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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Earthquake Hazards and Tectonic History of the San Andreas Fault Zone, Los Angeles County, California

Allan G. Barrows, James E. Kahle, David J. Beeby

Pacific Section of AAPG

... p. 45-52. Crowell, J.C. 1962, Displacement along the San Andreas fault, California: Geological Society of America Special Paper 71, 61 p. Crowell...


Chapter 8: Impact of Depositional and Diagenetic Heterogeneity on Multiscale Mechanical Behavior of Mancos Shale, New Mexico and Utah, USA

Hongkyu Yoon, Mathew D. Ingraham, Joseph Grigg, Benjamin Rosandick, Peter Mozley, Alex Rinehart, William M. Mook, Thomas Dewers

AAPG Special Volumes

... and elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments: Journal of Materials Science, v. 7, p. 1564–1583. Oliver, W. C., and G. M...


Using F-score and supervised-mode machine learning algorithms for pore structure prediction from well logs in the Eocene sandstones, Bohai Oilfield, China

Zongbin Liu, Yan Lu, Yang Zheng, Xiaolin Zhu, Xin Zhou

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... The research is critical to regional evaluation and prediction of favorable reservoirs, productivity prediction and tapping of remaining oil. Theory...


Abstracts: Bridging the Gap Between Microseismic and Hydraulic Fracturing Using the Horizontal Slip Mechanism; #120181 (2015)

Yunhui Tan, Nat Smith, Jiahang Han, and Terry Engelder

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... of a shear event is: M=uDA (2) Here M: moment, u: shear modulus; D: displacement of the slip; A: slip area. Using reasonable range of numbers, we can get...


Using Structural Dip Modeling to Determine Structure and Stratigraphic Position, #40444 (2009)

Charles R. Berg and Andrew C. Newson

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.... Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 1 Domain 2 Vector Sections vs Vertical Sections TM In Vertical Sections, horizons are assumed to be vertically above...


The Use of 3-component Seismic Data to Identify Sweet Spots in Fractured Bakken Reservoirs, #40693 (2011)

Scott L. Stockton,

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... producing wells vs. dry holes in the Bakken Formation are a key for drilling success in the Bakken. The Middle Bakken Formation in the Williston Basin...


The Influence of Facies and Fracturing on the Petrophysical Properties of Carbonates; #120082 (2013)

Joyce Neilson, David Healy, Ian Alsop, Thomas Haines, Emma Michie, Nicholas Timms, and Moyra Wilson

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... and therefore seismic velocities, Vp and Vs. The ultimate aim of the research is to predict elastic properties across fault zones using Effective Medium Theory...


Role of Geology Operation Facing the Subsurface Uncertainties, in Mitigation, While Drilling and Logging in The Mahakam Delta; #42561 (2020)

Rio Sitorus, Roy Lesmana, Wahyu Pramono, Rian Ikhsan, Gustiadi Rosa

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... pressure evaluation and calculations of pump stroke vs. connection gas peak to estimate more accurately the source of ballooning during drilling...


Overprinting of Laramide Structural Grains in the Clarks Fork Canyon Area and Eastern Beartooth Mountains of Wyoming

Donald U. Wise

Wyoming Geological Association

... change would seem to require at the very least an equal amount of displacement on the NW-trending fault. In reality, much more of the section was probably...


Analysis of Casing Deformation in Different Unconventional Areas with a Comprehensive Approach in the Study

Brian Espindola, Antonio N. Romero, Maria J. Rodríguez, Romina D. Sosa Luna, Mauro I. Weimann, Rosario D. Velo, Rodrigo A. Escobar, Fernando Suarez, Miguel S. Pucho, Nicolas Gonzalez, Andrea V. Ferrara, Rocío L. Roth

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... by the technical team, sought to identify the mechanisms that generate CDs, such as: shear displacement through planes of “weak interfaces” between a ductile...


Impact of interlayer slip on fracture prediction from geomechanical models of fault-related folds

Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris

AAPG Bulletin

...:10.1016/0040-1951(77)90212-8.Erickson, S. G., 1996, Influence of mechanical stratigraphy on folding vs. faulting: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 18...


Extensional fault segmentation and linkages, Bonaparte Basin, outer North West Shelf, Australia

E. Frankowicz, K. R. McClay

AAPG Bulletin

... with fault-displacement analyses have illustrated the initial segmentation of all of the fault systems and characterized both the horizontal...


Predicting Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion in the Southern Apennines Thrust Belt by 2-D Integrated Structural and Geochemical Modeling: Part IStructural and Thermal Evolution

Simone Sciamanna, William Sassi, Roberto Gambini, Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz, Fausto Mosca, Carlo Nicolai

AAPG Special Volumes

... the conclusions about the validity of our proposed geometry and assumed accumulated thrust displacement. The methodology used in this work is a useful tool...


Microfacies and Diagenetic Controls of Porosity in Cretaceous/Tertiary Chalks, Eldfisk Field, Norwegian North Sea (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... reductions in porosity occurred primarily by stylolitization and cementation. The present-day effective stress-vs.-depth gradient in Eldfisk field...


The Structural Units of the Jawa Sea

Toto W. Sudiro, et al.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the SW. The Sunda Sub–Basin is bordered on both edges by steep flexures and faults of high vertical displacement. Both, Asri Sub–Basin as well...


Vintage Maps Reborn

Steve Parker

GEO ExPro Magazine

...). GEOExPro December 2021 59 Figure 2: Comparison of Traditional vs Modern Hillshading – Ireland. © Visual Geomatics Wall Maps community...


Qazvin, Iran, Earthquake: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

G. A. Mohajer , G. R. Pierce

AAPG Bulletin

... there are perhaps no phenomena affecting the earth's crust and upper strata more interesting than earthquakes. In a study of displacement along faults...


Abstract: Finite-difference Elastic Modelling Below a Structured Free Surface; #90171 (2013)

P. M. Manning

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... with a flat free surface upper boundary is given in Figure 3. Here the area to be modelled is that covered by the black displacement arrows, where...


Numerical Modelling of Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences on Offshore Infrastructure; #42459 (2019)

Pavel A. Trapper, Tal Feinstein, Miriam Gindis

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...ear resistance vs. relative displacement along shear band 𝐺𝐺𝑓𝑓 = ∫� 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 ℎ 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝜎𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝑑𝑑 𝜀𝜀 ̅ 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 ...


History of Displacement Along Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Southwestern Illinois: ABSTRACT

Howard R. Schwalb

AAPG Bulletin

...History of Displacement Along Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Southwestern Illinois: ABSTRACT Howard R. Schwalb 1983 1459 1459 67 9. (September) The Ste...


ABSTRACT: The Nares Strait Problem Re-examined - A Large Left-lateral Displacement or Vast Frontal Shortening along the Eurekan Orogen due to the Palaeogene Northward Drift of Greenland?; #90108 (2010)

Simon Campbell, Stanislaw Mazur, Joanne Whittaker, Rkia Bouatmani, and Paul Markwick

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...ABSTRACT: The Nares Strait Problem Re-examined - A Large Left-lateral Displacement or Vast Frontal Shortening along the Eurekan Orogen due...


Hypsometry of the Basement of the Dnieper - Donets Depression

R. I. Andreeva, M. V. Chirvinskaia

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... role in the formation of the main tectonic elements of the Dnieper-Donets depression, governing the displacement of the zones of regional faulting...


Seismic Exploration of the Val Verde Basin

Lorenz Shock

West Texas Geological Society

... at a considerable distance from the shot point. Such a displacement allows the reflected energy to be recorded before the energy travelling along...


Global Energy Outlooks and Australias Net Zero Energy Future

Jerome Paz

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of APPEA. Current global energy reality The energy sector is responsible...


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