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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,991 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Petroleum Prospects of the Middle Tertiary Reservoirs in the Southwest Peninsula of Trinidad, #10626 (2014).

Krishna Persad, Neil Ritson

Search and

... formed within the overthrust east-northeast to west-southwest trending Oligo-Miocene detached fold-thrust belt. C) Downward loading of the crust south...


Malossa Field--Italy Po Basin

L. Mattavelli, V. Margarucci

AAPG Special Volumes

... ft) due to serious overpressure problems from approximately 4000 m (13,124 ft) downward. The first drill-stem test carried out in the 5510 to 5545 m...


Geology of Nye-Bowler Lineament, Stillwater and Carbon Counties, Montana

Charles W. Wilson, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

.... 55° W., the two are more nearly parallel but gradually converge northwest as far as Nye. West-northwest of Nye the continuation of the lineament may...


Chapter 12: Microseismic Monitoring in Early Haynesville Development

Peter M. Duncan, William B. Barker, Leo Eisner, Peter G. Smith, Kevin Smith, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud

AAPG Special Volumes

... or conventional seismic data obtained in the same area. Velocities are adjusted using the calibration shot as described earlier. During the downward continuation...


Structural Setting and Validation of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators for Amauligak Oil Field, Canadian Beaufort Sea (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... geophysical method of delineating the Amauligak field. This method can be used for a downward continuation of the gas/water structural contour to deeper...


Section Two: Initiation and Development of Salt Diapirism and Growth Faulting Under the Continental Slope and Continental Shelf

New Orleans Geological Society

... leading to extension, subsalt deformation or other factors (Woodbury et al., 1980; Vendeville and Jackson, 1992a). Initiation and Continuation...


Potential field interpretation of the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland, utilizing constraints from Lithoprobe East Seismic line 89-13

Hugh G. Miller, R. Wiseman

Atlantic Geology

...­ hances features parallel to the Baie Verte Line, and the second illuminates features perpendicular to it. Upward continuation maps were produced...


Petroleum Developments in South America and Caribbean Area in 1950

John F. Mason

AAPG Bulletin

... did not permit continuation of drilling with cable tools. The well bottomed, and presumably produces from strata in the Lower Devonian, about 4,900...


A Model for Linked Basin Development Around the British Isles: Chapter 32: North Sea and Barents Shelf

A. D. Gibbs

AAPG Special Volumes

... structures mapped at the surface, but also their trajectory in cross section. On the MOIST line the detachment surfaces were observed to root downward onto...


Nature of Ancestral Orogenic Zone in Nuclear Central America

Stephen E. Kesler

AAPG Bulletin

... rocks (Siesser, 1967). Their eastern continuation has been downfaulted and is concealed beneath Cenozoic volcanic material (Stevens, 1969...


Abstract: Flow patterns in the dendroid graptolite Dictyonema: implications for feeding currents and the origin of the planktonic mode of life

Ken M. Doucet

Atlantic Geology

... mode of graptolites evolved from downward-directed ciliary feeding of conical dendroids, such as Dictyonema. It was suggested that these currents...


A Carbonate Tidal Flat Sequence of the Mississippian Banff Formation

Gilles Morin

CSPG Special Publications

..., it is believed that dolomitization was an early post-depositional process. Downward migration of evaporative brines as documented by Bathurst (1971) probably...


Gravity-Induced Cross-Formational Water Flow--Possible Mechanism for Transport and Accumulation of Petroleum

Jozsef Toth

AAPG Special Volumes

.... In these systems, meteoric waters infiltrate and move downward in upland-recharge areas, migrate laterally under regions of medium elevations...


Abstract: Integrated Use of Air Sparging, Soil Vapor Extraction and Pump and Treat Technologies to Remediate Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Contaminated Water Bearing Units at a HDPE Facility

Raymond Sturdivant, Jr., William H. Sehramm, Frank E. Bains

GCAGS Transactions

... was evaluated and continuous adjustments were made to improve the recovery. A balanced approach to minimize downward movement of contaminants...


Abstract: Integrated Use of Multiple Remedial Technologies to Address DNAPL Contaminated Aquifers at Paxon Polymer Company, Baton Rouge, LA.

William H. Schramm , Raymond Sturdivant, Jr. , Frank E. Bains

GCAGS Transactions

... is the control of downward movement of contaminants. Efforts to optimize recovery included manipulation of recovery rates and installation of additional...


ABSTRACT: Achieving Remedial Endpoints Using A Risk Based Approach and Integrated Remedial Technologies to Mitigate Impacted Aquifers at Exxon Chemicals Baton Rouge Polyolefins Plant

William H. Schramm , Ray Sturdivant , and Frank E. Bains

GCAGS Transactions

.... The primary concern in this project has been the control of downward migration of contaminants and restoration of the shallow aquifers. Now the focus...


Anomalous Pressures in the Deep Michigan Basin

Jean M. Bahr, Gerilynn R. Moline, and Gregory C. Nadon

AAPG Special Volumes

... generate downward flow in the regional discharge area, which is also inconsistent with a steady-state flow system. Low-permeability zones must exist within...


Stereo and Mosaic Aerial Photo Study of Central Ouachita Mountain System in Oklahoma and Arkansas: ABSTRACT

F. A. Melton, K. S. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

... dislocations of field dimensions are a series of approximately parallel bedding faults in the Stanley Shale, increasing in numbers downward in the section...


Transposition--A Somewhat Neglected Mechanism of Sedimentary Emplacement: ABSTRACT

R. Hesse, A. F. King, Harold G. Reading

AAPG Bulletin

... stratification or by liquefaction. Movement may be upward, downward, or lateral. Transposition structures include sand dikes, sand sills, and sand plugs...


Differential Cementation of Pleistocene Carbonate Fanglomerate, Guadalupe Mountains: ABSTRACT

Alonzo D. Jacka

AAPG Bulletin

.... Bilaminar films, especially outer drusy rims, thicken downward from lower grain boundaries into interstices in response to a gravitational effect (downward...


Fractographic Distinction of Coring-Induced Fractures from Natural Cored Fractures: ABSTRACT

Byron R. Kulander, Christopher C. Barton, Stuart L. Dean

AAPG Bulletin

... natural fractures varied vertically during propagation. Curviplanar petal-centerline fractures are propagated downcore as shown by convex downward...


Tertiary and Cretaceous Ocean Temperatures: ABSTRACT

Samuel M. Savin, Robert G. Douglas

AAPG Bulletin

... Cretaceous time has been downward. However, the downward trend has not been uniform, but has been punctuated by frequent intervals of rising temperatures...


Bivalve Trace Fossils in British Silesian: ABSTRACT

R. M. C. Eagar

AAPG Bulletin

... the paleoenvironments of the bivalves, which moved upward or perished. Recent evidence has shown that rising of Enevillia was preceded by downward burrowing...


Geology and Diagenesis of Belridge Diatomite and Brown Shale, San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

Daniel E. Schwartz, William E. Hottman, Stephen O. Sears

AAPG Bulletin

... (opal-A); and (3) diagenetic crystalline silica (opal-CT). In the oil field, the Belridge Diatomite grades downward from a massive or faintly laminated...


ABSTRACT: Migration Pathways in the Colville Basin, Northern Alaska: Geochemical Constraints on Fluid Flow Simulations; #90013 (2003)

Jeffrey A. Nunn, Jeffrey S. Hanor, Youngmin Lee

Search and

..., fluid movement is downward through the Fortress Mountain formation, then upwards along the interface between the Fortress Mountain and Torok Formation...


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