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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Perceptive Interpreter Training: Integrating Structural Insights, Volumetric Tools and Spatial Thinking; #70078 (2010)

Thomas Neely and Robert Krantz

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... 3D deformation geometries for a given structure or concept. As individual concepts are introduced in training courses, the blending of theory and 3D...


Characteristics of Displacement Transfer Zones Associated with Thrust Faults

F.X. O'Keefe, David W. Stearns

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...Characteristics of Displacement Transfer Zones Associated with Thrust Faults F.X. O'Keefe, David W. Stearns Geologic Studies of the Cordilleran...


Nitrogen Injection: An Alternative to Gas Cycling in Gas Condensate Reservoirs?

Septoratno Siregar, Jacques Hagoort, Harry Ronde

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...-Condensate Reservoirs With Nitrogen, Journal of Petroleum Technology, (Feb. 1981) pp.263-270. Boersma, D.M. and Hagoort, J., Displacement Characteristics...


Gravity-Stable Miscible CO2 Displacement, Weeks Island "S" Sand Reservoir B, Iberia Parish, Louisiana

George E. Perry

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Gravity-Stable Miscible CO2 Displacement, Weeks Island "S" Sand Reservoir B, Iberia Parish, Louisiana George E. Perry 1978 7 9...


Mechanical Stratigraphy and Deformation of the Gobbler Anticline, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA

Joseph C. Syzdek, Christopher K. Zahm, Charles Kerans, David H. Malone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... modeling from seismic to simulator: A reality? The Leading Edge, v. 22, p. 684-689. Aoki, H. and Matsukura, Y., 2008...


Cenozoic Fault Patterns in Southwestern Utah and Their Relationships to Structures of the Sevier Orogeny

S.K. Grant, Lynne W. Fielding, M. Atef Noweir

Utah Geological Association

... - calculation using bed-length balance and fault displacement: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 8, p. 209–210. Dickinson, W.R., 1991, Tectonic setting...


Unique Resiliency of Biosurfactants in the Lab and Field with Depleting Concentration

Megan R. Pearl, Erna Kakadjian, Joshua Hancock, Hin Cheong Au Yong, Sivaram Pradhan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... have reached their limits. EOR encompasses a wide array of methods that target improving oil displacement efficiency within reservoirs beyond what can...


Fault growth and linkage: Implications for tectonosedimentary evolution in the Chezhen Basin of Bohai Bay, eastern China

Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, Jia Wei, Leiming Xu, Yanfeng Yang, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhiyong Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

... not resulted in a redistribution of displacement. With the expansion of the Chezhen Basin, the depocenters of the upper strata were kept in nearly the same...


Calibrating Seal Risk against Global Analogues and Observations: Where Does the Middle East Fit?; #41825 (2016)

Duncan Macgregor, Roger Davies

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...’ in this article. 3) Tectonic fracturing of the seal, termed ‘Seal Integrity’ in this article. 4) Displacement of the seal by faulting, termed ‘Seal Displacement...


Petrophysical Properties of the Bima Batu Raja Carbonate Reservoir, Offshore N.W. Java

R. E. Crumb

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by the relatively high water saturations in the B-5 core, and by large differences between irreducible saturations from displacement data vs. those from...


Abstract: Liquid-Liquid Gravity Displacement Test Based on Experimental Apparatus for Real Fractures; #130000 (2018)

Xutian Hou, Xiangyang Zhao, Yingfeng Meng, Shunhui Yang, Gao Li, Wenchen Liu

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...Abstract: Liquid-Liquid Gravity Displacement Test Based on Experimental Apparatus for Real Fractures; #130000 (2018) Xutian Hou, Xiangyang Zhao...


Manage the Pressure„Drive the Results

Christopher James Bernard, Randy Lovorn, Derrick Lewis, Emad Bakri, Saad Saeed

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... conventional wells vs. the MPD wells drilled in this field. Well Table 1—Horizontal Lateral Displacement—Conventional vs. MPD Wells Conventional Wells...


Predicting Subseismic Fracture Density and Orientation in the Gorm Field, Danish North Sea: An Approach Using Elastic Dislocation Models, #20321 (2015).

Brett Freeman, David Quinn, Cathal G. Dillon, Michael Arnhild, Bastiaan Jaarsma

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... and section I /, J .. Zechstein salt dome &~ff....-J 4 6 Structure of the faults 1 km E3 E2 E1 Dip (left), displacement (centre) and branch line...


The evolution of pore-scale fluid-saturation in low-permeability sandstone reservoirs

Keith W. Shanley and Robert M. Cluff

AAPG Bulletin

... suggest the timing of petroleum charge and migration preceded maximum burial and uplift. This initial charge was likely a primary drainage displacement...


What I Wish My Geologist Knew About Drilling: Geosteering From a Drilling Engineer's Perspective

Samuel F. Noynaert

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...: hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. The reality is that hydraulic fracturing is the true game-changing technology which allowed initial...


Origin of Rollover: DISCUSSION

Martha Oliver Withjack , Quasi T. Islam

AAPG Bulletin

... surface (i.e., constant displacement vs. varying displacement) strongly influenced the hanging-wall deformation in our clay models. We believe...


Differential Pressures a Trapping Mechanism in Gulf Coast Oil and Gas Fields

John D. Myers

GCAGS Transactions

...., Prentice-Hall, Inc., p. 38-69. Hubbert, M. King, 1940, The Theory of Ground-Water Motion, Jour Geol., V. 48, No. 8, p. 785-944. Hubbert, M. King, 1953...


Discrete Fracture Characterization Applied To The Margarita Field, Bolivia

T. Zapata, H. Araujo

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of stage b) in Figure 2, and the secondary fracture set corresponded to the green extensional fractures produced by lateral gradient displacement. From...


Selecting a Tertiary Oil Recovery Process for the Minas Field

Gary Greaser, Bob Ehrlich, Chris Stevens, Faisal Asmadi, Oka Ariyasa, Cedric Cease

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... porosity is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Sorw vs. porosity (shale corrected) transform plotted against Well 807 data Core Displacement Tests Results...


Abstract: Characterizing Dipping Fractures from P-wave Amplitude Versus Azimuth Studies; #90187 (2014)

Jon Downton and Hampson Russell

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... deformation (LSD) theory is used to model the anisotropy due to asymmetric fractures. It is assumed that the orientation of the fractures is the same...


Sub-Continental Sized Fracture Systems Etched into the Topography of New England

Donald U. Wise

Utah Geological Association

... fault systems of 1-5 meters displacement. Traditional photo linears show little correlation in azimuth with any of the fracture sets at other scales...


Evaluation of possible gas microseepage mechanisms

Alton Brown

AAPG Bulletin

... of Petroleum Geology, p. 11-1–11-30. Churchill, S. W., 1988, Viscous flows: the practical use of theory: Boston, Butterworths Publishers, 602 p. England...


Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Slippage of a Natural Fracture Resulting from an Approaching Hydraulic Fracture

Lianbo Hu, Behzad Hemami, Ahmad Ghassemi, Spencer Riley, Dan Kahn, David Langton

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and displacement in fracture are considered in this coupled model. At the breakdown point during hydraulic fracturing, a strain jump is recorded, which...


A Minimum-Strain Approach to Reducing the Structural Uncertainty in Poor 2D Seismic Data, Gambier Embayment, Otway Basin, Australia

P. Boult, B. Freeman, G. Yielding, S. Menpes, L. J. Diekman

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... strain given the interpreted, local offsets. By mapping the displacement patterns on the fault planes from the original structural model we show...


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