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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,419 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Subsurface Formation Pressure Gradient vs. Slope: Perception and Pitfalls

Selim S. Shaker

GCAGS Transactions

... and not the centroid effect (Fig. 6). Results In clastic formations (reservoirs and seals), pressure increases with burial depth due to the deposit’s weight...


Current Trends in Geophysics

H. E. Stommel, J. M. Graul

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... data are first separately migrated and then followed by a conventional stack. The effect is elimination of dip dependent velocity prior to stacking...


Spatiotemporal Variations and Kinematics of Shale Mobility in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, India

Mainak Choudhuri, Debajyoti Guha, Arindam Dutta, Sudipta Sinha, Neeraj Sinha

AAPG Special Volumes

... break.The presence and extent of overpressured shale can be established by a study of the burial history at two suitable locations along profile 3...


The Use of Physical Modeling to Resolve Offshore Seismic Problems

B. J. Evans, M. Urosevic

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... at the level of interest (Callovian Unconformity). The velocity contrast across shallow faults has the effect of causing non-hyperbolic moveout on the CMP...


Memoir 70, Chapter 2: Mechanisms that Generate Abnormal Pressures: an Overview

Richard E. Swarbrick and Mark J. Osborne

AAPG Special Volumes

... categories, based on the processes involved: (1) ineffective volume reduction due to imposed stress (vertical loading during burial, lateral tectonic...


ABSTRACT: Diagenetic Controls on the Reservoir Properties of Plio-Pleistocene Tidal Channel Sandstones in the Teknaf Anticline, SE Bangladesh; #90108 (2010)

Mohammad Ullah and Sifatul Chowdhury

Search and

..., recrystallization, alteration and dissolution) processes have progressively affected the sandstones with depth of burial. The primary alkaline pore...


Porosity Variation in Carbonates as a Function of Depth: Mississippian Madison Group, Williston Basin

Alton Brown

AAPG Special Volumes

... to be predominantly influenced by depth of burial (Scholle, 1978). However, early diagenesis has long been believed to have a much greater effect on porosity...


ABSTRACT Geopressure Impact on Seismic Interpretations: Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico , #90104 (2010)

Shaker Selim S.

Search and

... of subsurface geopressure on seismic velocity is significant, but not well documented. Understanding how this effect influences seismic  attributes...


Diagenetic Origins of the Calcite Microcrystals That Host Microporosity In Limestone Reservoirs

Franek J. Hasiuk, Stephen E. Kaczmarek, Shawn M. Fullmer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: Geology, v. 24, p. 499– 502. Fabricius, I.L., 2003, How burial diagenesis of chalk sediments controls sonic velocity and porosity: American...


Influence of North Atlantic Tectonics on the Large-Scale Uplift of the Stappen High and Loppa High, Western Barents Shelf: Chapter 36: North Sea and Barents Shelf

R. J. Wood , S. P. Edrich, I. Hutchison

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Fig. 8. Burial and thermal history of an exploration well east of the Stappen High. (a) Burial and temperature history: dashed lines, isotherms; solid...


Thickness of Removed Sedimentary Rocks, Paleopore Pressure, and Paleotemperature, Southwestern Part of Western Canada Basin

Kinji Magara

AAPG Bulletin

... of the restricted fluid expulsion) was discussed by Magara (1975). If there is no aquathermal pressuring effect during burial, the pore pressure would...


Chapter 4: The Thermal Effects of Sedimentation and Compaction on the Maturation of Hydrocarbons in Badger Basin, Wyoming

Nick Visser, Henry P. Heasler

Montana Geological Society

... in our burial history, thermal, and maturation models. The structural geometry of the Bighorn Basin is a result of Laramide...


Deposit Structure and Processes of Sand Deposition from Decelerating Sediment Suspensions

Esther J. Sumner, Lawrence A. Amy, Peter J. Talling

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., The effect of depositional history on contaminated bed sediment stability: The Science of the Total Environment, v. 266, p. 7–13. Dzulynski...


Importance of Aquathermal Pressuring Effect in Gulf Coast: GEOLOGIC NOTE

Kinji Magara

AAPG Bulletin

... of pressure increase during burial history are discussed. These gradients are entirely different from the pressure gradients measured at the present time...


Porosity Prediction, Prior to Drilling, in Sandstones of the Kekiktuk Formation (Mississippian), North Slope of Alaska (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... history. Because of the relationship among porosity, silica cementation, and burial history, burial history diagrams provided a measure of the effect...


Despiking Ultrasonic Doppler Velocity-Profiling Data

Jonathan D. Wright, Jaco H. Baas

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the main body of data can be generated. These have an adverse effect on mean-velocity calculations and turbulence statistical properties, changing...


A Risk-Reduction Recipe Using Frequency-Based Pore Pressure Predictions from Seismic

Roger A. Young, Robert D. LoPiccolo

GCAGS Transactions

...) The more traditional approach to pore pressure prediction using seismic data is based on an analysis of stacking velocities. This velocity-based (V...


ABSTRACT Insight into the Past, Present and Future Evolution of Wax Lake Delta Using a Physics-Based, 3-D Numerical Model, #90104 (2010)

Wellner Robert W.; Hall Brendon; Sun Tao; Martin John; Danilkin Mikhail S.

Search and

... of the  mouth bars. This interpretation, however, could not be confirmed due to the lack of velocity data from the often times hazardous channel...


A New Approach to Sediment Diagenesis: Part II: A Revised Concept of Sediment Diagenesis

J. N. Van Elsberg

CSPG Bulletin

.... Petrology, v. 33, no. 4, p. 919-930. Evans, C. R., McIvor, D. K. and Magara, K., 1975, Organic matter, compaction history and hydrocarbon occurrence...


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