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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Road Log No. S17 - Steamboat Springs to Craig, via U.S. 40
John R. Donnell - Editor
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of displacement passes near the southwest end of the flatiron hill. The town of Milner. (33.5) 11.5 (33.1) 0.0 Steamboat Springs, east city limits. (44.6...
5D Interpolation Adds Value at the Drill Bit for a Texas 3D Seismic Survey
K. Rene‘ Mott, William Keller, Mike Perz
GCAGS Transactions
... definition of fault displacement relative to the original data, and also appear to show higher lateral resolution as evidenced by the crisper imaging...
Natural Fracture Systems: Description and Classification: GEOLOGIC NOTES
R. A. Nelson
AAPG Bulletin
.... In laboratory experiments, both extension and tension fractures have a sense of displacement perpendicular to and away from the fracture plane...
Abstracts: Shifting Paradigms in Shale Sedimentology - The Implications of Recent Flume Studies for Interpreting Shale Fabrics and Depositional Environments; #90173 (2015)
Juergen Schieber
Search and Discovery.com
... the foresets of two ripples, migration is towards the left. What appears as a single lamina in side view consists in reality of compacted ripple...
Addressing the Geological Challenges in Tight Gas Sandstones with Advanced Borehole Imaging Solutions, Sultanate of Oman; #40902 (2012)
Chandramani Shrivastava, Sultan Al-Mahruqy, Rifaat Al-Mjeni, Salim Al-Busaidi, Khalifa Muslem, Da Li Wang, Ashkaan Mohtadi
Search and Discovery.com
... contrasts that are inverted compared to the reality. A High definition imager was developed to address such concerns and was put to trial...
A Modelling of CO2 Injection Based on Sensitivity Study to Improve the Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Production Profile in Ray Field, South Sumatera Basin Indonesia
Petra Steven Wattimury, Hendra Amijaya, Sari Wulandari Hafsari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... performed on the base case reservoir parameters. 300 ft (long horizontal displacement) shows that the peak production reached in 3 years, with gas rate...
Frontal Foothills Structures in Central Alberta: The Thin End of the Intercutaneous Wedge?
Andrew G. Skuce
CSPG Bulletin
... of the theory to foreland belts has been challenged on geological grounds by Woodward (1987) and on theoretical grounds by Bombalakis (1994). Jamison (1993...
Competitive Algal Colonization of Peritidal Flats in a Schizohaline Environment: The Lower Ordovician of New York
S. J. Mazzullo, Gerald M. Friedman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..." of blue-green algae to the partly emergent peritidal zone. This concept in reality deals not with the displacement of algae by predators to sea...
A Modelling Study on the Application of the Bentonites in Plugging Carbon Dioxide Injection Wells
Hossein Dashti, Mohammad Sedaghat, Mahshid Firouzi, Suzanne Hurter
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of bentonite as a sealing material for CCS wells by studying the displacement mechanism of CO2 in water-saturated bentonite. A homogeneous numerical flow...
Organic Shale Spontaneous Imbibition and Monitoring with NMR to Evaluate In-Situ Saturations, Wettability and Molecular Sieving
Mansoor Ali, Safdar Ali, Ashish Mathur, Chad Belanger
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fracturing fluid resides and how it displaces the oil is not very well understood. Studying water uptake or water/oil displacement on a smaller scale using...
The Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity to Determine the Pattern of Water Injection and Production Pilot
Rudi Kurniawan, HariyadI, Ir. Joko Pamungkas, John H. Simamora
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... on the reservoir. The goal is to see the effects of heterogeneity on the pitting of a pilot project in order to obtain maximum displacement efficiency...
Simple Yet Practical Production Data Characteristics of Cluster Spacing and Stage Length Configurations: A Permian Case Study
S. Esmaili, N. Zakhour, J. Deng
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... quality and the economics. Figure 1: Average cluster spacing in Southern Midland Basin (SMB) vs. time (SPE 199721) The main design challenge...
Fault-Zone Seals in Siliciclastic Strata of the Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad
Richard G. Gibson
AAPG Bulletin
... as a function of depth, stratigraphy, and fault displacement magnitude, and (3) quantify their fluid-flow properties. The discussion in this paper deals...
Two-dimensional Analog Modeling of Fold and Thrust Belts: Dynamic Interactions with Syncontractional Sedimentation and Erosion
Jonathan E. Wu, Ken R. McClay
AAPG Special Volumes
..., no. 1, p. 5599.Dahlen, F. A., J. Suppe, and D. Davis, 1984, Mechanics of fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges: Cohesive Coulomb theory...
Critical Grain-Size Parameters for Predicting Framework and “Floating” Grains in Sediments
Steven L. Bryant, Chris Lerch, Michael E. Glinsky
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to overestimates of porosity. Figure 1. One normal (Reservoir I) and two anomalous (Reservoirs II and III) trends of density vs. compressional velocity...
Displacement Geometry in the Volume Containing a Single Normal Fault
Jim A. M. Barnett , John Mortimer , John H. Rippon , John J. Walsh , Juan Watterson
AAPG Bulletin
...Displacement Geometry in the Volume Containing a Single Normal Fault Jim A. M. Barnett , John Mortimer , John H. Rippon , John J. Walsh , Juan...
Displacement Length Linkage Model Applied to Footwalls Traps: Examples from the Eastern Llanos Basin of Colombia, #10568 (2014)
Oscar Lopez-Gamundi, Diana P. Carrascal, Andrea Pablos
Search and Discovery.com
...Displacement Length Linkage Model Applied to Footwalls Traps: Examples from the Eastern Llanos Basin of Colombia, #10568 (2014) Oscar Lopez...
Fault linkage and graben stepovers in the Canyonlands (Utah) and the North Sea Viking Graben, with implications for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation
Haakon Fossen, Richard A. Schultz, Egil Rundhovde, Atle Rotevatn, Simon J. Buckley
AAPG Bulletin
..., H. Fossen, C. H. Okubo, and D. M. Reeves, 2008, Dependence of displacement-length scaling relations for fractures and deformation bands...
Feasibility of CO2 Storage in Depleted Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Capacity, Microscale Mechanism, Injectivity, Fault Stability, and Monitoring
Sheng Peng, Leopoldo Ruiz Maraggi, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Katy Yut, Timothy P. McMahon, Mahdi Haddad
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., conducting rate transient analysis for injectivity and capacity of a single well, and examining microscale mechanisms of CO2-water-oil displacement. The study...
Reconstruction of Allochthonous Salt Emplacement from 3-D Seismic Reflection Data, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Robert D. Walters
AAPG Bulletin
... articles discuss features on the slope that are related to lateral displacement of allochthonous salt, including counter-regional faults, thrust faults...
Subsurface Fault Throw: A Reply
Luis M. Banks
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... dimensions is unjustified. Does he forget that throw, apparent displacement, normal fault, reverse fault, etc., are defined only in a plane, which of course...
Asian Petroleum & Total Energy Demand Relationship Present & Future
Roger H. Osborne
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to be deferred. If the envisioned ASEAN power grid and load sharing should become reality, then indirectly, through purchased electric power, other...
Oil and Gas Fields of the Texas Panhandle
C. Max Bauer
AAPG Bulletin
... limestone" is encountered. The big lime is in reality a group of limestone, anhydrite and dolomite strata interbedded with light blue or pale green shale...
Tectonic Deformation of Wingate Sandstone, Colorado National Monument
William R. Jamison, David W. Stearns
AAPG Bulletin
... strain within the Wingate are microfaults. Microfaults are roughly planar zones across which small, but discernible, amounts of shear displacement have...
Ultimate Recovery of the L-1 Sand, Benakat Timur Field, South Sumatra
R. S. Trijaya Kartoatmodjo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... It has a maximum displacement of about 150 m, down to the west. Besides the major Benakat Timur fault, a secondary normal fault, responsible for oil...