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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,419 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Origin of overpressures in shales: Constraints from basin modeling

Hege M. Nordgrd Bols, Christian Hermanrud, Gunn M. G. Teige

AAPG Bulletin

... history of the sediments deviated significantly from known porosity and pore pressure vs. depth relationships that have been observed in North Sea...


A Conceptual Model for Sources of Oils in Gulf Coast Cenozoic Reservoirs

Doris M. Curtis

GCAGS Transactions

... in Cenozoic reservoirs. Mesozoic sediments underlying the shelf are over-mature, but Mesozoic sediments underlying the slope have a burial history more...


Abstract: Structurally-Consistent Interval Velocity Variation with Azimuth; #90187 (2014)

Darren Schmidt, Alicia Veronesi, Chris Davison, and Jeff Durand

Search and

...Abstract: Structurally-Consistent Interval Velocity Variation with Azimuth; #90187 (2014) Darren Schmidt, Alicia Veronesi, Chris Davison, and Jeff...


Disequilibrium compaction as the cause for CretaceousPaleogene overpressures in the Danish North Sea

Ole Valdemar Vejbaek

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Gulf Coast, Louisiana: AAPG Bulletin, v. 37, p. 410432.Fabricius, I. L., 2003, How burial diagenesis of chalk sediments controls sonic velocity...


Interaction of Reaction, Mass Transport, and Rock Deformation During Diagenesis: Mathematical Modeling of Intergranular Pressure Solution, Stylolites, and Differential Compaction/Cementation

Thomas Dewers, Peter J. Ortoleva

AAPG Special Volumes

... and cementation in texturally homogeneous very-fine- to coarse-grained sandstones as a function of the burial history presented by Houseknecht (1988...


Pervasive Subsurface Dolomitization of the Nisku Formation in Central Alberta

Hans G. Machel, James H. Anderson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... nearly stagnant periods of the burial history. This possibility would extend the time interval for Nisku matrix dolomitization by thermal convection...


Resolving Seismic Attenuation Issue through Q-Migration, a Case Study in Sisi-Nubi Field, Indonesia

Bastian Hutahayan, Keat Huat Teng, Kelik Moersidin, Jacques Bonnafe, Natalia Anggriani, Cepi M. Adam

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., conventional PSDM processing had been carried out with finely detailed anisotropic velocity model. However, the attenuation effect has not been fully...


Integration of Multicomponet Surface Seismic, Multicomponent VSP and Microseismic in Reservoir characterization

Paul Constance, Jim Simmons, Shihong Chi, Lisa Sanford

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-Wave Anisotropy: PS converted waves polarize parallel and orthogonal to fractures in the subsurface. The resultant effect is in velocity and polarization...


Apatite Overgrowth Cement As A Possible Diagenetic Temperature-History Indicator

Kristin W. Porten, Olav Walderhaug, Geir Torkildsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... history that gives rise to typical burial and temperature histories for the Triassic to Paleogene sandstones discussed in the present paper (Spencer et al...


Feldspar dissolution, authigenic clays, and quartz cements in open and closed sandstone geochemical systems during diagenesis: Typical examples from two sags in Bohai Bay Basin, East China

Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao, Jon Gluyas, Xiaoyan Li, Kelai Xi, Yanzhong Wang, Zhenzhen Jia, Peipei Sun, and Norman H. Oxtoby

AAPG Bulletin

... sag. Similarities in regional tectonic history and sandstone compositions, simple burial-thermal history, great differences in faults and pore fluids...


Impact on Hydrocarbon Retention of Sedimentary Fracturing and Faulting around Salt Sheets in the Gulf Coast

S. Cao , I. Lerche , J. J. O'Brien

GCAGS Transactions

... - 19. End_of_Record - Last_Page 26-------- Emplacement of salt sheet masses can have a profound effect on the structure of the formations...


Quantification of Brittle Deformation in Burial Compaction, Frio and Mount Simon Formation Sandstones

Astrid Makowitz, Kitty L. Milliken

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Meeting, p. 140. DUTTON, S.P., 1997, Timing of compaction and quartz cementation from integrated petrographic and burial history analysis, Lower...


Geologic Controls on Porosity in Mississippian Limestone and Sandstone Reservoirs in the Illinois Basin: Chapter 22: Part I. Illinois Basin: Oil and Gas Systems

Wayne A. Pryor, Amy D. Lamborg, Michael J. Roberts, Timothy C. Tharp, William L. M. Wilsey

AAPG Special Volumes

... m). Figure 22-17 shows a calculated burial history for the Illinois basin. This diagram assumes that a constant geothermal gradient of 1.9° F/100 ft...


Determination of Productive Zones in Low Porosity, Low Permeability Carbonate and Clastic Rocks

James A. Turney

Dallas Geological Society

.... Another explanation could be that zone B in well 1 had a better indication of gas effect from the velocity ratio and fracturing from the fracture-finder...


Flume Experiments on Lower-Flow-Regime Bed Forms in Coarse Sand

Warren R. Costello, John B. Southard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and sediment transport rate were measured as well. Bed phases (kinds of bed configurations) studied were ripples, low-flow-velocity flat beds with sand...


Thermal Maturity of Carboniferous Strata, Ouachita Mountains

David W. Houseknecht , Steven M. Matthews

AAPG Bulletin

... for basal Stanley Shale in easternmost Ouachitas, assuming same burial history as in Figure 10 but varying geothermal gradient to illustrate effect...


Pre-Stack Imaging: Time or Depth? (Paper 25)

Carl Notfors, Peter Whiting, Geoff Mansfield

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... they handle lateral velocity variations. The depth algorithm comprehends any lateral velocity variation whereas the time algorithm assumes local...


Results of Elastic-Wave Surveys in California and Elsewhere

Frank Rieber

AAPG Bulletin

... in these loosely consolidated materials, velocity of wave transmission varies in general with depth of original overburden, and correlations based...


Influence of Lithofacies and Diagenesis on Norwegian North Sea Chalk Reservoirs

J. E. Brasher , K. R. Vagle

AAPG Bulletin

... field, a diagenetic pathway may be inferred, assuming knowledge of burial history, presence of overpressuring, timing of hydrocarbon migration...


Fault Seal Analysis in the North Sea

Steven D. Knott

AAPG Bulletin

... (Harding and Tuminas, 1989). Burial Depth: with increasing confining pressure, faulting mechanisms favorable to membrane seal (such as cataclasis) are more...


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