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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,368 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Direct Hydrocarbon Detection in Bottom-Waters of the Australian Continental Margin: Application to Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration

David Heggie, Geoff O'Brien, Gary Bickford, Jeremy Bishop, Blayne Hartman

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... and migration by relating the surface and sub• seafloor expressions of hydrocarbon se eps to the sub-seafloor geology and probable locations and type...


Quantitative seismic geomorphology of a Quaternary leveed-channel system, offshore eastern Trinidad and Tobago, northeastern South America

Lesli J. Wood, Kristine L. Mize-Spansky

AAPG Bulletin

.... Kesel, 2000, Channel migration and meander-bend curvature in the lower Mississippi River prior to major human modification: Geology, v. 28, no. 6, p...


Overview of Exploration Geophysics: Recent Breakthroughs and Challenging New Problems: Hydrocarbons

B. S. Flowers

AAPG Special Volumes

... are general and will surely be encountered in the exploration of the Pacific province. Domenico, S. N., 1974, Effect of water saturation on seismic reflectivity...


Overview of Exploration Geophysics--Recent Breakthroughs and Challenging New Problems

B. S. Flowers

AAPG Bulletin

... after stacking, and (3) the direct detection of hydrocarbons. Domenico, S. N., in press, Effect of water saturation on seismic reflectivity of sand...


Abstract: Resolution and Location Uncertainties in Surface Microseismic Monitoring; #90174 (2014)

Michael Thornton

Search and

... of the migration is spread across many subsurface locations. For a surface array with an aperture twice the depth of interest, this point spread function...


Geologic Factors Controlling Crude Oil Composition in Australia and Papua, New Guinea

T. G. Powell , D. M. McKirdy

AAPG Bulletin

... of the different boiling fractions, maturation has had little effect on the basic composition of the oils. Alteration of crude oil by water washing...


Recent Tectonics in the South of the Siberian Craton and Its Effect on Oil-Gas Potential

A. G. Zolotarev, V. M. Belousov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Recent Tectonics in the South of the Siberian Craton and Its Effect on Oil-Gas Potential A. G. Zolotarev, V. M. Belousov 1985 361 363 Vol. 22 (1985...


Redevelopment of Carpinteria Field, Santa Barbara Channel, California

Edwin B. Edwards

Pacific Section of AAPG

... onshore locations, from piers, and from an offshore drilling island. The Carpinteria field was developed from five offshore platforms; Heidi, Hope, Hogan...


Q tomography workflow: Land case study in the Eagle Ford Play

Itai Sharabi, Matan Shustak, Orly Kletenik-Edelman, Ronit Levy, Zvi Koren

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... for local viscoelastic effects. The method is primarily based on an advanced Q seismic migration that makes it possible to create amplitude/phase preserved...


Modeling secondary oil migration with core-scale data: Viking Formation, Alberta basin

Elise B. Bekele, Mark A. Person, Benjamin J. Rostron, Randal Barnes

AAPG Bulletin

... migration pathways appear to halt at updip locations A and B (Figure 12a) and (Begin page 67) divert around location C, where permeability decreases...


ABSTRACT: Pore pressure prediction from seismic data for well planning in Block 22 Final

M. Bacon, N. Mundel, J. Hearne, R. Lubbe and S. O’Connor

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... velocity; this captures the increase in uncertainty with decreasing interval thickness inherent in the Dix formula, but not the effect of possible...


Pore structure and spontaneous imbibition characteristics of marine and continental shales in China

Zhiye Gao, and Qinhong Hu

AAPG Bulletin

... The pore structure of shale has a significant effect on hydrocarbon migration and the long-term gas supply of shale gas wells. The present study...


Laboratory Evaluation of a Real-Time Coaxial Cable Casing Imager for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring

Yurong Li, Runar Nygaard, Baokai Cheng, Wenge Zhu, Hai Xiao

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... reflector due to the characteristic impedance discontinuity. The remaining wave transmitting through the first reflector is once again partially reflected...


Siliciclastic Sediment Across the North Queensland Margin (Australia): A Holocene Perspective on Reciprocal Versus Coeval Deposition in Tropical Mixed Siliciclastic–Carbonate Systems

Jason M. Francis, Gavin B. Dunbar, Gerald R. Dickens, Ian A. Sutherland, Andre W. Droxler

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and Searle 1984; Harris et al. 1990; Heap et al. 2002). This reflector, an irregular surface incised in some locations, corresponds to a pre-Holocene...


The Makran Continental Margin: Structure of a Thickly Sedimented Convergent Plate Boundary: Convergent Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

Robert S. White, Keith E. Louden

AAPG Special Volumes

... locations of volcanic centers, triangles the positions of recently active mud vents, solid areas mark ophiolitic assemblages and "coloured melanges...


Depth Prediction Ahead of the Bit: A Case Study from the Singa-1 Discovery Well, South Sumatra

Mark Crawley, David Ginger

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the presence of overpressure within the Gumai Formation shales. The stacking velocity profile was generated from three velocity analysis locations closest...


Crude Oil Hydrocarbon Analysis: Some Techniques and Uses

S. Thompson

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... useful for migration studies. Brown, R.A., 1965. Mass spectrometry of hydrocarbons, in Hydrocarbon analysis: ASTM Special Technical Publication 389, p...


Quantification of Dynamic Sand Settling Velocity in High-Viscosity Friction Reducers and Correlation with Rheology

Y. Thomas Hu, Chris Popeney, Chad Gilmer, Pious Kurian

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... URTeC 588 13 5) Wall effect. This effect reduces particle settling velocity near the wall. However, particle migration away from the wall would reduc...


A Calibrated Prospect Appraisal System

H. J. Nijhuis, A. B. Baak

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the effect of fault disturbances. Simulation Input requirements To simulate the processes of generation, expulsion, migration. accumulation and retention...


Chapter Three: Structural Interpretation

Alistair R. Brown

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Relation between dip and strike of a seismic reflector within a data volume. Contours follow strike and indicate a particular level in time or depth. When...



Andrew Lever and Richard A. Dawe

Journal of Petroleum Geology

...WATER-SENSITIVITY AND MIGRATION OF FINES IN THE HOPEMAN SANDSTONE Andrew Lever and Richard A. Dawe 1984 97 108 7 1 Water-sensitivity tests have been...


Petroleum Geology of Cook Inlet Basin -- An Exploration Model

Leslie B. Magoon , George E. Claypool

AAPG Bulletin

... on the west flank of the basin provide evidence used to reconstruct an oil migration route. The route is inferred to commence deep in the truncated Middle...


Framework Geology and Resource Potential of Southern Tonga Platform and Adjacent Terranes-A Synthesis

David W. Scholl, Tracy L. Vallier, Gordon H. Packham

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of the Tonga Trench (Figure 3). The reflector originates just beneath the trench floor, which is underlain by a section of pelagic or turbidite deposits less...


Chapter 12: Along-strike Crustal Thickness Variations of the Subducting Caribbean Plate Produces Two Distinctive Styles of Thrusting in the Offshore South Caribbean Deformed Belt, Colombia

Rocio Bernal-Olaya, Javier Sanchez, Paul Mann, Michael Murphy

AAPG Special Volumes

... crustal structure of the western Colombian Basin, Caribbean Sea: GSA Bulletin, v. 100, p. 534–546. Breen, N. A., 1989, Structural effect of Magdalena Fan...


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