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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Application of Balancing Cross-Section and Sandbox Modeling for Imbricate Thrust System Characterization in the Sumedang Area of West Java
Pipin Ariyanto, Asep Indra Maulana, Aditya Suardiputra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... faults observed in the study area. The imbricate thrust geometry was generated from the great displacement of major faults that were accommodated...
Geological Modeling for Simulation Studies
W. J. E. Van De Graaff P. J. Ealey
AAPG Bulletin
... of directional permeability within a sand body are the most critical parameters. At a smaller scale, the influence of cross-bedding on displacement processes...
The Geometry and Thickness of Deformation-band Fault Core and its Influence on Sealing Characteristics of Deformation-band Fault Zones
Z. K. Shipton, J. P. Evans, L. B. Thompson
AAPG Special Volumes
... fault sets and three-dimensional strain: Theory and application: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 10, p. 225237.Mair, K., I. Main, and S. Elphick, 2000...
An Integrated Field and Numerical Study of the Impact of Formation Anisotropy on Stage Spacing in Horizontal Wells
Varahanaresh Sesetty, Ahmad Ghassemi, Ivan Gil
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the anisotropic planar P3D with a 2D anisotropic displacement discontinuity (DD) model to enable simulation of multiple interacting hydraulic fractures...
Probabilistic Modeling of Faults Below the Limit of Seismic Resolution in Pelican Field, North Sea, Offshore United Kingdom
B. D. M. Gauthier , S. D. Lake
AAPG Bulletin
..., 402 p. Heffer, K. J., and T. G. Bevan, 1990, Scaling relationship in natural fractures: data, theory and application: Society of Petroleum Engineers...
Restoration of Cross Sections Above Intrusive Salt Domes
Roger C. Brewer , Richard H. Groshong, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...-growth sequences. The thinning index, which quantifies the thinning onto the uplift, aids in making this distinction. A thinning index vs. depth curve has...
Geochemical sequestration reactions within the Lamotte Sandstone at five different locations in Missouri
Nelson Rono, Richard Biagioni, Charles Rovey II, Melida Gutierrez
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
..., the reality is that not all the water will be available, and an adjustment may better reflect the reality. Adjustments such as the fraction...
AAPG Annual Meeting, April 1-4, 2007, Longbeach, California, - AAPG, #90063 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Displacement of Oil by High-Pressure Gas Under Commercial Conditions
L. I. Shitikov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... even in theory of evaluating the effectiveness of processes of intermixing displacement of oil either by geophysical methods or by various methods...
Reservoir Compaction and Surface Subsidence in the Central Luconia Gas Bearing Carbonates, Offshore Sarawak, East Malaysia
P. J. D. van Ditzhuijzen, Sarawak Shell Berhad, J. A. de Waal
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... that the uniaxial compressibility increases almost 10-20 fold at the collapse stress. Figure 4. Central Luconia pore collapse study, axial displacement vs...
Moment tensor inversion of perforation shots using distributed acoustic sensing
Milad Bader, Robert G. Clapp, Biondo Biondi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... from the MT. As for the time function, it is often assumed to be a step function that describes the static displacement on a fault in the low-frequency...
The Bauer Field, Cooper/Eromanga Basin: Case Study of a Low-Relief, High-Productivity Oil Field, #110225 (2016).
Glen Buick
Search and Discovery.com
... production history ---- 10000 5000 0 .---------------------------------------------------------------~==~ Legend 45000 I- : - Cal Oil Rate vs. Date...
A Laboratory Study of Mobility Ratio Effects on Horizontal Well Performance Subject to a Bottom Water Drive Reservoir Using a Physical Model
Liston Sitanggang
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... 29877. Muskat, M. and Wyckoff, R. D., 1935. An Approximate Theory of Water Coning in Oil Production, Trans. AIME, Vol. 114, 144-161. Soengkowo, I...
4.0 Structural Implications of Pore Pressure
P. E. Gretener
AAPG Special Volumes
.... In reality thrust faults are not as simple as shown in Figure 4.1-1. A characteristic aspect of these faults is their 'stepping' up through the layered...
Sampling Surficial Fluvial Gravels: The Precision of Size Distribution Percentile Estimates
Stephen Rice , Michael Church
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., COWDEN, D.J., AND KLEIN, S., 1967, Applied General Statistics: London, Prentice-Hall, 754 p. DEMING, W.E., 1950, Some Theory of Sampling: New York...
Validity of Polar and Continental Movement Hypotheses Based on Paleomagnetic Studies
J. W. Northrop III , A. A. Meyerhoff
AAPG Bulletin
..., The hypothesis of continental displacement, in Theory of continental drift, p. 104-144, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists. Suess, Eduard, 1909, Das Antlitz...
Tectonic and Depositional History of the Moroccan Continental Margin: Chapter 21: European-African Margins
M. A. W. Heyman
AAPG Special Volumes
... sedimentary sequence. When rifting ceased and continental drift began, displacement along basin-bounding faults gradually ended and the half-grabens...
Analog Models of Restraining Stepovers in Strike
Search and Discovery.com
Prediction of Gas Production Using Well Logs, Cretaceous of North-Central Montana
Timothy C. Hester
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... minus density porosity vs gamma-ray intensity. Well-log and gas-production data used for this study consist of 242 perforated intervals from 53...
Analog modeling of normal faulting above Middle East domes during regional extension
Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, Danielle Y. Wyrick, David A. Ferrill, Deborah J. Waiting, Nathan M. Franklin, Shannon L. Colton, Yoshihiko Tamura Umezawa, Mamoru Takanashi, Emily J. Beverly
AAPG Bulletin
... tectonics: Marine Geology, v. 123, p. 105116, doi:10.1016/0025-3227(95)80007-X.Lapointe, P. A., 1991, Sabkha vs. salt basin model for the Arab...
Successful Application of Single Stage Cementing with Fibered Cement Slurry in Low-Fracture-Pressure Production Formation A Case History in Indonesia
Moh Ariawan Hidayat, Jaka Sondang, Bayu B Natanagara, I Putu A Saputra, Michael Awalt, Aziz Muslim, Victoria Rasmi Wedhaswari, Haryo Yuristyanto, Maimoon Fayyaz Jaffery, Andi Harahap
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... bbl of 1.9 SG tail slurry was then pumped, followed by dropping top plug and finished with displacement. A Job objective to have TOC up...
Abstract: Estimating the Spectra of Small Events for the Purpose of Evaluating Microseismic Detection Threshholds; #90174 (2014)
N. Ackerley
Search and Discovery.com
... spectrum as: √ ( ) This is the Fourier transform with respect to time of the displacement of some point in the far field vs. time. Because computing...
Normally Pressured vs. Abnormally Pressured Compartments in Sandstones in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: A Comparative Study of the Muddy Sandstone and the Minnelusa Formation
Donald B. MacGowan, Zun S. Jiao, Ronald C. Surdam, Francis P. Miknis
Wyoming Geological Association
...Normally Pressured vs. Abnormally Pressured Compartments in Sandstones in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: A Comparative Study of the Muddy Sandstone...
Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom
Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
..., and numerical models of fault slip and displacement fields to augment the use of 3-D seismic data for fault interpretation. We applied these techniques...
Pitfalls of using entrenched fracture relationships: Fractures in bedded carbonates of the Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Canyon Lake Gorge, Comal County, Texas
Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Alan P. Morris, Camilo Higuera-Diaz, and Daniel Prawica
AAPG Bulletin
...) the frequency of small-displacement faults is strongly and positively correlated with proximity to the main fault trace, (2) fracture networks change...