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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Determining Bedding Slip Planes With Microseismic Processing

Natalia Verkhovtseva, Ben Bagherian, Timur Mukhtarov

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... microseismic event properties plotted vs. depth can suggest whether bedding slip has occurred. Microseismic events can also be used to verify layering...


Lineament Analysis: An Exploration Method for the Delineation of Structural and Stratigraphic Anomalies

Alvin C. Johnson, Jr.

Utah Geological Association

.... When investigated in the field the vast majority of lineaments exhibit little or no displacement. It is suggested that these lineaments, properly...


Assessing the Relative Importance of Compaction Processes and Cementation to Reduction of Porosity in Sandstones: DISCUSSION

Colin R. Pate

AAPG Bulletin

... intergranular volume vs. cement diagram (modified in Figure 2). Two special cases should be noted on this diagram. Along the vertical axis, HC is zero...


Displacement of Oil by Water from Blind Fractures

E. V. Sokolovskiy, V. N. Maydebor

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Displacement of Oil by Water from Blind Fractures E. V. Sokolovskiy, V. N. Maydebor 1963 588 590 Vol. 7 (1963) No. 10. (October) 1. Maydebor, V. N...


Rock Tank (Morrow Sandstone) Field Eddy County, New Mexico

Richard D. Jons, Jack R. Stanley

North Texas Geological Society

... Gas Reserves vs. Economic Incentive”. The Oil & Gas Journal, July 15 and July 22, 1976 Issue. The Rock Tank Field, located 14 miles southwest...


Seismic Fracture Identification and Horizontal Drilling: Keys to Optimizing Productivity in a Fractured Reservoir, Giddings Field, Texas

Nanette Kuich

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... reflectors (Fig.4). Basic wave theory would explain the anomalies to be a result of energy being diffracted and absorbed in the fractured formation...


Seismic Fracture Identification and Horizontal Drilling: Keys to Optimizing Productivity in a Fractured Reservoir, Giddings Field, Texas

Nanette Kuich

GCAGS Transactions

... is over 400 ft thick. Also often observed is a similar breakup of the top Austin Chalk or overlying Pecan Gap reflectors (Fig. 4). Basic wave theory would...


Gravity Slide Thrusting and Folded Faults in Western Arbuckle Mountains and Vicinity, Southern Oklahoma: DISCUSSION

James W. Granath, William A. Morgan

AAPG Bulletin

... relate to Phillips' main argument and the third to implications he does not spec fically address in any detail. WRENCH FAULT VS. GRAVITY SLIDE...


Gravity Slide Thrusting and Folded Faults in Western Arbuckle Mountains and Vicinity, Southern Oklahoma: REPLY

Eric H. Phillips

AAPG Bulletin

... of regional geology and tectonics." However, this should not, in itself, be an objection to the hypothesis. WRENCH FAULT VS. GRAVITY SLIDE...


Structure, petrophysics, and diagenesis of shale entrained along a normal fault at Black Diamond Mines, CaliforniaImplications for fault seal

Peter Eichhubl, Peter S. D'Onfro, Atilla Aydin, John Waters, Douglas K. McCarty

AAPG Bulletin

... the effective mixing of clay- and quartz-rich layers of the shaly source unit by granular flow during shale deformation.Capillary displacement pressures...


Abstract: The Application of The Nearly Optimal Sponge Boundary Conditions for Seismic Wave Propagation in Poroelastic Media; #90171 (2013)

Jingyi Chen and Ralph Phillip Bording

Search and

...’s method to the numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation in the transversely isotropic poroelastic media based on Biot/squirt flow theory. Since...


Abstract: The Application of The Nearly Optimal Sponge Boundary Conditions for Seismic Wave Propagation in Poroelastic Media; #90171 (2013)

Jingyi Chen and Ralph Phillip Bording

Search and

...’s method to the numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation in the transversely isotropic poroelastic media based on Biot/squirt flow theory. Since...


Evolution of Structures above a Salt Diapir - Case Study from the Arabian Gulf Region, #50910 (2014)

Mohammed Al-Fahmi, Andreas Plesch, John Shaw, John Cole

Search and

... the stratigraphic section from Permian to Tertiary and concentrate on: 1) the evolution of the dome structure, 2) the patterns and displacement history...


Using Laramide Structures of the Wyoming Foreland to Teach Plate Tectonic Concepts at any Level - A Summary and Ideas for the New Millennium

Gretchen L. Hurley

Wyoming Geological Association

..., CO, p. 271. Stone, D.S., 1997, Toward reality in section construction: an historic review, in Campen, E., ed., Bighorn Basin: 50 years...


Effect of pore structure on the producibility of tight-gas sandstones

A. Sakhaee-Pour, Steven L. Bryant

AAPG Bulletin

...: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 122, no. 7 8, p. 1081 1093, doi: 10.1130/B30067.1. Berkowitz, B., and B. Balberg, 1993, Percolation theory...


Development of Secondary Porosity in a Meekwap Reef and Its Effect on Reservoir Properties

J.P. Reid, N.C. Wardlaw

CSPG Special Publications

..., The effects of pore structure on displacement efficiency in reservoir rocks and in glass micromodels: Paper SPE 8843 presented at the 1st Joint SPE/DOE...


Towards the Development of a Baseline for Surface Movement in the Surat Cumulative Management Area

Mohsen S. Masoudian, Christopher Leonardi, Zhongwei Chen, Jim Underschultz

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

.... 2014). Nevertheless, the total displacement at the ground surface is the sum of all compaction mechanisms occurring within multiple geological units...


Relationship Brtween the Kishenehn Basin, and the Flathead Listric Normal Fault System and Lewis Thrust Salient

Kurt Constenius

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... fold provinces: I) the interdependency of displacement along a listric normal fault and the geometry of synorogenic basinfill, 2) the rotation...


Methods for Optimizing Steamflood Performance

M. Kumar

Indonesian Petroleum Association

....: "Numerical Simulation of Steam Displacement – Field Performance Applications," Journal of Petroleum Technology (June 1975) 765-776. 4. Gomaa, E...


Improving Bunyu Field Drilling Performance with Comprehensive Wellbore Stability Maintenance Strategy and Optimized Drilling Practices

Ridwan Durachman, Hendrazid Hendrazid, Erwin Sepbriansyah, Ramadhana Aristya, Andang Kustamsi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... prior to log. PT/FA only W. Trip prior to log PT/FA 12-1/4" hole only Trip w/DD ass. prior to 450 m Hor displacement - 21 deg Incl. Improved hole...


Estimation of detachment depths and displacements from the area–depth markers of contractional growth structures: Testing the “inverse line” concept

Sam Rivas-Dorado

AAPG Bulletin

... and displacement of a structure. The validity of this concept was tested through a series of case studies and fault-propagation fold models. Case studies...


3D Seismic Definition of Fault Geometries and Interference as Structural Controls on Oil Fields in the Upia Area, Llanos Basin, Colombia

M G de Freitas

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... are controlled by displacement, length, orientation of and interference between bounding faults, such as in relay ramps. Sealing by fault planes could...


Geomechanics and Drilling Challenges in the Deepwater Mississippi Fan Fold Belt—Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico

Selim S. Shaker

GCAGS Transactions

...-fracture prediction methods and algorithms is not a successful technique in this subsurface setting. The swap of vertical stress, SV, vs. minimum horizontal...


Investigating Natural Fracture Effects on Well Productivity: Eagle Ford, La Salle County, Texas

Paolo Grossi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and accommodate displacement transfer between adjacent structures; a common feature within the Gulf Coast Basin (Collins, 1993, and Ferrill and Morris...


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