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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The geometry of fluvial channel bodies: Empirical characterization and implications for object-based models of the subsurface
Luca Colombera, Nigel P. Mountney, Giacomo Medici, and L. Jared West
AAPG Bulletin
... and transport: From theory to applications: Eos, v. 83, p. 621–625, doi:10.1029/2002EO000421. Dalrymple, M., 2001, Fluvial reservoir architecture...
Geophysical Survey and Reconnaissance Geology of the Valle De San Felipe Area, Baja California, Mexico
Robert G. Slyker
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., G. F., 1965, Interpretation theory in applied geophysics: McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 583 p. Hamilton W., 1971, Recognition on space...
Chapter 7: Experimentally Evaluating Shale Dilation Behavior
M. A. Islam, P. Skalle
AAPG Special Volumes
... models for gas shale. To evaluate shale dilatancy, both drained and undrained stress paths and hardening and softening behavior were analyzed. In reality...
Evolution of Normal Faults: Displacement Patterns in 3-D Seismic From the Eastern Levant Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults Along a Major Wrench Trend in the Kakap Area, West Natuna Basin
Mu'adz Chalik
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... displacement of fluvial channels in the Arang Formation across the zone). The wrench dissects the central portion of the block, extending from the KH...
The Three Elements of Structural Geology Part 5, #41849 (2016).
Terry Engelder,
Search and Discovery.com
... The change in length is commonly referred to as a stretch which can either be positive (longer) or negative (shorter). Dz-Du u = displacement...
ABSTRACT: Distributed Shortening, A Cure for the Excess Displacements Caused by Bed-Length Balancing: Southern Sequatchle Anticline as an Example, by R. H. Groshong, Jr.; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Late Neogene Structural Inversion Around the Northern Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam: Effects From Right-Lateral Displacement Across the Red River Fault Zone
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: 3-D Analog Modeling of Cover Deformation Associated with Extensional Reactivation of a Variable Displacement Basement Fault; #90013 (2003)
Paul Whitehouse, Ken McClay, Tim Dooley
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: 3-D Analog Modeling of Cover Deformation Associated with Extensional Reactivation of a Variable Displacement Basement Fault; #90013 (2003...
Chia wei Kuo, Jean Christophe Perrin, and Sally M. Benson
Search and Discovery.com
... heterogeneity, gravity and flow rate on brine displacement efficiency. It is found that measured CO2 saturation patterns can be replicated using simulation...
The Tsunamite Problem
G. Shanmugam
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic explosions, landslides, and meteorite impacts). This bipartite (sedimentological vs. historical) approach, which allows...
Petrophysical Characteristics of the Jurassic Smackover Formation, Jay Field, Conecuh Embayment, Alabama and Florida (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., pore-throat size distributions, and displacement pressure, reflect the shape of the mercury capillary-pressure curves to which they correspond...
A Note on Supposed Evidence of the Volcanic Origin of Gulf Coast Salt Domes: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Wallace E. Pratt
AAPG Bulletin
.... These samples were submitted in nearly every case with the idea that they proved the igneous or volcanic origin of salt domes. In reality, probably out...
Address by Professor S. K. Runcorn on Palaeomagnetism
J. R. Patterson
CSPG Bulletin
... fault of California currently amounts to 0.8 centimetres a year, and the accumulated horizontal displacement over the last 120 million years amounts...
Fracture Detection Through MultiFocusing Diffraction Imaging, Case Studies
Marianne Rauch-Davies, Danil Pelman, Kostya Deev
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... whenever the wave encounters an irregularity that’s of detectable size and are not restricted to events that exhibit displacement like is needed...
Making Waves: Seismic Data Collection Using Vibroseis Technology
C. Jason Criss
GEO ExPro Magazine
... Vibroseis Technology Most people see a vibroseis as a big, loud, and even dirty machine that shakes the ground. In reality, the modern vibroseis...
Distribution of Oceans and Continents: DISCUSSION
Chester R. Longwell
AAPG Bulletin
... with a list of 14 "objective facts" which must be considered in any genetic theory relating to the form and structure of the Earth. Strangely...
Evidence for a Sea Level Lowstand Between 4500 and 2400 Years B.P. on the Southeast Coast of the United States: DISCUSSION
Daniel F. Belknap, Albert C. Hine
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... RALPH, E. K., MICHAEL, H. N., AND HAN, M. C., 1973, Radiocarbon dates and reality, M.A.S.C.A. Newsletter, Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology...
A Novel Method for Experimental Characterization of the Poroelastic Constants in Unconventional Formations
Deepak Gokaraju, Munir Aldin, Akshay Thombare, Abhijit Mitra, Sudarshan Govindarajan, Robert Patterson
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., acoustic velocity and pore fluid displacement. However, there are additional challenging factors to consider related to hysteresis when making...
Gas Injection: A Promising Future for EOR
K. Madaoui
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Oct 1987, P. 361. 3. Naylor, P., and Frorup, M., “Gravity stable nitrogen displacement of oil”, SPE 19641, Presented...
Experimental Evaluation of Enhanced Tight Oil Recovery Performance by Microbubble CO2 and Microbubble Rich Gas in North Dakota Plays
Yang Yu, Christopher Beddoe, Ziqiu Xue, Alexander Chakhmakhchev, John Hamling, Steven Smith, Bethany Kurz
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and microbubble) on the Red River plug by using X-ray computed tomography to visualize the displacement history during the tests. For the Red River plug...
Horizontal Well and Future Waterflood in a Mature Field
Ridwan Widijanto, Aries Soepryanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... well of approdximately 900-ft lateral displacement recovers 670 MBO (27% recovery) by draining 66-acres of a 24-ft oil column, with a corresponding...
Tanque Verde Falls, Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, Tucson AZ.
Andrew Cullen
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... of rifting were recognized two endmember shear models emerged. The pure shear (McKenzie, 1978) vs. simple shear (Wernicke and Burchfiel, 1982) models...
Characterizing Multiple Formations for Gas Production and CO2 Sequestration
Adriana Gordon, Bill Goodway, Evan Mutual, Raul Cova, Scott Leaney, Wendell Pardasie, Matt Ng
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the formations' elastic properties such as Acoustic Impedance (AI), P-wave and Swave velocity ratio (Vp/Vs) and density. In addition, this study...
Abstract: Elastic Impedance Analysis in Fruitland Coals, San Juan Basin; #90174 (2014)
D. J. Lespinasse, C. R. Clarkson, and R. J. Ferguson
Search and Discovery.com
... 1999 until 2031. Using these results, we perform a Gassmann fluid substitution and estimate the variation in Vp, Vs and density due to the changes...