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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Application of Real-Time Wellsite Tool for Enhanced Geosteering and Reservoir Characterization

Tom Ashton, Chi V. Ly, Graham Spence, Guy M. Oliver

GCAGS Transactions

... of the curve at a vertical-section (VS) displacement of 465 ft (142 m) with the target landing point being at 4506 ft (1373 m) true vertical depth (TVD...


Chapter 11: Earth, Mind, and Paper: Field Sketches as Expert Representations of the Hat Creek Fault Zone

Heather L. Petcovic, Carol J. Ormand, Bob Krantz

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Pandora's hope: Essays on the reality of science studies: Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts Lobeck, A.K., 1924, Block diagrams...


Fracture Height Quantification from Vertical and Horizontal Section Fiber Measurements: A Comprehensive Study using LF-DAS Measurements from HFTS 2 Dataset

Aishwarya Srinivasan, Joseph Mjehovich, Kan Wu, Ge Jin, Wen Wang, George Moridis

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...., 2022 have illustrated the LF-DAS signals along horizontal and vertical fibers using Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) for Mode-I and Mode-II...


An experimental evaluation of the curvature-strain relation in fault-related folds

David P. Keating, Mark P. Fischer

AAPG Bulletin

... trend for each model is seen when the maximum monocline dip is plotted vs. the fault displacement. Note then that the linear trends are the same...


EOR simulation of polymer flooding

Pierre-Victor Cueille

Australian Energy Producers Journal

.... It corresponds to the increase in daily oil production during polymer flooding vs the daily oil production during water injection. OIF usually ranges...


Laboratory Experiment on CO2 Injection

Warno Husodo, Rahmat Sudibjo, Barry W. Walsh

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... affecting the design of miscible displacement system. Continental oil co. Ponca, Oklahoma, Febr. 1960. 2. Brigham W.E.: Miscible displacement...


Land Development and Fault Investigations in the Houston, Texas Area

DeWitt C. Van Siclen

Houston Geological Society

... on his land he needs to consider such questions as their reality, location and extent, and likely rate of movement. The final answers to most...


Fault Displacement Hazards at Aliso Canyon (ACGSF) and Honor Rancho (HRGSF) Natural Gas Storage Fields (UGS), Southern California, USA, #51551 (2019).

Thomas L. Davis,

Search and

...Fault Displacement Hazards at Aliso Canyon (ACGSF) and Honor Rancho (HRGSF) Natural Gas Storage Fields (UGS), Southern California, USA, #51551 (2019...


Water-intake Profile Analysis for the First Ever Polymer Flooding to Heavy Oils on Alaskas North Slope for Potential of Improved Recovery

Dongmei Wang, Shane Namie, Randy Seright

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-mobility displacement with a lower HPAM concentration than originally designed (Dandekar et al. 2023). As of September 30, 2022, a total of 1,410,625 lbs...


Petrography and Reservoir Physics I: Objective Classification of Reservoir Porosity (1)


AAPG Bulletin

..., Water/oil displacement characteristics in crossbedded reservoir zones: Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, v. 279, p. 917-926. Li, Y., N. C. Wardlaw...


Application of Real-Time Well-Site Tools for Enhanced Geosteering, Reservoir and Completions Characterization

Tom Ashton, Chi Vinh Ly, Graham Spence, Guy Oliver

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... seismic, the plan was to land the base of the curve at a vertical-section (VS) displacement of 465-ft with the target landing point being at 4506-ft TVD...


Miscible Gas Injection: Laboratory Study of Molecular Diffusion Under Reservoir Conditions

D. Hadiatno, K. Madaoui, J. Pacsirszky

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Miscible gas injection in a waterflooded reservoir allows addition oil recovery. Dispersed trapped oil displacement by miscible gas injection is a complex...


Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes and Coastal Stratigraphic Units on the Northwest Flank of the Baltimore Canyon Trough Geosyncline

Daniel F. Belknap, John C. Kraft

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... water-load theory. Regardless, horizontal time vs. depth relationships appea to be the rule on the northwest flank of the Baltimore Canyon trough...


The Magnitude vs. Distance Plot - A Tool for Fault Reactivation Identification; #41185 (2013)

Carlos Cabarcas and Oswaldo Davogustto

Search and

...The Magnitude vs. Distance Plot - A Tool for Fault Reactivation Identification; #41185 (2013) Carlos Cabarcas and Oswaldo Davogustto The Magnitude vs...


AVA on communication cables: Principles and Examples from the North Sea

Ran Bachrach, Ali Sayed, Andrea Murineddu, Pilar Di Martino

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...) gathers S-DAS Strain rate vs particle velocity: Definitions The interrogator used in the experiment generates strain rate data. To better understand...


Application of a Pipe Stability Model for Predicting Critical Loading Conditions in Slim Holes

Ferda Akgun, Bill J. Mitchell, Sheikh S. Rahman

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... the displacement radically departs from a near linear curve (Table 3-7 and Figure 12). Table 3. Displacements vs Force data of pipes in 5 degrees/100 ft curvature...


Analogue Fractured Reservoir Characterization in Grasberg Igneous Complex (GIC) and New Guinea Limestone Group, Papua

Muhammad Fachri, Benyamin Sapiie, Wahyu Sunyoto, Sugeng Widodo, Yudihanri, Widodo Margotomo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... maximum displacement of 1 km (Sapiie and Cloos, 2004). Pervasive R-shears, trending NE-E were studied in detail to obtain several character that is thought...


Numerical experiments on 3D frequency domain multiparameter full-waveform inversion in viscoelastic media in parallel environments

Guoqi Ma, Bing Zhou, Jamal Zemerly, Mohamed Kamel Riahi

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...δij is the Dirac delta symbol. Applying derivative chain law to equation (1) , displacement changes caused by five parameters ( ρ, vp, vs, Qp, Qs) wit...


Figures: I. Basics

Greg Zolnai

AAPG Special Volumes

... -, /LOWELL/, positive & negative, /HARDING/, I-12/B-C Open (extensional) fractures, /MATTAUER, HENRY/, I-13 Pure shear vs. simple shear, /THOMAS/, I-14...


A Porothermoelastic Model Considering the DynamicTemperature-Perturbation Boundary Effect for Borehole Stability in Fractured Porous Rocks

Jiajia Gao, Hai Lin, Jin Sun, Xiuping Chen, Huixiang Wang, Xianfeng Liu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... including the stresses, displacement, pore pressure, and temperature will redistribute around a borehole. Moreover, the drilling mud temperature exerted...


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