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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,636 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Evaluating the Potential of the World-Class Najmah Unconventional Reservoir: Collaborative Approach to Design a Pilot Well
Mohammad Al-Bahar, Talal Al-Adwani, Vandana Suresh, Nejoud Al-Ostad, Anas Al-Rukaibi, Abrar Al-Najjar, Vladimir Caicedo, Gary Robinson, Ting He, Robert Johnston, Nima Hosseinpour-Zonoozi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... well-planning exercises. The south area was reviewed based on the 3D MEM results as shown in Figure 13. Time GeoGrid generation Depth Conversion...
Multi-Scale Shale Imaging Challenges: Examples from US and European Plays, #41928 (2016).
Lin Ma, Fernando Figueroa Pilz, Patrick J. Dowey, Kevin G. Taylor, Peter D. Lee
Search and Discovery.com
...Multi-Scale Shale Imaging Challenges: Examples from US and European Plays, #41928 (2016). Lin Ma, Fernando Figueroa Pilz, Patrick J. Dowey, Kevin G...
ABSTRACT: An Integrated Technical Workflow for Earth Model Building, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by Snyder, Fred C.; Jamieson, George A.; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geophysical Imaging of a Fen Complex, Northeastern Pennsylvania, by E. S. Hammar-Klose; #90931 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Detection of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Using Controlled Source Electromagnetic Imaging
David Andréis and Lucy MacGregor
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Detection of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Using Controlled Source Electromagnetic Imaging David Andréis and Lucy MacGregor #90074©2008MAPG First...
2011 Napa Hedberg Research Conference report on enhanced geothermal systems
Dag Nummedal, Gary Isaksen, Peter Malin
AAPG Bulletin
... National Laboratory in California discussed EGS road mapping exercises occurring within the DOE. Broad community input is always welcome and is most...
Evaluation of Seismic Exploration in Sub-Volcanic Reservoir Area by Synthetic Seismic Modeling
Yulia Nur Fajrina, Muhammad Ghazalli
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... exploration in volcanic areas is a challenge for the imaging; published examples of volcanic reflectors identifiable from seismic surveys are very...
Abstracts: True-Amplitude PS Prestack Time Migration via 5D Interpolation; #90173 (2015)
Peter W. Cary, Albert Zhang
Search and Discovery.com
... (P-S) prestack time migration need to be handled appropriately in order to optimize the migrated image. Introduction Imaging of converted-wave (PS...
High-resolution passive surface wave tomography using natural and anthropogenic noise sources in a mineral exploration context
Daniela Teodor, Charles Beard, Laura Pinzon-Rincon, Aurlien Mordret, Franois Lavou, Sophie Beaupretre, Dan Hollis, John McBride, Pierre Bou, Florent Brenguier
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... controlling the mineralization. Specifically, this study aims at imaging with high resolution the “shallow” (down to 1 km depth) velocity structure...
Velocity model building assisted by potential field methods: A case study from the Red Sea
Wilson Ibanez, Federico Ceci, Giuseppe Bancala, Andrea Sirtori, Luciana De Luca, Miquel Marin, Vivian Robertson, Briseida Palacios, David Korte
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., the exploration of subsalt reservoirs requires distinctive multiphysics strategies to develop integrated velocity models for depth imaging, thereby...
Defining a Steeply-Dipping Salt Flank in Mississippi with a New High-Certainty 3D Method
Nicholas Brooks, Pat Donais, Werner Heigl, Jakob Haldorsen, Fred Li
GCAGS Transactions
.... Claerbout, J. F., 1985, Imaging the Earth’s interior: Blackwell Science Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 412 p. Gillespie, R. H., 1995, Rise of the Texas oil...
CSEM Continues to Stride Forward
Jane Whaley
GEO ExPro Magazine
... about technology in the hydrocarbon exploration industry has undoubtedly been Controlled Source Electromagnetic imaging, but what does the future hold...
Evaluating the impact from dual-azimuth, wide-azimuth towed streamer and ocean bottom node acquisitions for Brazil pre-salt exploration: A finite difference modeling study
Lei Zhuo, Jeff Bergeron, Jake Deeds, Robert Brandt, Dirk Erickson
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... to reduce cost and improve decision quality (Zhuo, 2010). Proprietary earth modeling building, synthetic shot generation, and imaging technology...
MEMS-based gravity imaging for CO2 storage monitoring
Ashwin A. Seshia, Francis Neill
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...MEMS-based gravity imaging for CO2 storage monitoring Ashwin A. Seshia, Francis Neill MEMS-based gravity imaging for CO2 storage monitoring Ashwin...
The Gippsland Basin: Reprocessing Reveals New Opportunities in a Mature Basin
Peter Baillie, Paul Carter, Jarrad Grahame, Joe Zhou, Nigel Mudge
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
...’ events such as the application of 3D seismic or exploration of the deep water. It is believed the explanation can be found in depth imaging issues, which...
Book Reviews
Arthur Saller, Gian Gaspare Zuffa
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 29208 e-mail: [email protected] Earth Surface Processes, by P.A. Allen, 1997; Blackwell Science Ltd, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2...
Efficient interdisciplinary workflow for predrill seismic pore pressure prediction
Josue Fonseca, Anshuman Pradhan, Tapan Mukerji
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., and C. Harding, 2007, 3D basin-modeling approach to subsalt prestack depth imaging: An example from the Atwater fold belt, deepwater of GOM: 77th Annual...
Interval Velocity Modeling of Celebes Molasse as Post Collision in Banggai-Sula Foreland Basin, Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Anggoro P. Kurniawan, Maikel Arifin, Wahyuni T. Sundari, Sardjito, Nurhadi Budi, Hasan Nurudin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in this area in order to get the proper subsurface imaging. ABSTRACT Banggai-Sula Foreland Basin in Matindok Block is the product of Late Miocene...
Abstract: Full Waveform Inversion Algorithm using Time Imaging Methods; #90174 (2014)
Hassan Khaniani, John C. Bancroft, Gary F. Margrave, and Eric von Lunen
Search and Discovery.com
... (m) c) 3000 d) Figure 1: Numerical example FWI using PSTM imaging theory a) True velocity vs depth b) True velocity vs time c) starting velocity d...
Regional Groundwater Studies Using Aeromagnetic Technique; #41948 (2016)
E. S. Joel, P. I. Olasehinde, D. K. De, O. Maxwell
Search and Discovery.com
... sources depth. It has an accuracy of about (+/-) 20% which is similar to that of Euler deconvolution. But source parameter imaging (SPI) has benefits...
Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic, Magnetotelluric and Gravity in a Sub-Volcanic Reservoir
Muhammad Irsyad Hibatullah, Maulana hutama Rahma Putra, Firman Syaifuddin Akbar, Dwa Desa Warnana, Fahrenzy Yona Aisha
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the manuscript. REFERENCES Colombo, D., M. Mantovani, S. Hallinan, and M. Virgilio, 2008, Sub-basalt depth imaging using simultaneous joint inversion...
Evergreening of seismic data to enable carbon storage screening at scale a case study from the Barrow-Dampier sub-basins
Nigel Seymour, Paul Phythian, Merrie-Ellen Gunning, Kiran Ferguson, Suyang Chen, Dayang Aini Binti Awang Piut
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... and reservoir characterisation. The third objective was to build a high-resolution earth model for accurate depth cal culation, improved imaging...
Building a carbon storage portfolio for the Barrow and Dampier sub-basins a national resource
David Barlass, Kiran Ferguson, Leo Leon, Nigel Seymour, Paul Phythian, Adam Vonk, Merrie-Ellen Gunning
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... wavelet. Survey matching and interpolation was used to fill acquisition gaps prior to earth model building and depth imaging. Velocity modelling included...
Illuminating geothermal reservoir structure: DAS microseismic imaging at Utah FORGE
Yuanyuan Ma, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Michal Chamarczuk, Jeremy Patterson, Ismael Vera Rodriguez, David Podrasky, Thomas Coleman, Carlos Maldaner
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., 102947. Staněk, F., G. Jin, and J. Simmons, 2022, Fracture imaging using DAS-recorded microseismic events: Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 907749...