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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
An experimental study of the secondary deformation produced by oblique-slip normal faulting
Roy W. Schlische, Martha Oliver Withjack, Gloria Eisenstadt
AAPG Bulletin
... of the displacement direction). Thus, the master fault has both normal dip-slip and strike-slip components of displacement. The modeling results show...
Evolution of large normal faults: Evidence from seismic reflection data
Chris K. Morley
AAPG Bulletin
... tried to establish rules governing basic fault dimensions, such as fault length vs. displacement and fault displacement vs. number of faults...
Residual Oil Saturation and Displacement Sweep Efficiency Computation Using Openhole Resistivity Log Data: An Example from a Brownfield in Mahakam Area
Hidayat Mukmin, Gde Wirawan, Haris Kurniawan Hidayat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Residual Oil Saturation and Displacement Sweep Efficiency Computation Using Openhole Resistivity Log Data: An Example from a Brownfield in Mahakam...
Introduction to Nonlinear Models
Gerard V. Middleton and David M. Rubin
Special Publications of SEPM
... Middlefield Road, MS 999 Menlo Park CA 94025 U.S.A. 2.1 DETERMINISTIC vs STOCHASTIC MODELS (2.1) given by = a + bx In the following discussion we...
Fracture Curving Between Tightly Spaced Horizontal Wells
Reza Safari, Xiaodan Ma, Richard E. Lewis, Uno Mutlu, Ahmad Ghassemi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... tensor around injectors vs. producers, and (ii) the impact of key parameters on altered stress field. Afterwards, coupled flow and propagation models were...
Chapter 10: 3-D Seismic-Structural Workflows – Examples Using the Hat Creek Fault System
Graham Yielding, Brett Freeman
AAPG Special Volumes
..., The coherence cube: Leading Edge, v. 14, p. 1053–1058. Barnett, J.A., Mortimer, J., Rippon, J.H., Walsh, J.J., Watterson, J., 1987, Displacement geometry...
Stress-Displacement Analysis of Bedding Planes in the Near-Wellbore Region During Drilling
Bery Hoshiar Tofiq, Alberto Lopez Manriquez
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... displacement and strain behavior were computed. URTeC 2601 3 Theory and Method The methodology used to carry out this study consists...
Palaeomagnetic Methods of Investigating Polar Wandering and Continental Drift
S. K. Runcorn
Special Publications of SEPM
... sufficiently high coercivi ties The theory of the geomagnetic field predicts that its mean after the removal of the geo magnetic secular variation has...
Do Stylolites Develop Before or After the Hardening of the Enclosing Rock?
B. M. Shaub
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... or were they developed subsequently as demanded by the solution-pressure theory. The writer had previously presented photographic illustrations...
Development of Renqiu Fractured Carbonate Oil Pools by Water Injection: Chapter 13
Yu Zhuangjing, Li Gongzhi
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 4, p. 39-50. Chen Zhongxiang, and Liu Ciqun, 1980, Theory of fluid displacement in a medium with double porosity (in Chinese). Acta Mechanica...
Geomechanical Modeling of Time-Dependent Strain in the Bakken and Implications of Stress Shadow Interactions Between Hydraulic Fractures
Neil A. Peterson, Michael Mehle, Yamina Aimene
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Statement of Theory The amount of inelastic strain that hydraulic stimulation of a subterranean rock formation can cause is directly related to the rate...
Damped least squares-based deterministic PP wave and SH-SH wave joint inversion method
Ying Lin, Guangzhi Zhang, Baoli Wang, Siyuan Chen, Minmin Huang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and displacement continuity, the wave field characteristics of reflected P-wave, reflected S-wave, transmitted P-wave and transmitted S-wave, which...
Abstract: Fault Displacement Gradients and Associated Deformation on Normal Faults, by Morris, Alan P.; McGinnis, Ronald N.; Ferrill, David A.; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Reversing the Decline - What Contributes to Quality Assessment for Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects?
Eugene E. Wadleigh
Wyoming Geological Association
.... Strengths and weaknesses of the screening methods are discussed for various processes and enhanced waterflooding. The contrast of displacement...
Balanced Section in Thrust Belts Part 1: Construction
Declan G. De Paor
AAPG Bulletin
... dissipation on fault. (b) Distance vs. displacement plot used to extrapolate fault to its tip point To, S1, S2, and S3 are slip vectors of beds 1, 2, and 3...
Improving Wellbore Placement Accuracy Using Stratigraphic Misfit Heatmaps
Timothy Gee, Stefan Maus, Alexander M. Mitkus, Kenneth McCarthy, David M. Velozzi, Rocky Mottahedeh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... with a corresponding section of the type log. This stretching, compressing and matching corresponds to adjusting the dip, thickness and displacement...
Basement-involved Contractional Wedge Structural Styles: Examples from the Hanna Basin, Wyoming
Van S. Mount, Kevin W. Martindale, Thomas W. Griffith, John O. D. Byrd
AAPG Special Volumes
..., displacement is transferred from a deep fault to a shallow fault. The deep and shallow faults dip in opposite directions and merge with one another to form...
An Appraisal of High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) or In-Situ Combustion Results from Deep, High-Temperature, High-Gravity Oil Reservoirs
A. Erickson, J. R. Legerski Sr., F. V. Steece
Wyoming Geological Association
... of overall displacement efficiencies and operational and economic considerations. The comparison indicates HPAI is an economically viable alternative to gas...
Induced Fracture Dimension Prediction Method Based on Production and Pressure Data During Waterflooding
Hendry Setiawan Lie, Dedy Irawan, Doddy Abdassah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... simplicity, low cost and favourable displacement characteristics. At most locations water is available or can be made available at low cost. Before being...
Combining PSDM and Seismic Modeling to Reduce Uncertainties in Time Structural Interpretation
William Agudelo, José Fernando Gamboa, Saúl Guevara, Carlos Piedrahita, Luis Ernesto Rojas, Martín Morales, Héctor Alfonso
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... that the reality of time interpretation geometry must be judged mainly from seismic information. We present two examples, one from the Middle Magdalena Valley basin...
Crossing conjugate normal faults
David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, John A. Stamatakos, Darrell W. Sims
AAPG Bulletin
... vs. distance along faults A and B shows that both faults have generally increasing displacement upward (Figure 4d). The position of the faults...
Numerical Investigation of Water Flowback Characteristics for Unconventional Gas Reservoirs with Complex Fracture Geometries
Yongzan Liu, Lijun Liu, Juliana Y. Leung, Kan Wu, George J. Moridis
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...). Semi-log plots of water rate vs. cumulative water production (RVP) show near straight-line trends in EFP, and the slope of this straight-line increases...
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling - Abstracts
AAPG Special Volumes
... migration are: the pressure gradient, the gravity, and the capillary pressure gradient. The displacement of the hydrocarbons is then the result...
Influence of node position uncertainty on FWI and Mirror-RTM
Felipe Capuzzo, Marco Cetale, Sergio Luiz da Silva, Roger Moreira, Felipe T. Costa, Ammir A. Karsou, Jorge Lopez
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... that are not associated with the reality of the subsurface. This study aims to investigate the influence of OBN positioning uncertainties on the quality of recovered...
ABSTRACT: The Roles of Material Dilatancy in Post Failure Borehole Stability Analysis for Underbalanced Drilling Wells in Shale - A Sensitivity Analysis; #90122 (2011)
M. A. Islam, P. Skalle, O. K. Søreide, and O. M. Nes
Search and Discovery.com
... drained and undrained post failure stress path, hardening and softening behaviour has to be clarified. In reality the effective stress path...