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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Abstract: Parametric Testing of Network Modeling; #90224 (2015)

Scott M. Wickens, Stanley Leung, Oluwaseyi S. Akinbobola, Mary I. Rubin, Thomas D. Kent, and Apostolos Kantzas

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...-modal vs. bi-modal pore histograms) and the results illustrate how changing these properties will affect both single-phase and multi-phase flow...


Excess Area and Depth to Detachment

Jean-Luc Epard , Richard H. Groshong, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...) Excess-area diagram: excess area plotted vs. depth to detachment. The slope of the line through the data points is the displacement on the lower...


Pitfalls of Using Entrenched Fracture Relationships: Fracture System within Bedded Carbonates of the Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Canyon Lake Gorge, Comal County, Texas, #41220 (2013)

Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Alan P. Morris

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... typically reported for deformed rocks. However, we did find that (i) the frequency of small-displacement faults is strongly and positively correlated...


Automated, Quantitative Assessment of Basin History from a Multiwell Analysis

Edward W. Mason, Robert Ehrlich

AAPG Bulletin

... displacement in EM 2 (Figure 10d). Fig. 6. Coefficient of determination (CD) values vs. number of end members. Each line represents the CD values...


Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Models Revisited from a Reservoir Engineering Perspective; #41096 (2012)

Keyu Liu, Xuan Tang, Abdul Rashid, and Xiaofang Wei

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.... The latter two parameters are often not considered. In reality, oil migration pathways and seals may have a range of wettabilities, from strongly water...


Advanced Techniques to Increase Production From Horizontal Wells and Reservoirs

Tom Arnold, Li Gao, Yongchun Tang

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... but have been available for decades. The rig EDR system is a good example. In reality, these systems first appeared on drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico...


Origin of Graben in the Needles District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah

George E. McGill, Albert W. Stromquist

Four Corners Geological Society

... and the small vertical lines above each drawing represents the lateral extension necessary to produce a graben of the width and vertical displacement...


Shallow shear wave velocity estimation through the ground stiffness and viscosity

Zhouhong Wei, Rong Wang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... wave velocity on these ground surfaces are illustrated. Theory – The vibrator-ground model Civil engineering pioneers first used a mass-spring-damper...


Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity as a Function of Proppant Concentration Under Various Effective Stresses: From Partial Monolayer to Multilayer Proppants

Ming Fan, Yanhui Han, Cheng Chen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... law of motion, and the force-displacement relation is used to update the contact force at each contact. During simulation, contacts can be created...


Incremental Recovery Factor of at Least 9% can be Achieved Designing Optimum Inter-Well Distance Patterns on a 3-D Model for Polymer Flooding in Multilayer Fluvial Reservoirs; #42469 (2021)

F. T. Schein, J. Juri, M. Pacchy, A. M. Ruiz, M. Thill, P. Guillen, V. Serrano

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... Background 02 Model Grimbeek Field Conceptual Model Reservoir Features Connectivity vs NTG Production History Forecast vs Results 03 Full...


Achieving Indonesian Oil and Gas production to 1 million barrels per day by 2030 using Nanoflooding as Novel EOR Method: Dream vs. Reality

L Hendraningrat, A Wulandari, B.V.S. Harahap, S Tasha, M. A Pamungkas

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Achieving Indonesian Oil and Gas production to 1 million barrels per day by 2030 using Nanoflooding as Novel EOR Method: Dream vs. Reality L...


First-Order Tectonics of North America: A Review

E. R. Deutsch

CSPG Bulletin

... Pole with respect to North America which goes back to Precambrian times, involving a total relative displacement of 90 degrees of arc or more. Further...


Slump Faulting Along the Rim of the Markley Gorge, Sacramento Basin, California

William F. Edmondson

Pacific Section of AAPG

... of the work presented herein is based on well data. When a fault with significant displacement (greater than 100 feet) has been observed in a well, the common...


If It Is So Easy, Why Dont You Come Do It Yourself? A Response to What I Wish My Geologist Knew About Drilling: A Drilling Engineers View of GeosteeringŽ

Raymond L. Woodward, Samuel F. Noynaert

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... South Texas well. Data used by permission of the operator) Pre-drill mapping and planning anticipated an 80-foot down-to-southeast fault around 3500’ VS...


Fault Seal Analysis in the North Sea

Steven D. Knott

AAPG Bulletin

... can be defined when N/G and normalized displacement data are combined in connectivity plots (see next section). Net Sand Connectivity vs. Fault Throw...


Production-Induced Capillary Breakdown of Reservoir Barriers, #41133 (2013)

Alton Brown

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... directly. 1 Consulting geologist, Richardson, TX ( Abstract Slope changes on p/z vs. cumulative production plots and other...


Abstract: Trapping Vs. Breaching Seals in Salt Basins: A Case History of Macaroni and Mt.Massive, Auger Basin, Gulf of Mexico

Selim S. Shaker

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Trapping Vs. Breaching Seals in Salt Basins: A Case History of Macaroni and Mt.Massive, Auger Basin, Gulf of Mexico Selim S. Shaker 2005 47...


ABSTRACT: Once it is Quantified, How Does Fault Architecture Affect Enhanced Oil Recovery?; #90013 (2003)

Craig B. Forster, Sangeetha M. Pasala, Milind D. Deo, Siang J. Lim

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..., process for enhanced oil recovery. Miscible displacement processes rely on multiple contacts of injected gas and reservoir oil to develop an in situ...


Viking and Cardium not Turbidity Current Deposits

J. E. F. DeWiel

CSPG Bulletin

... by applying the theory unnecessarily. In a short paper F. K. Beach (1955) suggests turbidity current deposition for the Viking and Cardium formations...


Abstract: TAMU Gulf of Mexico/NOAA Bathymetry (TGMNB) CD-ROM

Jia Y. Liu, William R. Bryant

GCAGS Transactions

... is determined by the vertical distance drop as referenced to the horizontal displacement. A 3 3 shifting window is used to calculate individual cell's...


The World of Technology: Emerging Technology and Implications for the Greater Caspian Region

Ganesh Thakur

AAPG Special Volumes

.... The reality is that the oil and gas industry has always leveraged information technology extensively. In fact, geoscientists and petroleum engineers...



Ganesh Thakur

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... of the oil and gas industry “old economy and low-tech”, we are posed to take full advantage of these advancements. The reality is that the oil and gas...


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