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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Seismic Evaluation of Differential Tectonic Subsidence, Compaction, and Loading in an Interior Basin
Thomas H. Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... approximately 37% of total displacement in about 63-78 million years (m.y.). Displacement across the trough's faulted east margin occurred more rapidly...
Lithotectonic Terranes and the Plate Tectonic Theory of Orogeny: A Critique of the Principles of Terrane Analysis
A.M.C. Sengor
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...Lithotectonic Terranes and the Plate Tectonic Theory of Orogeny: A Critique of the Principles of Terrane Analysis A.M.C. Sengor © Circum-Pacific...
Diagenesis of Pre-Quaternary Carbonates as Indicated by Tracer Studies
Jan Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., 1959, Pressure solution and the force of crystallization--a phenomenological theory: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, p. 2001-2025. WILLIAMS, A., 1968...
The Great Salt Lake Astrobleme
Robert E. Cohenour
Utah Geological Association
... Theory - Asteroids and the Earth-Moon System: GeoScience News, v. 1, no. 3, p. 9–11, and 32–34. Cohenour, R. E., and Sharp, B. J., 1987, The asteroidal...
Interplay of Cementation, Mechanical Compaction, and Chemical Compaction in Nodular Limestones of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Middle--upper Jurassic, Northeastern Italy)
P.A. Clari, L. Martire
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... compaction (dissolution seams vs. stylolites) formed simultaneously in the same bed, provided that parts with different degrees of hardness were present...
Elastic frame moduli in a sandstone reservoir used for underground CO2 storage
Colin M. Sayers
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Mt. Simon as a result of its higher porosity. Figure 3 shows the variation of V P/VS with acoustic impedance AI = VP, where is density, color-coded...
Inferring the Signature of Past Intra-Predatory Competition from Drilling Predation Patterns: Insights from Red Sea and Adriatic Sea Death Assemblages
Devapriya Chattopadhyay, Rafał Nawrot, Martin Zuschin
...-prey interactions. The outcome of a predatory event is often studied from a single predator perspective, which is far from ecological reality. Prey...
The Semail Gap Fault Zone (Oman Mountains) - Influences of an Inherited Basement Structure on Cenozoic Deformation?; #51662 (2020)
Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Daniel Moraetis, Ivan Callegari, Christian Weidle
Search and Discovery.com
... to 5.5 km and a horizontal displacement of up to 2 km, was active during the exhumation of the Jabal Akhdar Dome, probably during the Late Eocene...
Stylolites and Porosity In A Lower Cretaceous Limestone Reservoir, Onshore Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Stephen N. Ehrenberg, Sadoon Morad, Liu Yaxin, Rulin Chen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Walderhaug, O., and Bjørlykke, K., 2012, Carbonate porosity creation by mesogenetic dissolution: reality or illusion?: American Association of Petroleum...
Novel Tracer Application and Analysis Methodology to Quantify Creation and Drainage of Hydraulic Fracture Area and Growth Rate
Lokendra Jain, James Cooper, Amit Singh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the fracture is effectively cleaning up and from where? b. How much of the fracture area (near wellbore vs far field) is effectively draining...
Joints, Linears, and Lineaments The Basement Connection, #41083 (2012)
S. Parker Gay Jr.
Search and Discovery.com
... (Table 1). They define a joint as “a surface of fracture ... within a rock, without displacement ...,” and a fracture, as a “general term for any break...
Sediment Economics of Upper Cretaceous Sandstones Rocky Mountain Region
Alonzo D. Jacka
Wyoming Geological Association
... little or no net lateral displacement. Net downcoast displacement by wave swash continuously transports large volumes of sand grains along the beach face...
Delta-Plain Paleodrainage Patterns Reflect Small-Scale Fault Movement and Subtle Forebulge Uplift: Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Western Canada Foreland Basin
A. Guy Plint, Jennifer A. Wadsworth
Special Publications of SEPM
... basement. The suture is inferred to have been a lithospheric weak zone, repeatedly serving to localize the forebulge. Although vertical displacement...
Results of Experimental Investigations of the Displacement of Oil by Water from Fractures of Variable Cross Sections
E. V. Sokolovskiy, G. A. Rakhman, V. N. Maydebor
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Results of Experimental Investigations of the Displacement of Oil by Water from Fractures of Variable Cross Sections E. V. Sokolovskiy, G. A. Rakhman...
ABSTRACT: New Geometrical Techniques to Infer Listric Normal Fault Shapes, by Bill Kilsdonk and J. H. Spang; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Influence of Faults on Ground-Water Flow in a High-Porosity Quartz Sandstone Aquifer in Central Texas, by Leslie C. Randolph and Brann Johnson; #91022 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com
Test of Cross Section Balancing and Restoring on Experimental Constant-Displacement Normal Fault, by B. Chai and R. H. Groshong, Jr.; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Small Displacement Normal Faults as Barriers to Fluid Flow in the Complexly Faulted Anticline of the Wilmington Field, by P. A. Teas and J. Thornburg; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Determining Amounts of Basin Inversion, by T. Song; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Current Status and Screening Criteria for Field Application of Short-Distance Oil Displacement Methods, by Alex T. Turta, Ashok K. Singhal, Tianxiang Xia, and Malcolm Greaves; #90039 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Numerical Modeling of the Deformation and Displacement of Salt Bodies With Embedded Carbonate or Anhydrite Stringers
Search and Discovery.com
Carbonate Pore System Influence on Displacement Behavior
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Subsidence Associated with Active Growth Faulting on the Mississippi Delta: Displacement Rates and Steering of the Mississippi River, #90104 (2010)
Straub Kyle; Mohrig David; George Terra; Dawers Nancye; Martin Emily; Paola Chris
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Subsidence Associated with Active Growth Faulting on the Mississippi Delta: Displacement Rates and Steering of the Mississippi River, #90104...
Exploring the horizontal component of OBN surveys for added value to imaging
Samara Omar, Jim Simmons, Carlos Calderón
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...- from down-going P-wave modes and disregards signal measured in the Hcomponent. Our current work focuses on comparing the signal of the displacement...
Two-dimensional Kinematic Modeling of the Southern Kirthar Fold Belt, Pakistan
J. N. Fowler, R. Graham, W. Sassi, J. D. Smewing, J. Warburton
AAPG Special Volumes
...: What is the maturity of the source rock? What is the timing of trap generation vs. hydrocarbon generation?REGIONAL OVERVIEWA series of plate tectonic...