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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,368 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Gullfaks Field: Chapter 27

Ole Petterson, Arvid Storli, Eva Ljosland, Ole Nygaard, Ian Massie, Henrik Carlsen

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the most important factors in the reservoir development of the Gullfaks field has been the effect of fault transmissibilities on lateral and vertical...


Seismic Stratigraphy of Early Pennsylvanian Morrowan Sandstones, Minneola Complex, Ford and Clark Counties, Kansas: DISCUSSION

Gary Grubitz

AAPG Bulletin

... reflector (polarity reversals), (4) sagging of the Marmaton reflector, and (5) possible faulting of Viola-Arbuckle reflectors. In discussing the first...


Upper Valley: T. 36 & 37 S., R. 1 & 2 E., SLB&M: Garfield County, Utah

David L. Allin

Utah Geological Association

... locations, initial production, field outline, and structural cross section line location for Upper Valley field. Wells plotted were drilled by Tenneco...


Computer Assisted Paleoecologic Analyses and Application to Petroleum Exploration

Gray S. Robinson , Barry Kohl

GCAGS Transactions

... well plotted to a vertical scale, usually 1 inch equals 100 feet. Two types of paleoecologic products are particularly useful; namely (1...


Planform and stratigraphic signature of proximal braided streams: remote-sensing and ground-penetrating-radar analysis of the Kicking Horse River, Canadian Rocky Mountains

Natasha N. Cyples, Alessandro Ielpi, Randy W. Dirszowsky

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: the lower Niobrara River, northeast Nebraska: Sedimentary Geology, v. 158, p. 249– 270. Smith. D.G., 1976, Effect of vegetation on lateral migration...


Abstract: Seismic Attributes for Fracture Analysis: An Onshore Case Study in the Arabian Peninsula; #90319 (2018)

Mohammed A. Zagzoog

Search and

... as Amplitude Variation of Offset and Azimuth (AVOA) ratio method in the Tau-p domain has been deployed. The method removes the effect of the anisotropic...


Intra-Muda Shallow Gas in Cumi-Cumi PSC, Natuna Sea - a Driller's Nightmare Becomes a Geophysicist's Dream

Martin Bennett

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... a single layer depth conversion to top reservoir. Figure 2. Depth structure map of the Top Muda Sand reflector, a very large structural closure with an area...


Submarine Debris Flows and Continental Slope Evolution in Front of Quaternary Ice Sheets, Baffin Bay, Canadian Arctic

R. N. Hiscott, A. E. Aksu

AAPG Bulletin

... m Fig. 3. CSS Hudson ship tracks (cruise 91-039), numbers of survey corners, piston core positions (filled dots at points 20 and 23), and locations...


Subsurface temperature from seismic reflections: Application to the post-breakup sequence offshore Namibia

Arka Dyuti Sarkar and Mads Huuse

AAPG Bulletin

... hydrate bottom-simulating reflector is used to derive a shallow heat flow proxy (averaging 64 mW m−2). Deriving subsurface thermal conductivity from...


Geological Cross Sections: Part 6. Geological Methods

Jeremy M. Boak

AAPG Special Volumes

... of reservoir formation and oil migration. Choice of Datum For a structure cross section, the datum is sea level, with data plotted above or below that point...


The Late Quaternary Transgressive Record in the Adriatic Epicontinental Sea: Basin Widening and Facies Partitioning

A. Cattaneo, F. Trincardi

Special Publications of SEPM

... The focusing effect of currents storm thermohaline or tidal in origin against driven coast outbulges or morphologic barriers on localized shelf...


Five Kilometers of Paleozoic Sediments Beneath the Pre-Salt of Santos Basin, #10915 (2017).

Pedro Victor Zalan

Search and

... by CGG (2008), using Reverse Time Migration, across the super-giant Lula/Tupi Field, illustrates very well this ultra-deep layered sequence (Figure 1...


Some Structural and Stratigraphic Features Affecting Relative Amounts of Oil Production in Illinois

D. M. Collingwood

AAPG Bulletin

... of the curves as plotted represent not distance but contour intervals from the crest of the structure to the top of the sand, laid off to the right...


Ridge and Runnel Systems in the Magdalen Islands, Quebec

E. H. Owens , D. H. Frobel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... locations and that the significant variables are the size of the ridge and the rate of landward migration. He attributed these morphological variations...


Lithology Dependence of Porosity in Slope and Deep Marine Sediments

Michelle A. Kominz, Kyle Patterson, Danielle Odette

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2009.00453.x. Bjorkum, P.A., Walderhaug, O., and Aase, N.E., 1993, A model for the effect of illitization on porosity and quartz...


Using 3-D Seismic Data to Find New Reserves in Quitman Field Wood County, Texas

Thomas R. Wittick

GCAGS Transactions

.... The intent of the survey was to locate untested fault blocks, find drilling locations updip to producing wells, and identify new reservoirs formed...


The Relationship of Hydrocarbon Occurrences to Geothermal Gradients and Time-Temperature Indices in Mesozoic Formations of Southern Alberta

F.W. Jones, J.A. Majorowicz, A. Linville, K.G. Osadetz

CSPG Bulletin

... pools. These gases migrated under the influence of the groundwater recharge and migration system that was established during uplift and erosion...


Basin Architecture, Salt Tectonics, and Upper Jurassic Structural Styles, Desoto Canyon Salt Basin, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Grant MacRae , Joel S. Watkins

AAPG Bulletin

... deformed. The base of salt-basement interface is a good reflector easily imaged throughout much of the area. The area also is covered with good-quality...


Characterizing the Spatial Distribution of an Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resource: The Keg River Reef Play, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk Osadetz, Haiyu Gao, Peter Hannigan, Cameron Watson

CSPG Bulletin

... management. Geoscience data can be combined with exploration results to predict the possible locations and sizes of undiscovered pools in the Middle Devonian...


Sedimentological, Petrophysical, and Seismic Characterization of an Upper Jurassic Shoreface-Dominated Shelf Margin (the Boulonnais, Northern France)

H. Braaksma, J.N. Proust, J.A.M. Kenter, G.G. Drijkoningen, N. Filippidou

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., grain-size measurements from every sequence that was interpreted at the three section locations (inset Fig. 1B; S1–S18, Figs. 2I, 4) were plotted...


An evaluation of the seal capacity and CO2 retention properties of the Eau Claire Formation (Cambrian)

Richard Lahann, John Rupp, and Cristian Medina

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

..., The effect of rock characteristics on relative permeability. DOE Topical Report No. NIPER 441, National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research...


The Stable Carbon Isotope Distribution of Distillation Fractions of Three Canadian Frontier Crude Oils: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

L.R. Snowdon, H.R. Krouse

CSPG Bulletin

... hydrocarbon generation was followed by extensive vertical migration could be at least partially tested by examining the isotopic distribution of the crudes...


Condensate Banking Effects on Well Productivity and its Coarse Grid Representation in the Full Field Modeling of the Abadi Field

Masahiko Nomura

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... us an insight on the condensate banking effects on well productivity. Figure 17 shows the pressure drop due to condensate banking effect plotted...


Understanding the Petroleum System of North Serayu Basin: An Integrated Approach from Geology,Geophysic, and Geochemistry

Dimas A. R. Prawiranegara, Fauzan Eka Saputra, Fisco Raseno, Bayu Harry Utomo, Alfin Sani, Agung W. Wibowo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (Djuri et al, 1996). One sandstone sample had been plotted to Pettijohn's classification (1975) and classified as feldsphatic wacke, while the claystone...


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