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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Numerical modeling of shear deformation measurements from distributed fiber optic strain sensing for detection and mitigation of induced seismicity
Aishwarya Srinivasan, Kan Wu, Ge Jin, George Moridis
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... induced by shear deformation were numerically modeled using 3D Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) for the dynamic fault activation. Our study...
Reevaluation of the 1964 “L” St. Slide - Abstract
Thomas L. Moses, Jr.
Alaska Geological Society
... displacement of the soil block was approximately 14 ft. The methodology used by Woodward-Clyde Consultants for the reevaluation of the 1964 Fourth Avenue...
Unstable Gas Displacement in Enhanced Oil Recovery
E. Allen, D. V. Boger
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Unstable Gas Displacement in Enhanced Oil Recovery E. Allen, D. V. Boger Unstable gas displacement in enhanced oil recovery. E. Allen1 and D.V....
"Centrifuge Modelling of Oblique Slip on External Zone Thrusts: Implications for Cross-Section Balancing [Abstract]"
McDonough, M.R., Liu, S., Dixon, J.M.
CSPG Bulletin
... foreland-propagating, and crop out at the top (free) surface in two-unit models. By tracking particle displacement paths on the free surface we demonstrate...
Facies Control of Carbonate Reservoir Properties: ABSTRACT
Jeff P. Reid, Norman C. Wardlaw
AAPG Bulletin
... following displacement of oil by water. Recognition of facies control on the evolution of porosity and permeability aids in the prediction...
Abstract: Using Downhole Displacement and Inferred Production for Verification of Measured Test Data, by L. Ray; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Partitioning and Transfer of Displacement Through a Shortened and Thickened Zone: Implications for the Development of Structures in the Central Alberta Foothills; #90171 (2013)
Rob Taerum and Deb Spratt
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Partitioning and Transfer of Displacement Through a Shortened and Thickened Zone: Implications for the Development of Structures...
Three-Dimensional Model of Alluvial Stratigraphy: Theory and Application
Scudder D. Mackey , John S. Bridge
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Three-Dimensional Model of Alluvial Stratigraphy: Theory and Application Scudder D. Mackey , John S. Bridge 1995 Vol. 65B No. 1. (February), A three...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Geological Perception of Pore and Fracture Prediction: Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico
Shaker, Selim S.
GCAGS Transactions
... basins, deep water Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, no. 5A, p.701-728. Sales, K.J., 1997, Seal strength vs. trap closure - a fundamental...
Ouachita Overthrusting--Stratigraphic Appraisal
Richard R. Hammes
AAPG Bulletin
... or overthrust zones with hundreds of miles of displacement are becoming common and accepted concepts of geologic thought. The Ouachita Mountains...
Chuck Moyer, Lomak Petroleum, Inc., Hartville, OH
Ohio Geological Society
... a maxi- mum of 140 feet of displacement at the top of the Mississippian Berea Sandstone with the north side upthrown...
Abstract: Application of 2D Crosscorrelation and Radon Transform for Analysis of Double Couple Microseismic Source; #90187 (2014)
Neda Boroumand and Hassan Khaniani
Search and Discovery.com
..., Integration: Geoscience Engineering Partnership, 6-12 May 2013, Calgary, AB, Canada Theory and Method Modeling of double couple source: In the 2D...
Wrench vs. Compressional Structures with Application to Southeast Asia
James D. Lowell
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...Wrench vs. Compressional Structures with Application to Southeast Asia James D. Lowell 1980 63 70 For differentiating between wrench...
ABSTRACT: Deformation phases of the Furrial Producing Trend, Eastern Venezuela Thrust Belt; #90013 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
... indicates tectonic activity post oil emplacement and the geometry of the displacement corroborates the existence of the second phase of deformation...
Sand Leakage Around a Rocky Headland at Niteroi
Michael D. Emmerling, William F. Tanner
GCAGS Transactions
... regression analysis of the four moment measures (y) vs. linear distance (x) away from the headland revealed weak negative linear trends for mean grain...
Fold-Thrust Geometries - Is There a Right Model?
Robert Butler, Douglas A. Paton, Estelle J. Mortimer, Clare E. Bond
Search and Discovery.com
... Douglas Paton Models - playing with outcrop Subalpine thrust belt - good exposure - high relief… 1980s models Kink-band vs buckles IMPACTS...
Geology of Gilsonite
Leland J. Davis
Utah Geological Association
... formation. The bituminous material originated in the Green River marlstones; this theory seems to have the greatest influence at the present time...
Verification of dynamic strain field measurements made with DAS during active-source vibration by quantitative comparison to geophones
Peter G. Hubbard, Joseph Vantassel, Brady R. Cox, James W. Rector, Michael Yust, Kenichi Soga
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... measurements in terms of unitless strain over the same gauge length as the DAS system. Theory DAS measurements can be approximated as a spatial finite...
3-D Grid Types in Geomodeling and Simulation How the Choice of the Model Container Determines Modeling Results, #40477 (2009)
Jim Thom and Christian Höcker
Search and Discovery.com
... updatable. Current reality is different though and practice in maturation teams is frequently pitched at lower levels of sophistication and integration...
Outcrops as Analog of Fractured Reservoirs: Capture Explicit Geometries, Derive Statistics and Model Behaviour; #120144 (2014)
N. J. Hardebol and G. Bertotti
Search and Discovery.com
... of veins, the aperture of joints and displacement indicators, for shear fractures specify distinct structural features. The length or spacing between...
Cross-Formational Gravity-Flow of Groundwater: A Mechanism of the Transport and Accumulation of Petroleum (The Generalized Hydraulic Theory of Petroleum Migration)
Jozsef Toth
AAPG Special Volumes
...Cross-Formational Gravity-Flow of Groundwater: A Mechanism of the Transport and Accumulation of Petroleum (The Generalized Hydraulic Theory...
ABSTRACT: The Effects of Horizontal Fault Curvature and Displacement on Thrust Closure Geometry, by P. H. Hennings and B. H. Prine; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Depositional History and Petroleum Potential of Ombilin Basin, West Sumatra - Indonesia, Based on Surface Geological Data, #10449 (2012)
Yahdi Zaim, Litto Habrianta, Chalid I. Abdullah, Aswan, Yan Rizal, Nurcahyo I. Basuki, Franky E. Sitorus
Search and Discovery.com
... and thrusted, followed by strikeslip fault displacement. The NW-SE and NE-SW strike-slip faults found in the fieldwork areas dissects all sediments...
Prediction of Seal Failure and Reservoir Breaching in Deep Water; #41613 (2015)
Selim Simon Shaker
Search and Discovery.com
... velocity reversal vs. depth (top seal) High sand – shale ratio at the objective and lack of High Stand sequence Narrow drilling tolerance window (DTW...
Measuring Volumes of Sedimentary Grains
Mounir T. Moussa
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... 1.90 and 2.08 cm3. Janke's volumeter This volumeter measures the vertical displacement of a column of water in a cylinder when a solid of unknown volume...