AAPG Special Volumes

... to be more or less homogeneous with a mixed percentage of sand, silt, and/or shale (Table 1). In reality, the lowermost Torok Formation probably contains...


The Geology of the San Marcos Quadrangle, Texas

E. W. Brucks

AAPG Bulletin

... distance northeast of San Marcos. Furthermore, the vertical displacement, which is fully 300 feet at San Marcos, decreases rapidly toward the northeast...


Geosteering Using True Stratigraphic Thickness

Charles R. Berg, Andrew C. Newson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... problems displaying apparent dip and horizons whereas displacement (curtain) sections will properly display both dips and horizons. The source...


The mechanics of initiation and development of thrust faults and thrust ramps

Sarah S. Wigginton, James P. Evans, Elizabeth S. Petrie

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... toward both fault tips. This profile suggests that the upper fault propagated upward and downward (Fig. 6). Figure 6. Displacement vs distance graphs...


Mechanical Layer-dependent Fracture Characteristics from Fracture Density vs. Tvd Cross Plots. Examples from Horizontal Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs, North Oman; #90017 (2003)

Sait Ismail Ozkaya, Wilhelm Kolkman, Joachim Amthor

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...Mechanical Layer-dependent Fracture Characteristics from Fracture Density vs. Tvd Cross Plots. Examples from Horizontal Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs...


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