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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Sediment Supply vs. Accelerating Tectonic Subsidence: An Uphill Struggle for the Last Dunvegan Deltas; #90211 (2015)
Michael Hay and Guy Plint
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Sediment Supply vs. Accelerating Tectonic Subsidence: An Uphill Struggle for the Last Dunvegan Deltas; #90211 (2015) Michael Hay and Guy...
Geological Prediction of Subseismic Deformation from Seismic-Reflection Profiles of Contractional Structures, #41247 (2013)
Richard H. Groshong Jr., Roy W. Schlische, Martha Oliver Withjack
Search and Discovery.com
... deformation. With this method, a graph of excess area vs. depth yields the boundary displacement. The displacement, together with measured bed lengths...
Stratigraphic well correlations for 3-D static modeling of carbonate reservoirs
Jean R. F. Borgomano, Francois Fournier, Sophie Viseur, Lex Rijkels
AAPG Bulletin
... of the geological reality, which is not dependent, unlike the dynamic reservoir behavior, on the well numbers, location, and spacing. Stratigraphic...
Reducing parameter coupling effect for subsoil density estimation using 3D seismic full-waveform inversion with horizontal-force source
Y. Kawasaki, S. Minato, R. Ghose
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... reconstruction of the ρ model as well as the S-wave velocity (VS) model. This can be achieved using a standard gradient-based optimization without...
Development of Hydraulic Fracture Hits and Fracture Redirection Visualized for Consecutive Fracture Stages with Fast Time-stepped Linear Superposition Method (TLSM)
Tri Pham, Ruud Weijermars
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... URTEC-2879159-MS. https://doi.org/10.15530/URTEC-2018-2879159. Patel, H., Cadwallader, S., and Wampler, J. 2016. Zipper Fracturing: Taking Theory to Reality...
Evolution of Normal Faults:Displacement Patterns in 3D Seismic Data from the Eastern Levant Basin; #11309 (2020)
Nadav Navon, Benjamin Medvedev, Amotz Agnon
Search and Discovery.com
...Evolution of Normal Faults:Displacement Patterns in 3D Seismic Data from the Eastern Levant Basin; #11309 (2020) Nadav Navon, Benjamin Medvedev...
Oscar E. Gilbert Jr.
Alabama Geological Society
... was in accord with extant concepts of orogenesis according to the classical geosyncline theory. Shaw and Rodgers (1963) later suggested that this contact might...
Eastern Boulder-Weld fault zone, Colorado: A gravity slide with pop-up structures
Richard H. Groshong, Jr., Ken Kittleson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... is a pop-up structure in which the uplifts are bounded on both sides by reverse faults. At larger-displacement the pop-ups are at the tip of the ramp...
The Fault Trajectory Method: Estimating the Location and Dip of Controlling Faults Below Forced Folds; #41998 (2017)
Nathan Eichelberger, Alan Nunns, Richard Groshong, Ismael Yarbuh
Search and Discovery.com
... regional elevations are the same on both sides of the fault. We present a new ADS method that directly determines fault depth, dip, displacement...
Displacement distributions on extensional faults: Implications for fault stretch, linkage, and seal
S. A. Stewart
AAPG Bulletin
...Displacement distributions on extensional faults: Implications for fault stretch, linkage, and seal S. A. Stewart 2001 587-600 85 4 Most...
Lower Triassic Tight Sand Reservoirs Prediction Technology Combined of Post- and Pre-stack Seismic Inversion in MX Area, Junggar Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geological Prediction of Subseismic Deformation from Seismic-Reflection Profiles of Contractional Structures, by Groshong, Richard H.; Withjack, Martha O.; Schlische, Roy W.; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Ramadan Field--Egypt: Gulf of Suez Basin: Chapter 3: Part I. Type Basin: Gulf of Suez
A. Shawky Abdine, Wafik Meshref, A. Nabil Shahin, Paul Garissino, Salah Shazly
AAPG Special Volumes
... to clysmic) were formed (Figure 8-2). The "A" fault system incurred in excess of 610 m (2000 ft) of displacement, imparting a 10° dip to the upthrown pre...
Ramadan Field--Egypt Gulf of Suez Basin
A. Shawky Abdine, Wafik Meshref, A. Nabil Shahin, Paul Garossino, Salah Shazly
AAPG Special Volumes
...-elements (faults that are normal to Clysmic) were formed (Figure 8-2). The "A" fault system incurred in excess of 610 m (2000 ft) of displacement...
Viscous Fingering Effect in Sweep Efficiency Calculation in Two Dimension Displacement by Using Waterflood Method
M.Ridho Wahyudi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Viscous Fingering Effect in Sweep Efficiency Calculation in Two Dimension Displacement by Using Waterflood Method M.Ridho Wahyudi IPA14-SE-102...
Improving Seismic Quality
Jane Whaley
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and the ability to visualise sub-salt and sub-basalt. Jane Whaley Vertically aligned streamers "The theory for Over/Under seismic acquisition has been...
Extended Abstract: The Barreirinhas Basin, Equatorial Brazil: Pitfalls of “Structural Styles”Analysis in Frontier Basins
Ed Gilbert, Ana Krueger, and Mike Murphy
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... deformation across a single fault. In reality major intracratonic strike-slip deformation is relatively uncommon. Many “wrench” features prove...
Abstract: Contribution of Shear Waves to Stratigraphic Interpretation, by G. Omnes; #90963 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
The Swash Force Transducer: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER
N. E. Caldwell, A. T. Williams, G. T. Roberts
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the result: V0 = Vs (kx + k) where x is the displacement of the outer cylinder. and k and k are constants, with k<
Abstract: Inversion Structures: Geometry and Petroleum Potential, by J. C. Chermette, J. Letouzey, and B. Colletta; #90990 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Modeling of Listric Fault/Rollover Systems, by T. Mauduit, J. P. Brun, G. Guerin, H. Lecanu, and S. Raillard; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Comparison of Basin Types in Active and Ancient Strike-Slip Zones: ABSTRACT
Paul Mann, Dwight Bradley
AAPG Bulletin
..., and this may eflect: (1) their role as precursory structures prior to concentration of strike-slip displacement on a single fault; (2) their role...
Surface and Subsurface Structural Analysis of a Part of Washita Valley Fault Zone, Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Deanna L. Palladino
AAPG Bulletin
... deformation include numerous interpretations, the most common being left-lateral strike slip with 30-40 mi (50-65 km) of displacement. Structures...
Distribution of Oceanic Versus Transitional Crust in Deep Gulf of Mexico Basin--Implications for Early History: ABSTRACT
Richard T. Buffler, Dale S. Sawyer
AAPG Bulletin
... in considerable detail the distribution of oceanic vs. transitional crust. Oceanic crust forms a narrow east-west belt up to 300 km wide across the deep Gulf. Most...
ABSTRACT: A Geometric Analysis of Neogene Fault Systems in the Timor Sea, Australia; #90007 (2002)
Jane Cunneen
Search and Discovery.com
... analysis software was used to compile fault population statistics from several stages during the Neogene. Faults with the greatest vertical displacement...