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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
3-D Anisotropic Damage Mechanics for Modeling Interaction Between Hydraulic and Natural Fracture Planes in a Layered Rock Application to Eagle Ford and Wolfcamp
Yamina Aimene, Chad Hammerquist, John A. Nairn, Ahmed Ouenes
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... features that have an impact on the fracture propagation, new 3D modeling capabilities able to capture the geologic and geomechanical reality...
Abstract: Quantification of Normal Fault Dimensions and Growth Evolution: Insights from mid-Ocean Spreading Ridges, by J. L. Fox and B. Trudgill; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Transfer Zones in the East African Rift System and Their Relevance to Hydrocarbon Exploration in Rifts (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... to zones of broad warping. The classification of extensional fault displacement transfer zones developed in this paper includes three main criteria: (1...
Abstract: Elastic Models of Deformation in Nature: Why Shouldn’t We Use The Present Day Fault Geometry; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Mesozoic Plate Tectonic Controls on Rift Basin Development in North Central Africa: A Major Cretaceous Basin System; #90013 (2003)
J. Derek Fairhead, R. Guiraud
Search and Discovery.com
... that the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline is about to become a reality, oil companies are likely to review their exploration interests of the central African...
Controls on Gravity-Driven Normal Fault Geometry and Growth in Stacked Deltaic Settings: A Case Study from the Ceduna Sub-Basin
Monica Jimenez, Simon P. Holford, Rosalind C. King, Mark A. Bunch
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... 1000 1000 HH1 1200 Displacement (ms) Displacement (ms) HH3 Dip-linkage 5000 Reactivation Distance (m) (3) F10K_Ei vs × F10K_Ei vs...
Modified Higher-Order 3D Displacement Discontinuity Method for Prediction of Fracture Propagation
Serhii Kryvenko, George Julius Moridis, Thomas Alvin Blasingame
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Modified Higher-Order 3D Displacement Discontinuity Method for Prediction of Fracture Propagation Serhii Kryvenko, George Julius Moridis, Thomas...
Abstract: Trapping vs. Breaching Seals in Salt Basins: A Case History of Macaroni and Mt. Massive, Auger Basin, Gulf of Mexico, by Selim S. Shaker; #90032 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Structure Under the Santa Barbara Channel: The Thick and Thin of It
Bruce P. Luyendyk
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... S., 1995, Convergence rates across a displacement transfer zone in the western Transverse Ranges, Ventura basin, California, Journal of Geophysical Research...
A complex bimodal fluid gradient in a simple tilted sheet reservoir is explained and modeled by (biogenic) gas addition to an oil column
Morten Kristensen, Tarek S. Mohamed, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Oliver C. Mullins
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... (A) Photos of dead oils vs height showing a huge gradient of asphaltenes. (B) Downhole color measurements (OD) and lab measurements of asphaltene...
Buoyancy and Interfacial Force Effects on Two-Phase Displacement Patterns: An Experimental Study1
Tomochika Tokunaga, Katsuro Mogi, Osamu Matsubara, Hiroyuki Tosaka, and Keiji Kojima
AAPG Bulletin
...Buoyancy and Interfacial Force Effects on Two-Phase Displacement Patterns: An Experimental Study1 Tomochika Tokunaga, Katsuro Mogi, Osamu Matsubara...
A New Gravity-Stable CO2-Injection Process For Enhancing Oil Recovery From Depleted Reservoirs
Dandina Rao
... displacement method (constant pressure vs. constant flow rate) • Injected gas (C0 2 vs. nitrogen) 4 Literature Review • Dimensionless Numbers limilaritJ...
Unconventionals Update: Challenging the Assumptions; #41804 (2016)
Susan Nash
Search and Discovery.com
... volumetric flow (which obeys Darcy’s law) through interconnected pores (Gensterblum, 2015, p. 99) In reality, shale gas flow is nano-scale and nonDarcy...
Abstracts: Q Determination, Corner Frequency and Spectral Characteristics of Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing; #90173 (2015)
David W. Eaton
Search and Discovery.com
... of Calgary eatond@ucalgary.ca Summary Simple models of fault displacement yield acceleration and displacement spectra from which seismic moment and corner...
Fault Facies Modeling: Applications in Various Sedimentary and Fault System Configurations
Muhammad Fachri, Jan Tveranger, Nestor Cardozo and Sylvie Schueller
Search and Discovery.com
... – Displacement models • Reproducing meso-scale observations –S Sequential indicator simulation ti l i di t i l ti • Modeling input vs. resulting geo-model...
Experimental and Empirical Observations Supporting ACapillary Model Involving Gas Generation, Migration and Seal Leakage For the Origin and Occurrence of Regional Gasifers
Stephen W. Burnie Sr., Brij B. Maini, Bruce R. Palmer, Kaush Rakhit
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... on pressure vs elevation plots. In the Steady State stage, gas is underpressured, and the tall gas columns have updip gas/water contacts. The Imbibition...
Compositional Simulation Study of Gas Flood and Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection: Impacts of Injection Parameters
Iwan Setya Budi, Septoratno Siregar, Zuher Syihab
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... maintenance Miscible displacement Immiscible displacement Mixed gas application Gas-assisted gravity drainage However, despite of its large success, gas...
Migration and Entrapment of Petroleum in Two-Fluid-Phase Systems
Dr. H. D. Windland
New Orleans Geological Society
...------------------------- Figure 7 (p. 82). Plot of height of oil or gas column vs. radius of pore (30-degree oil). End_Page 82------------------------- Figure 8 (p. 83...
Outcrop-based Geomechanical Fracture Aperture and Flow Modeling: The Importance of Shear on Flow, #41606 (2015).
Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, Hamidreza M. Nick
Search and Discovery.com
... displacement along the fractures. The aperture normal to the fracture is a function of initial fracture roughness, strength and normal stress acting...
Seismic Anisotropy Modelling and Fluid Substitution for Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Well Storage Project In Carbonate Reservoir
Pebrian Tunggal Prakosa, Thariq Guntoro, Ahmat Dafit Hasim, Okok Wijaya, Yulia Putri Wulandari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... must be known. The method to determine the distribution of CO2 is to find the relationship between Vp, Vs and CO2 saturation, where Vp...
Chapter 13: Linking Cognitive Science and Disciplinary Geoscience Practice: The Importance of the Conceptual Model
Thomas F. Shipley, Basil Tikoff
AAPG Special Volumes
... then consider how the three principle types of structural geology analyses (geometric, kinematic, and dynamic) and empirical vs. theoretical approaches...
Cement Placement in Severe Doglegs and Its Impact on Well Integrity: A Numerical Assessment
Hao Yu, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Zhanghua Lian
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the annulus geometry supposed to be cemented. Then, we utilized a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to simulate cement displacement. Different...
Nano-surfactant Packages for Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery in Hydraulic Fracturing- Impact on the Nano-sizers on the Performance of Conventional Surfactants
Sarkis Kakadjian, Amanda Flowers, Jarrett Kitchen, Amanuel Gebrekirstos, Kristopher Boyd, Otman Algadi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Tests The displacement of the water fluid by the Wolfcamp oil mix was carried out by using a 1-inch chromatographic column filled with a mixture...
A Comparison of Geological CO2 Storage Resource Calculation Methodologies to Evaluate Parameter Sensitivity and Reduce Uncertainty: Case study of the St. Peter Sandstone (Ordovician) in the Illinois and Michigan Basins, #80278 (2013)
Dave Barnes, Kevin Ellett, John Sosulski, John Rupp, Hannes Leetaru
Search and Discovery.com
... that the geologic terms are known exactly (i.e., equal to 1) and uncertainty is accounted for only in the displacement terms. In reality there still exists some...
Multi Component Seismic Technology in Exploration and Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com