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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,455 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
New Seep Technology
Thomas Smith
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... diapirs present to act as a pathway for the hydrocarbons. Basin flow dynamics can lead to lateral displacement of hydrocarbons. Both physical...
Primary Migration - A New Tack on an Old Theme
Jack I. Simmons
GCAGS Transactions
... upon the diffusivity constant and time, or: 2 = 2Dt where 2 is the mean square of the displacement. Both the rates of diffusive flow and distances...
Pore Pressure Prediction: Geological Perceptions
S. Shaker
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... distribution in sand vs. shale. On the structural crest, the pore pressure in the sand usually exceeds the predicted pore pressure in the shale. The presence...
Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration: Discussion
P. S. Ringrose , S. R. Larter , P. W. M. Corbett , D. L. Carruthers
AAPG Bulletin
.... S. Ringrose, K. S. Sorbie, and A. W. Tudhope, 1994, Waterflood displacement mechanisms in a laminated rock slab--validation of predicted capillary...
Steam Chamber Monitoring using Surface Deformation from Radar (PS-InSAR) and Tiltmeter Measurements
Search and Discovery.com
.... This makes the computation of the displacement more complex but gives access to 2D surface deformation (Y and Z) instead of a 1D (Z) assumed...
Heavy Oil Polymer EOR in the Challenging Alaskan Arctic - It Works!
A. Dandekar, B. Bai, J. Barnes, D. Cercone, J. Ciferno, R. Edwards, S. Ning, W. Schulpen, R. Seright, B. Sheets, D. Wang, Y. Zhang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in great details. In particular, Paskvan et al. (2016) delineate the vertical depth vs. oil viscosity relationship for the various ANS oil resources. Note...
Fault displacement gradients on normal faults and associated deformation
Alan P. Morris, Ronald N. McGinnis, and David A. Ferrill
AAPG Bulletin
...Fault displacement gradients on normal faults and associated deformation Alan P. Morris, Ronald N. McGinnis, and David A. Ferrill 2014 1161 1184 98 6...
Geotechnical Applications in Soft Sediments: Section 2
Wayne A. Dunlap
AAPG Special Volumes
.... A. (1968). On a Thermodynamic Constitutive Theory and Its Application to Various Nonlinear Materials, Proceedings, Int. Union of Theor. and Applied...
Optimizing Proppant Placement in Rough-Walled Rock Fractures
Min Zhang, Maša Prodanović
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... clear proppant displacement front, a slower proppant displacement speed into the fracture and a larger pressure difference build-up URTeC 1081 2...
Deformation of Flysch Formations in the West Bourland Mountain Area, Western Marathon Basin, Texas
Mary Anne Duncan
West Texas Geological Society
..., the net slip is probably about 500 m (fig. 6). This fault has the greatest displacement of the four major thrust faults in the study area and marks...
Tarakan Sub-Basin Growth Faults, North-East Kalimantan: Their Roles in Hydrocarbon Entrapment
Elan Biantoro, M. Indra Kusuma, Lindy F. Rotinsulu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... accumulations, and to predict which closures have a high probability of being traps. Allan, V.S., 1989, Model for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment...
Experimental Study of Hydraulic Fracture/Natural Fracture Interaction on a Tight Sandstone Formation
Xiangtong Yang, Jeffrey Burghardt, Hui Zhang, Yang Zhang, Fuxiang Zhang, Jianyong Pei, Chunyan Qi, Kaibin Qiu, Nick Whitney
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... normal displacement of each face of the block, which is what will be reported below. Figure 2. Engineering drawing of block geometry for test MB-3...
Quantitative evaluation of the oil-leg potential in the Oliver gas field, Timor Sea, Australia
M. Lisk, G. W. O'Brien, P. J. Eadington
AAPG Bulletin
... to original oil in place of up to 200 million bbl, considerably greater than the 45 million bbl of oil presently reservoired. The displacement of up...
Hydrodynamic Character of the Toro Sandstone, Iagifu/Hedinia Area, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
Leonard I. Eisenberg
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... on a foot by foot basis and reservoir fluid samples can be extracted if desired. The press ure data are posted on pressure vs. depth plots...
Application of Foam Cement and the Stringent Quality Control Techniques Basic to the Use of This New Oil Field Cementing System
Alex Antonovitch, George Birch, D. Larry Murphy
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is likely to be perforated. Figure 2. Compressive Strength after 7 days vs Density-Base Slurry 14.6 ppg Figure 3. Foam Quality vs Density Permeability...
Tectonically Controlled Freshwater Carbonate Cementation in Chalk
Ya'acov Mimran
Special Publications of SEPM
... cutting through the Senonian chalk the fault reduces its displacement sharply from about 300 m to only 50 m (Fig. 1). This observation aroused...
Evaluating the Effect of Formation Properties and Completion Design parameters on Cluster Efficiency Using Advanced Modeling
Varahanaresh Sesetty, Ahmad Ghassemi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...s show that R3D model based on both 3D DDM (displacement discontinuity method) and 2D DDM match well with full 3D results. On the other hand, Pseudo 3...
Seals: The Role of Geomechanics
Gary D. Couples
AAPG Special Volumes
... of wettability: Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, v. 2, p. 494510.Brace, W. F., 1960, An extension of the Griffith theory of fracture to rocks: Journal...
Fault zone processes and fluid history in Austin Chalk, southwest Texas
David A. Ferrill, Mark A. Evans, Ronald N. McGinnis, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, Daniel Lehrmann, Kirk D. H. Gulliver, and Zach Sickmann
AAPG Bulletin
.... Ward, 2011, Fault zone deformation and displacement partitioning in mechanically layered carbonates: The Hidden Valley fault, central Texas: AAPG...
ABSTRACT: Structural Interpretation of the Southern Half of the Sawtooth Salient of the Montana Disturbed Belt
Stephen P. Gardner, Jonathan M . Achuff
Montana Geological Society
.... The western zone consists of five major thrust faults dipping 25-30 degrees westward with 1 -7 miles of displacement...
Fault Nomenclature and Classification
John C. Crowell
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... thinkin- and communication g concerning faults often arise because in practice we fail to distinguishbetween the displacement of lines...
Abstract: Land Surface Subsidence and Aquifer Compaction: A Comparison of Surficial and Deep-Monument GPS Data, Northwest Harris County, Texas
Jesse Ortega
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... is located 50 meters from the deep-monument site. The proximity of these devices allows for the crucial comparison of regional vertical displacement...
Abstract: Deformation Produced by Normal Faulting beneath Salt or Shale: An Eexperimental Study with Implications for Seismic Interpretation
Martha Withjack
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of the sand/clay cover, the magnitude of the fault displacement, and the rate of fault displacement. W Our modelling results show that a broad forced fold...