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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,455 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Geomechanics and Drilling Challenges in the Deepwater Mississippi Fan Fold Belt—Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico

Selim S. Shaker

GCAGS Transactions

...-fracture prediction methods and algorithms is not a successful technique in this subsurface setting. The swap of vertical stress, SV, vs. minimum horizontal...


Chapter 1: Cretaceous to Neogene Arc–Continent Collision, Orogenic Float Development, and Implications on the Petroleum Systems of Northern Venezuela

Jairo Lugo, Felipe Audemard

AAPG Special Volumes

... between the plates to balance the eastward displacement with the southward thrusting and foredeep subsidence. We report evidence for 100 km (60 mi...


Petrophysical properties of the Green Canyon Block 955 hydrate reservoir inferred from reconstituted sediments: Implications for hydrate formation and production

Yi Fang, Peter B. Flemings, Hugh Daigle, Stephen C. Phillips, P. Kevin Meazell, and Kehua You

AAPG Bulletin

..., the sandy silt lithofacies sample that was loaded to a higher stress (empty orange circles) has a slightly higher displacement PdeHg–air (0.10 vs. 0.087...


Evaluation of Late Cap Rock Failure and Hydrocarbon Trapping Using a Linked Pressure and Stress Simulator

A. E. Lothe, H. Borge, . Sylta

AAPG Special Volumes

... in Norway: Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publication 4, p. 235251.Loosveld, R. J. H., and R. C. M. W. Franssen, 1992, Extensional vs. shear...


Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Tectonically Stressed Shale Reservoirs

Pablo Medina, Manuel Jin, Sebastián D’hers, Marcelo Frydman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... theory (Detournay et al. 1993). A fracture initiation criterion and a non-linear fracture propagation model (interface elements) (de Borst 2018...


Pore Geometry: Control on Reservoir Properties, Walker Creek Field, Columbia and Lafayette Counties, Arkansas

D. M. Bliefnick , J. G. Kaldi

AAPG Bulletin

..., and displacement pressure, and aspects of pore geometry such as pore-throat size, pore-throat size distribution, and pore interconnectivity. In addition...


The constructive functions of tropical cyclones and tsunamis on deep-water sand deposition during sea level highstand: Implications for petroleum exploration

G. Shanmugam

AAPG Bulletin

...., 1953, Rational theory of delta formation: AAPG Bulletin, v. 37, p. 21192162.Bea, R. G., H. A. Bernard, P. Arnold, and E. H. Doyle, 1975, Soil...


Diverse fracture properties and their impact on performance in conventional and tight-gas reservoirs, Saudi Arabia: The Unayzah, South Haradh case study

Mohammed S. Ameen, Keith MacPherson, Maher I. Al-Marhoon, Zillur Rahim

AAPG Bulletin

...:10.1190/1.1437077.Barenblatt, G. I., I. P. Zheltov, and I. N. Kochina, 1960, Basic concept in the theory of seepage of homogeneous liquids in fissured rocks...


Comparative analysis of carbon dioxide storage resource assessment methodologies

Olga H. Popova, Mitchell J. Small, Sean T. McCoy, A. C. Thomas, Bobak Karimi, Angela Goodman, Kristin M. Carter

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... evaluation at a basin scale help us to understand how CCS technologies may work in theory; these studies provide a preliminary assessment...


Black-Oil and Compositional Reservoir Simulation of Gas-Based EOR in Tight Unconventionals

Stian Mydland, Curtis Hays Whitson, Mathias Lia Carlsen, Mohamad Majzoub Dahouk, Ilina Yusra

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... simulation with the BOPVT model consistently overestimate oil recovery for the HnP process. For a displacement-based process involving injection in some...


Carter-Knox Oil Field, Grady and Stephens Counties, Oklahoma

Harold J. Reedy, Howard A. Sykes

AAPG Special Volumes

..., contoured on Woods sandstone (Springer); interval is 100 and 500 feet. End_Page 210------------------------ faults of 100-200 feet displacement...


Carter-Knox Oil Field, Grady and Stephens Counties, Oklahoma

Harold J. Reedy, Howard A. Sykes

Tulsa Geological Society

... of 100-200 feet displacement, which parallel thrust faults in the Pennsylvanian. These faults apparently die out with depth as shown by Figure 6...


A Methodology for Selecting Optimal Pipe Rocking Regimes during Slide Drilling

Ian Rostagno, Michael Yi, Pradeepkumar Ashok, Eric van Oort, Ben Potash, Chris Mullin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and specifically design a rocking regime based on available data to maximize friction reduction, while keeping a constant toolface angle. Theory and Methods...




Williston Basin Symposium

... to 20 years ago. ORDERLY DEVELOPMENT VS EQUITY It is inevitable that any spacing pattern which prohibits the drilling...


A Single Slurry System for Cementing Surface Casing in a Low Fracture Gradient Shallow Gas Area Off Shore Kalimantan

Amin Hartoni, Maman Helmana, Bruce Hobson, Robert Huizenga

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the slurry becomes quite critical. To have good mud removal using turbulent flow displacement, a certain flow rate has to be achieved all around...


Optimization of a Peripheral Waterflood in a Carbonate Reservoir: A Case Study of the Kaji Semoga Field

Danny Hutagalung, Dwi Marlia Sari, Tomi Afandi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of 83 % as compared to a 78 % planned. On the other hand, a lower injection rate could delay the displacement effect, as seen in the cumulative totals...


Problems with Plate Tectonics: The Labrador Sea

A. C. Grant

CSPG Bulletin

.... These conflicts pose such questions concerning basic precepts of plate-tectonic theory as the source of linear magnetic anomalies on the seafloor...


Plate-Tectonic Scenario for Solution-Controlled Collapse Structures in Paleozoic Carbonate-Evaporite Sequence of the Northern Williston Basin Region


Montana Geological Society

... TECTONIC EPISODES Sloss and Speed (1974) identified three tectonic modes of cratons and vertical motions, which include both displacement...


A Paleostructural Interpretation of the Eastern Great Basin Portion of the Basin and Range Province Nevada and Utah

E.L. Howard

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... volcanics. In reality, he had exhumed the pre-Oligocene surface and revealed its physiographic setting just prior to the deposition of the welded...


Design of low frequency sweep signals for conventional vibrators

Tie Wei, Yang Zhu, Zhigang Liu, Dong Wang, Guowei Wei, Mingtao Nie

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of a vibrator is mainly constrained by the maximum displacement of the reaction mass and the flow rate of the vibration pump. The calculation formulas...


Note on a Geological Cross-Section Through the Nordegg Area

A. N. Thomas

CSPG Special Publications

... into a plane of decollement, the length of which is at least 30 miles, in the Cambrian or Proterozoic sediments. The displacement of beds along...


Theory of Lateral Propagation (Infliction, Imposition) of Major Shears

E. Scheibner

Utah Geological Association

...Theory of Lateral Propagation (Infliction, Imposition) of Major Shears E. Scheibner 1974 604 608 The theory of lateral propagation (Infliction...


Counterregional-Style Deformation in the Deep Shelf of the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Mark G. Rowan, Kerry F. Inman

GCAGS Transactions

... the diapirs, following the margins of the minibasins. Displacement on these faults is greatest at the diapirs and decreases toward the fault tips...


An approach for quantifying structural interpretation uncertainty

Kellen L. Gunderson and Chris A. Guzofski

AAPG Bulletin

... approaches to quantifying, or reducing, the uncertainty of these structural interpretations include using strain or fault length versus displacement...


Abstract: Kinematic Structural Forward Modeling for Fault Trajectory Prediction in Seismic Interpretation; #90224 (2015)

Mohammed Alarfaj and Don C. Lawton

Search and

... and the rollover theory of Xiao and Suppe (1992). Implementation and model development were undertaken using recently released structural modelling...


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