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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,444 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Tectonic Controls on Sedimentation in Mesozoic Convergent Margin Basin of Baja California (Mexico), by C. J. Busby-Spera, D. P. Smith, W. R. Morris; #91003 (1990).
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Abstract: Using Geochemistry and Basin Modelling to Study Oil to Gas Conversion in Block 2/4, Norwegian Central Graben, by N. Mills, H. J. Schenk, and B. Horsfield; #90987 (1993).
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Low-Temperature Hydrous Pyrolysis (LTHP) on Oil-Field Core-Samples for Estimating Original In-Place Retained Oil in Mature Source Rocks and Tight-Oil Reservoirs
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Role of Geology Operation Facing the Subsurface Uncertainties, in Mitigation, While Drilling and Logging in The Mahakam Delta
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Abstract: Geometry and Kinematics of Thrust Belts above a Viscous Detachment: Implications to Hydrocarbon Exploration from New Modeling Experiments; #90255 (2017)
Carlos Ruela Nogueira, Instituto Dom Luiz, Fernando Ornelas Marques
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..., the movement on the thrust can last up to 15% model shortening, leading to great amount of displacement along the FT and model uplift; (3) intermittent...
Abstract: AVO Theory for Large Contrast Elastic and Anelastic Targets in Pre-Critical Regimes; #90187 (2014)
Kris Innanen
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...Abstract: AVO Theory for Large Contrast Elastic and Anelastic Targets in Pre-Critical Regimes; #90187 (2014) Kris Innanen AAPG Search and Discovery...
Geomechanical modeling of an extensional fault-propagation fold: Big Brushy Canyon monocline, Sierra Del Carmen, Texas
Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Barron J. Bichon, David S. Riha, Luc Huyse
AAPG Bulletin
... along a steep normal fault, and fault displacement is accommodated upward by the folding of the Buda Limestone and Boquillas Formation...
ABSTRACT EGS Injection and Seismicity Modeling with Rate/State Friction, #90128 (2011)
Mark McClure, Roland Horne
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... (m) 200 0 -100 100 0 distance (m) 200 MEQ and inj. rate vs. time) 3.5 0.045 50 -200 cumulative displacement, time elapsed: 5.7118 hours 60...
Extensional Fault System Evolution and Reservoir Connectivity
Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, David A. Ferrill, Rasoul Sorkhabi
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Geology, v. 24, p. 10251028.Cartwright, J. A., and C. S. Mansfield, 1998, Lateral displacement variation and lateral tip geometry of normal faults...
Accelerometer vs. Geophone Response: A Field Case History
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...Accelerometer vs. Geophone Response: A Field Case History Accelerometer vs. Geophone Response: A Field Case History Michael Hons* University...
Time-lapse impedance variations using DAS VSP data during CO2 injection at the CMC Newell County Facility, Alberta, Canada
Yichuan Wang, Donald C. Lawton
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... x Z = − relating the x z displacement to stress is defined as the impedance matrix, which would rigorously describe all cases of P/SV...
A Study on Well Placement and Performance Forecasting in Uinta Basin Considering Geological Uncertainty
Esmail Eltahan, Mauricio Fiallos-Torres, Reza Ganjdanesh, Kamy Sepehrnoori
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on a fracture propagation modeling (FPM, Wu and Olson 2015) that utilizes pseudo 3D displacement discontinuity method and incorporates the physical behavior...
Abstract: Note on Fault Displacement
P. E. Narvarte
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Note on Fault Displacement P. E. Narvarte 1958 Vol. 8 (1958), The accurate determination of fault displacement is essential to accurate...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Investigation of a displacement-transfer zone by 3-d seismic interpretation and physical modelling: progress report on computer-graphics visualization and strain analysis
Evsen O. Aydemir, John M. Dixon
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Investigation of a displacement-transfer zone by 3-d seismic interpretation and physical modelling: progress report on computer...
ABSTRACT: Sandbox Experiments of Inverted Listric Faults with Differential Displacement, by Yasuhiro Yamada and Ken McClay; #90913(2000).
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ABSTRACT: Sandbox Experiments of Inverted Listric Faults with Differential Displacement, by Yasuhiro Yamada and Ken McClay; #90906(2001)
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Diagenetic History and Reservoir Characterlstics of a Deep Minnelusa Reservoir, Hawk Point Field Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Susan W. James
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... vs. porosity while accurately noting depth, the clustered relationships can be easily detected. A similar plot for the No. 31-30 Ickes core...
Transtensional Analogue Modelling Applied to the Perth Basin, Western Australia
L. B. Harris, R. I. Higgins, M. C. Dentith, M. F. Middleton
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... in the Perth Basin (Fig. 1). Their longevity in the experiment may be matched in reality by the large normal component of displacement on similarly...
Controls on the Geomechanical Properties of Unconventional Resource Formations, #80707 (2019).
Carl H. Sondergeld, Chandra S. Rai,
Search and Discovery.com
... measurement of creep behavior Loading curve 600 400 300 200 Displacement vs. time 6050 6000 150 nm 5950 5900 15 20 25 Time, S 100 Load vs. time 0...
Tectonic Geomorphology of River Basins on the Cretaceous and Paleogene Rock Formations Around Enarotali Area in Central Papua, Indonesia
Dicky Muslim, Maran Gultom, Febri Hirnawan, Adjat Sudradjat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of river segments, lineaments, valley elongation, etc., which show certain characteristics or sense of horizontal displacement. In the study area, about...
Structural Geology of the Sunshine Springs Thrust Area, Marathon Basin, Texas
Jennifer Kraft
West Texas Geological Society
... component is about 335 m and the dip-slip component represents a maximum displacement of about 90 m. The composite section is similar to a down-structure...
Abstract: Displacement Analysis as a Predictive Tool for Constraining Three-Dimensional Fold-Thrust Geometries, by M. S. Wilkerson; #91012 (1992).
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ABSTRACT: Fluvial Response to Faulting: Insights into the Growth History of Normal Fault Arrays using Geomorphic Criteria, by Deirdre C. Commins, Sanjeev Gupta, and Joseph A. Cartwright; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Along-Strike Variation in Displacement and Structural Style Across Mechanical Stratigraphy: An Example from Northwest Alberta, Canada, by Gregory S. Soule and Glenn Larson; #90039 (2005)
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4-D Fault Seal Analysis by Fault Displacement Backstripping
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