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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,455 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Figures: V. Amplitude of Movements
Greg Zolnai
AAPG Special Volumes
... Decreasing displacement, /KINGMA/, V-11 Constant displacement, /G.Z./, V-12 Positive mass-balance, /BARTLETT/, V-13 Mass balance diagrams-recapitulation...
Faults of South and Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Delos R. Tucker
AAPG Bulletin
..." shows the location, depth of trace, and approximate vertical displacement of the various normal faults located in the area covered by the investigation...
Thrust Displacement Transfer Zone, Southern Oklahoma, by C. P. Saxon; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Tectonic Significance of Ross Pass Fault Zone, Central Bridger Range, Montana: ABSTRACT
Carol Craiglow
AAPG Bulletin
... with varying amounts of displacement. The middle thrust, the Pass fault, is the most extensive within the zone; to the west, the Proterozoic LaHood Formation...
Basement Fault Configurations, Wyoming Province: ABSTRACT
J. H. Spang, J. P. Evans
AAPG Bulletin
... includes: (1) motion along a reverse fault which yields a folded upper basement surface, and (2) displacement distributed along a series of parallel basement...
ABSTRACT: The 3D Geometry of Inversion Structures, by Michael Peter Coward; #90913(2000).
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Abstract: Horizontal Openhole Well Displacement Practices: Effect of Various Techniques on Well Productivity, Operational Complexity, and Overall Project Economics, by S. Mathis; #90911 (2000)
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Pre-spreading history of the Cayman Trough
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Oil Displacement Performance of Alkanolamide Surfactants and its Compound System for High Calcium and Magnesium Reservoirs
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ABSTRACT: A New Technique to Improve 3-D Fault Geometry Interpretation from a Seismic Dataset: An Example from a Welded Growth Fault Family, Offshore Angola; #90013 (2003)
David Dutton, Dustin Lister
Search and Discovery.com
... for complex faulted regions. Displacement information is automatically mapped to each skeleton from vertical offsets within the horizons. The information...
ABSTRACT: 4-D Analogue Modeling of Transtensional Pull-Apart Basins; #90061 (2006)
Jonny Wu, Ken McClay, and Paul Whitehouse
Search and Discovery.com
... basins are bounded by a series of en-echelon faults that coalesced and linked as displacement on the principal displacement system increased. Subsidence...
PowerPoint Presentation
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Detection and Significance of Lineaments and Lineament Intersections in Parts of the Northern Cordillera
Jacques B. Wertz
Utah Geological Association
..., 1962, DISPLACEMENT ALONG THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT, CALIFORNIA: Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper 71, 62 pp. Davies, J.F., 1964, MINERAL DEPOSITS RELATED...
Chapter 7: Subsurface Structural Interpretation: The Significance of 3-D Structural Frameworks
Bob Krantz, Thomas Neely
AAPG Special Volumes
... errors. As an interpretation process and strategy, working in 3-D framework mode enforces topological reality: surfaces must be real and admissible...
PTTC Network News - Vol. 14, No.1 - 2008
Lance Cole, Zac Weathers, Beverly Seyler, Eric Porter
... registration. The 105-paper technical program for the RMS includes sessions on: Resource plays: Perception vs. Reality; the Business Side of 3-D Seismic...
Reservoir simulations developed from an outcrop of incised valley fill strata
Karl D. Stephen, Mark Dalrymple
AAPG Bulletin
... of displacement processes in heterogeneous porous media: Advances in Water Resources, v. 20, p. 335-347. ECLIPSE 100 Technical Reference Manual, 1998...
2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, April 18-21, 2004, Dallas Texas - ABSTRACTS, #90026 (2004).
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Fluid-Flow Regimes and Sandstone Shale Diagenesis in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Ronald C. Surdam, Zun Sheng Hao, Peigui Yin
Special Publications of SEPM
... burial depth (Fig. 22 shows sealing capacity vs. depth; the plot depth of of is identical). the gas displacement pressure vs depth is identical...
Service Life of Flexible Riser and Catenary Mooring Systems
Alan B. Hill, Chris C. E. Candy, Michael N. Kakulas
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
.... The FE model comprises the ISL and the surrounding spiral and applies internal pressure and displacement to simulate slip. From the non linear stress...
Mechanical stratigraphy and faulting in Cretaceous carbonates
Alan P. Morris, David A. Ferrill, Ronald N. McGinnis
AAPG Bulletin
... a Schmidt hammer, allow the analysis of mechanical stratigraphy. Fault frequency and displacement distributions exhibit patterns that correlate...
Patterns of Displacement Along Large Normal Faults: Implications for Basin Evolution and Fault Propagation, Based on Examples from East Africa
Chris K. Morley
AAPG Bulletin
...Patterns of Displacement Along Large Normal Faults: Implications for Basin Evolution and Fault Propagation, Based on Examples from East Africa Chris...
Abstract: Shallow Slip Deficit of the 1992 Mw 7.3 Landers Earthquake Using Sub-Pixel Image Correlation, by Milliner, Chris W.; Hollingsworth, James; Dolan, James; Leprince, Sebastien; and Ayoub, Francois; #90162 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3d Gravity Depth Inversion and Displacement Estimates for the Lida Valley Pull- Apart Basin, Southwestern Nevada, by Sarah Dunn, Nicholas Mueller, and John Oldow; #90182 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Empirical Constraints on Fault Displacement Vectors and Implications for Fault Mechanics and Strain Prediction, Taranaki Basin, Offshore New Zealand
Search and Discovery.com
Delineating Structural Timing
R. A. Nelson, T. L. Patton, S. Serra, and P. A. Bentham
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... and Seager, 1990). Sand vs. shale or coarse vs. fine sand isolith maps may show when and where structural movements occurred. Core, log, sequence...