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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Clay Minerals and Log Analysis

Eric Eslinger, David Pevear

Special Publications of SEPM

... with air (the air acting as an analogue for oil), and measuring the new resistivity (Rt) after each increment of displacement. A plot of Rt/Ro vs...


Feasibility Study of Underbalanced Drilling Fluid Design in Depleted Reservoir: Case Study Field X, Indonesia

Irfan Hariz, Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... lead to borehole instability, and shale can manifest abnormal pressures. Another problem occurring in this field is the reality that the field has...


A Model for the Evolution of Hot (>200°C) Overpressured Brines Under an Evaporite Seal: The Fundy/Magdalen Carboniferous Basin of Atlantic Canada and Its Associated Pb-Zn-Ba Deposits

Casey Ravenhurst, Marcos Zentilli

CSPG Special Publications

.... 353-358. Eisbacher, G. H. 1969. Displacement and stress field along part of the Cobequid Fault, Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 6, p...


Avonlea and its Significance

T. Binnert Haites

CSPG Bulletin

... with reference to the theory of solution-collapse and the geological implications of the Regina earthquake. Bishop, R. A., 1953, "Saskatchewan...


Determination of Residual Gas Saturation and Relative Permeability in the Modeling of the Abadi Gas Field

Masahiko Nomura

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... flooding and water aquifer encroachment associated with reservoir depletion. The process of gas displacement by water will be forced imbibition in areas...


Process-Based Microfluidics: Tools for Quantifying the Impact of Reservoir Quality on Recovery Factor

Lucas Mejia, Ayaz Mehmani, Matthew Balhoff, Carlos Torres-Verdin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the injection of 8 pore volumes. Displacement takes place from the top to the bottom. Figure 5: Recovery vs. pore volumes injected for the five...


Validating novel boundary conditions for three-dimensional mechanics-based restoration: An extensional sandbox model example

Benjamin P. Chauvin, Peter J. Lovely, Joseph M. Stockmeyer, Andreas Plesch, Guillaume Caumon, and John H. Shaw

AAPG Bulletin

... conditions, such as flattening a datum horizon, may lead to inconsistent displacement and strain fields. We restore a laboratory structural sandbox...


Cat Creek Anticline: Tectonic History and Petroleum

W. John Nelson

Montana Geological Society

... high-angle fault in crystalline basement. The Cat Creek fault has undergone several reversals of displacement through geologic time...


The Role of Supercritical CO2 in Gas Well Health Issue - Liquid Loading

Bashirul Haq, Fahad Shehiwin, Dhafer Al Shehri, Jishan Liu, Nasiru Muhammed, Emad Mohammad, Jafar Al Hamad, Ammar Al-Ramadhan, Abdulsamed Iddris, Assad Barri

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... injection on reducing liquid loading issues by varying the well parameters. We found that injecting SCCO2 improved the microscopic displacement efficiency...


Geology of the Sacramento Basin and Its Future Gas Possibilities

Robert D. Hoffman

Pacific Section of AAPG

... in a northeast-southwest direction directly across the regional grain of the basin, is, in reality, a fault zone. It consists of at least one, and as many...


Structural Pattern and Deformation Style in the Central Range of Irian Jaya (West Papua), Indonesia

Benyamin Sapiie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the GBMA road. The amount of displacement is uncertain, because the fault trend runs parallel to the bedding. They appear to be the sites of repeated...


Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping in Unconventional Plays, #10968 (2017).

Zhiyong He, Daniel Xia

Search and

... for trapping hydrocarbons, in both conventional and unconventional plays. • Capillary displacement pressure of the seals control HC saturation...


Correlation and Age of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation from Magnetostratigraphic Analysis

M. B. Steiner, S. G. Lucas, E. M. Shoemaker

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... strata pole positions from Norwood Hill. Even though the Norwood data establish the reality of the difference between upper and lower Morrison pole...


Structure of the Cuyama Valley, Caliente Range, and Carrizo Plain and Its Significance to the Structural Style of the Southern Coast Ranges and Western Transverse Ranges

Thomas L. Davis, Martin B. Lagoe, W. J. M. Bazeley, Stuart Gordon, Kirk McIntosh, Jay S. Namson

Pacific Section SEPM

... displacement will produce a single master fault and deformation adjacent to the fault will diminish or cease altogether. Recently, a number...


Flow Interference Between Frac Clusters (Part 2): Field Example From the Midland Basin (Wolfcamp Formation, Spraberry Trend Field) With Implications for Hydraulic Fracture Design

Ruud Weijermars, Arnaud van Harmelen, Lihua Zuo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... between adjacent fractures. Application of such analytical solutions would overestimate any future production forecast, because in reality flow...


Impacts of Well Spacing, Perforation Cluster Spacing, and Bottomhole Pressure on Stress Evolution in Unconventional Reservoirs

Yanli Pei, Jia He, Kamy Sepehrnoori

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... induces a continuous stress reversal zone. Wang and Olson (2020) employed advanced optimization algorithms on top of the displacement discontinuity...


Ambient Fracture Imaging: A New Passive Seismic Method

Alfred Lacazette, Jan Vermilye, Samuel Fereja, Charles Sicking

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... length of the total displacement vector (Figure 6) vs. the mean activity measure in the study volume. We performed the exploratory multivariate...


Building a three-dimensional near-surface geologic and petrophysical model based on borehole data: A case study from Chemery, Paris Basin, France

Paola Sala, Marcel Frehner, Nicola Tisato, O. Adrian Pfiffner

AAPG Bulletin

... conditions on all lithologies in the model. The laboratory data were used to populate the 3-D near-surface model with VP/VS ratio values. The presented...


Stratigraphic Evidence of Post-Early Late Miocene Right-Lateral Displacement Along Central Part of San Andreas Fault Zone, California: ABSTRACT

Gerald Fletcher

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphic Evidence of Post-Early Late Miocene Right-Lateral Displacement Along Central Part of San Andreas Fault Zone, California: ABSTRACT...


Abstract: Mechanical Stratigraphy and Normal Faulting; #90289 (2017)

David Ferrill

Search and

... with respect to displacement (and potential for fault tip folding), displacement partitioning (e.g., synthetic dip, synthetic faulting, fault core...


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