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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,419 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Abstract: Application Of Shear Wave Velocities For Pore Pressure Prediction In High Temperature Overpressure Regimes; #90315 (2017)

John Ajesh

Search and

... with under-compaction generally possess a direct relationship between effective stress (ES) and velocity, whereas unloading related pressures do...


Diagenesis and Weathering: DISCUSSION

Eliot Blackwelder

AAPG Bulletin

... on the bottoms of seas and lakes during and soon after deposition and before deep burial. Such changes are mostly chemical and bio-chemical, with strictly...


Abstract: Assessment of Thermal Reactivity for Source Rock Chracterization and Optimization of Kinetics in Basin Modeling; #91204 (2023)

Pan Luo, Guido Port, Harald Karg

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... of the transformation of kerogen to hydrocarbon (k) under thermal stress during burial history of the source rock, and demonstrates the effect of temperature...


Carbonate Dissolution and Porosity Development in the Burial (Mesogenetic) Environment; #50860 (2013)

Paul Wright and Paul (Mitch) Harris

Search and

...Carbonate Dissolution and Porosity Development in the Burial (Mesogenetic) Environment; #50860 (2013) Paul Wright and Paul (Mitch) Harris Carbonate...


Prevention of Carbonate Cementation in Petroleum Reservoirs

Charles T. Feazel, Richard A. Schatzinger

Special Publications of SEPM

... from biogenic 6". The effect of shallow burial on reservoir potential thus depends 011 a delicate balance between porosity generating and porosity...


Fluid Pressure Studies of SE Asia Mudrocks Using Wireline Logs

Toby W. D. Harrold, Richard E. Swarbrick, Neil R. Goulty

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... estimation from velocity data: Accounting for overpressure mechanisms besides undercompaction, Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper 27488, 515-529. Grauls...


Well Management Strategy Through Integrated Production Modeling: Study Case Well B-5

Budi Khoironi, Amega Yasutra, Dedy Irawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... backpressure effect among all production intervals. The history match model later can be used to understand production allocation from the past...


Acoustic Tomography for Reservoir Surveillance: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

J. H. Justice, M. E. Mathisen, A. A. Vassiliou, S. Singh , P. S. Cunningham, J. R. Bulau

AAPG Special Volumes

.... This emerging discipline will combine core studies with well log analysis, geological cross sections, production history, reservoir simulation...


Origin of Fracture Porosity--Example from Altamont Field, Utah

Wayne Narr , John B. Currie

AAPG Bulletin

... place during burial (e.g., linearly or exponentially) can be evaluated for their effect on stress history. An examination of individual terms...


ABSTRACT: Grain sorting effect on seismic velocities: rock physics models for reservoir quality prediction; #90007 (2002)

Mario A. Gutierrez, Jack Dvorkin, Amos Nur

Search and

... that predicts the effect of textural sorting and variable composition and fabric (e.g. grain- and mud-supported fabric) on velocity and porosity. The models...


High-End Model Building Techniques for Revealing a Pre-Carbonate Reservoir Offshore East Natuna Basin, Indonesia

Jun Wang, Yonghe Guo, Yitao Chen, Muhammad Nauvall Juliansyah, Nick Crabtree

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to be a challenging area for seismic imaging due to the presence of velocity heterogeneity in a more than 1.5 km thick carbonate overburden. An accurate...


Possible Uses of Clay Minerals in Search for Oil

Charles E. Weaver

AAPG Bulletin

... information can be obtained. 5. Expanded clays are contracted by burial. 6. The clay suites in limestones are as variable as those in shales. 7...


Porosity-permeability relationships in interlayered limestone-dolostone reservoirs

S. N. Ehrenberg, G. P. Eberli, M. Keramati, S. A. Moallemi

AAPG Bulletin

... throughout the history of carbonate reservoir research has been the effect of dolomitization on reservoir quality (Powers, 1962; Davies, 1979; Allan...


Burial and Temperature History of Gas Generation from Coaly Organic Matter in the Late Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation and Associated Rocks in the Deeper Portions of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming

C. E. Barker, B. L. Crysdale

Wyoming Geological Association

...Burial and Temperature History of Gas Generation from Coaly Organic Matter in the Late Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation and Associated Rocks...


Modeling the Maturation and Migration of Petroleum: Chapter 5: PETROLEUM GENERATION AND MIGRATION

Alan K. Burnham, Jerry J. Sweeney

AAPG Special Volumes

... must have (1) a thermal history of the hydrocarbon-bearing sediments; (2) a knowledge of the quantity and quality of organic matter in the sediments...


Thermal Regimes of Small Basins: Effects of Intrabasinal Conductive and Advective Heat Transport

L. Alison Weir, Kevin P. Furlong

CSPG Special Publications

..., but the effect of faulting on the steady-state thermal regime was minimal in our modeling. Before modeling the thermal history of a basin, the timing...


Interpreting the Concept of the Sedimentation Unit

Alan V. Jopling

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., and secondly, the influence of depth-ratio on bedding development. Effect of velocity of stream flow.--With a low velocity (FOOTNOTE 5) of flow...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Applications of Wave Imaging Technologies to Improve Deep Gulf Prospecting

Morgan P. Brown, Joseph H. Higginbotham, Cosmin Macesanu, Oscar E. Ramirez

GCAGS Transactions

..., and the associated velocity anomalies hamper seismic prospecting on PSTM images in two ways. The best known effect is the “time sag.” The second, more...


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