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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Elastic Wavefield Seismic Stratigraphy, by Bob A. Hardage and I.J. Aluka, #40184 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
From Reactive Seismic Monitoring to Proactive Reservoir Management. How Network Densification and Next-Generation Data Analysis Empowers Effective Extraction and Disposal
Adam Baig, Sepideh Karimi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Imperfections in the phase picking for the events and the assumed velocity structure can cause events to appear more scattered than they are in reality...
Pressure prediction using converted shear waves from OBN data: A rock physics approach
Prajnajyoti Mazumdar, Kevin Searles, Bjorn Olofsson, James Gaiser, Terence Krishnasami
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...-dimensional Vs model is built and used in predrill pressure prediction. The theory of prediction of pore pressure, Pp, using shear wave velocities...
AAPG Studies in Geology No. 58, the Geology of Cuba - Ch.4 Geophysical Characteristics
Georges Pardo
AAPG Special Volumes
... km/sVp/Vs = 1.80Basaltic layerVp = 7.0 km/sVp/Vs = 1.76Upper mantleVp = 8.1 km/sVp/Vs = 1.80Furthermore, they state that the island is broken...
Permeability Increase by Shear Slip During Shale Reservoir Stimulation
Zhi Ye, Ahmad Ghassemi, Lujun Ji, Vikram Sen, Jason Mailloux
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... tests, the fracture likely experienced a relatively large shear displacement (~10 mm shear slip) on a small-size shale sample (cylindrical samples...
Kinematic Analyses of Drape Folds in the Rocky Mountain Foreland — Some Geologic Implications
David M. Weinberg, David W. Stearns
Wyoming Geological Association
.... This means that if Figure 6 is accepted as an approximation of reality, drape folds of less than 1,300 feet (400 meters) vertical displacement should...
Normal Faults and Their Hanging-Wall Deformation: An Experimental Study
Martha Oliver Withjack , Quazi T. Islam , Paul R. La Pointe
AAPG Bulletin
.... (January) We have used clay models to study the effects of fault shape and displacement distribution on deformation patterns in the hanging wall...
Rapid Development of a Smart Stimulation Fluid Additive
Antonio Recio III, Kristina Henkel-Holan, Denise Benoit
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... with permission from Bera, 2015) Polymer-Micellar Flooding for Tertiary Oil Recovery (Left) vs. WaterFrac Primary Oil Recovery (Right) The driving force...
Chapter 12: Increasing Interpreter Capability in Structurally Complex Settings through Combined Fieldwork, Interpretation, and Geocellular Modeling
John G. Solum, Stephen J. Jolley, Benjamin D. Meyer
AAPG Special Volumes
... interpretation of seismic, geologic reality, perspective and 3-D thinking, in Krantz, B., Ormand, C., Freeman, B., eds., 3-D structural interpretation...
Amplitude inversion of OBS direct arrivals for seabed elastic properties
James Gaiser, Moacyr de Souza Bazerra, James Simmons
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... for the elastic properties VP, VS and density !. We estimate these properties by inverting the amplitude variations with ray parameter (horizontal slowness...
Regression Models for Faulted Structural Surfaces
W. R. James
AAPG Bulletin
... of moderate displacement can be approximated only poorly with standard polynomial regression models. Discontinuities can, however, be introduced...
Laboratory Experiments on Miscible Core Flood Tests Using Carbon Dioxide
Warno Husodo, Rachmat Sudibjo, Barry W. Walsh
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the design of miscible displacement system. Continental oil Co. Ponca, Oklahoma, Febr. 1960. 2. Brigham W.E. : Miscible displacement. Continental Oil...
Abstract: Simplified Processing of Converted Wave Data; #90224 (2015)
John C. Bancroft and Thais Guirigay
Search and Discovery.com
... the conversion point and may be picked using traditional semblance plots. Theory and/or Method The converted wave data can be partially processed...
Multiple Stratigraphic Indicators of Major Strike-slip Movement along the Eola Fault, Subsurface Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
Jerry Glen McCaskill Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... normal fault displacement component in the eastern half of the Eola field, which eliminates any pure thrust fault interpretation for the Eola fault...
Fracture Properties Characterization of Shale Rocks
Ahmad Ghassemi, Spencer Riley, Zhi Ye
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of displacement vs. stress during fracture sliding for Barnett Shale #2, Mancos Shale #2 and Pierre Shale #1, respectively. According to the plots, Mancos...
Effects of Nanoscale Pore Confinement on CO2 Displacement
Kai Zhang, Qingquan Liu, Shuhua Wang, Dong Feng, Keliu Wu, Xiaohu Dong, Shengnan Chen, Zhangxin Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Effects of Nanoscale Pore Confinement on CO2 Displacement Kai Zhang, Qingquan Liu, Shuhua Wang, Dong Feng, Keliu Wu, Xiaohu Dong, Shengnan Chen...
Extended Abstract: Locating Faults in Louisiana Gulf Coast Quaternary Stratigraphy by Combination of Cone Penetrometer Tests with Borings and Chirp Seismic Data, Golden Meadow, Louisiana
Allison Scates, Rui Zhang
GCAGS Transactions
...-Central States (Tran-SET). Davis, D. W., 2018, Coastal land loss in Louisiana: From denial to reality: American Association of Geographers,
Outcrop Analog for Cyclic-Shelf Reservoirs, San Andres Formation of Permian Basin: Stratigraphic Framework, Permeability Distribution, Geostatistics, and Fluid-Flow Modeling
C. W. Grant, D. J. Goggin, P. M. Harris
AAPG Bulletin
..., Publication 91-32, p. 11-51. Stalkup, F. I., Jr., 1984, Miscible displacement: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME Monograph 8, 204 p. Wanless, H. R...
Abstracts: Microseismic Source Inversion in Anisotropic Media; #90173 (2015)
Scott Leaney, Chris Chapman, and Tadeusz Ulrych
Search and Discovery.com
... with a symmetry axis normal to bedding or vertical (so-called VTI). While the theory used is valid for general anisotropy we consider presently only...
Terminology for structural discontinuities
Richard A. Schultz, Haakon Fossen
AAPG Bulletin
... discontinuities according to the rate of change of displacement across them (sharp planes with discontinuous displacement vs. tabular zones...
3D acoustic-elastic full-waveform inversion and migration of marine VSP data from Norway
Zhaolun Liu, Jrgen Hoffmann, Frederik J. Simons, Jeroen Tromp
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...-based migration image. The resolution of our shear wave speed (VS ) image is higher than that of the VP image due to the smaller reflection angle of P...
Simulating Coastal Systems Tracts Using the Shoreface Translation Model
Peter J. Cowell, Peter S. Roy, Jelmer Cleveringa, Poppe L. De Boer
Special Publications of SEPM
... BOER University of Utrecht 3508 TA Utrecht The Nether ands The shoreface translation model STM incorporates advances in the theory for coastal...
OpenFWI 2.0: Benchmark Datasets for Elastic Full-waveform Inversion
Shihang Feng, Hanchen Wang, Chengyuan Deng, Yinan Feng, Min Zhu, Peng Jin, Yinpeng Chen, Youzuo Lin
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... ) and S-velocity (VS ) models, along with their corresponding elastic datasets. In alignment with the O PEN FWI, the EFWI dataset encompasses a broad spectrum...
Quantitative evaluation of synsedimentary fault opening and sealing properties using hydrocarbon connection probability assessment
Likuan Zhang, Xiaorong Luo, Qianjin Liao, Wan Yang, Guy Vasseur, Changhua Yu, Junqing Su, Shuqin Yuan, Dunqing Xiao, Zhaoming Wang
AAPG Bulletin
...; Haney et al., 2005) and/or because of the very slow maturation of hydrocarbons in the source rocks.In reality, active tectonics associated with faults...
Laboratory Investigation of Fluid Flow and Permeability Evolution Through Shale Fractures
Zhi Ye, Michael Janis, Ahmad Ghassemi, Spencer Riley
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... with respect to the vertical axis is shown in Figure 4. While conducting a triaxial test, the average axial displacement of the sample was measured with two...