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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,992 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Holocene and Pleistocene Caliche from Big Pine Key, Florida
Mario Coniglio,, Rand S. Harrison
CSPG Bulletin
... of caliche include micrite, equant spar, fibrous Mg-calcite, random needle fibres, peloids, calcified filaments and microborings. The formation...
Deep-Sea Fan Deposits in the Macigno Formation (Middle-upper Oligocene) of the Gordana Valley, Northern Apennines, Italy: DISCUSSION
Richard N. Hiscott
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) figures and then transferred individually to cards which were shuffled and then drawn one by one to produce two random sequences to be compared...
Prediction of channel connectivity and fluvial style in the flood-basin successions of the Upper Permian Rangal coal measures (Queensland)
Jennifer Y. Stuart, Nigel P. Mountney, William D. McCaffrey, Simon C. Lang, John D. Collinson
AAPG Bulletin
... Publication 75, p. 111.Bristow, , Skelly, and Ethridge, 1999, Crevasse splays from the rapidly aggrading, sand-bed, braided Niobrara River, Nebraska: Effect...
Effect of Tube-Building Polychaetes on Intertidal Sediments of the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy
Raymond P. Featherstone , M. J. Risk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Effect of Tube-Building Polychaetes on Intertidal Sediments of the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy Raymond P. Featherstone , M. J. Risk 1977 Vol. 47 No. 1...
Integrating Machine Learning into Drawdown Workflows to Deliver Sustainable Well Performance
Yosmar Gonzalez, James Courtier, Claudia Garces, Edward Moncayo, Iris Wang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... are utilized to establish a correlation between drawdown and EUR. Random Forest algorithms utilizing EUR as the objective function integrate various...
Randomness, serendipity, and luck in petroleum exploration
Alexei V. Milkov, and William C. Navidi
AAPG Bulletin
... companies are essentially random. Using a global data set of 3258 conventional exploration wells in which 733 companies took 8096 equity positions in 2008...
Petroleum systems of the Simeulue fore-arc basin, offshore Sumatra, Indonesia
Rudiger Lutz, Christoph Gaedicke, Kai Berglar, Stefan Schloemer, Dieter Franke, Yusuf S. Djajadihardja
AAPG Bulletin
...) and a zero-phase spiking deconvolution was applied (40-ms operator length; white noise, 0.1; decon gates: water-bottom relative 1.0 s). Extensive...
Global Climate Change Depends on More than Combustion of Fossil Fuels
Douglas Carlson
GCAGS Transactions
... of random noise yielding an R of 0.904 and R2 of 0.8181 (Fig. 11). This is considered a strong correlation (Table 2). The correlation between fossil fuel...
Application of Novel Stabilized Zone Simulation and Flow Diagnostics for the Interpretation of the SRV and Assessment of Multiwell Interference
Ching-Hsien Liu, Kenta Nakajima, Michael J. King
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... flow (Fujita et al. 2016, Iino et al. 2017), non-isothermal flow (Cui et al. 2016), and the effect of gravity (Onishi et al. 2020). Although the concept...
Chapter Eight: Horizon and Formation Attributes
Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Special Volumes
... detailed information into the interpretation in the early stages and consider later what is geology and what is noise. Attribute displays can be very...
Analysis of Well Interference in Delaware Basin: A Physics-Based and Data-Driven Approach
Esmail Eltahan, Shayan Tavassoli, Brian Casey, Guinevere McDaid, Emery Goodman
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...” as an interference metric that includes the combined effect of reservoir depletion and spacing for tight oil wells. Data compiled for over 13,000 wells...
An Analysis of the Observed Time Discrepancies Between Continuous and Conventional Well Velocity Surveys
P. E. F. Gretener
CSPG Bulletin
...). It is found that these discrepancies may be ascribed to a random scatter and a systematic deviation, the integrated continuous curves being short...
MaxG and MaxBHT Basin Temperature Modelling Using Bottom Hole Temperature Datasets
Ian Deighton, Erika Tibocha, Pete Dotsey
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...°C/km and a constant lithologic thermal conductivity was assumed. Next, one thousand random TSC values between 1 and 10 hours were generated...
Pore-Space Reduction in Sandstones
Jane M. Taylor
AAPG Bulletin
... 2,885 to 8,343 feet, and sections of randomly packed sand grains were studied. Sand-grain contacts, as they appear in the plane of a random thin section...
Small-Scale Packing Heterogeneities in Porous Sedimentary Rocks
Norman R. Morrow
AAPG Bulletin
.... Another type of heterogeneity could exist for packings of identical particles where no local variation in sorting is possible. For example, a random...
Is Scaling in Turbidite Deposition Consistent with Forcing by Earthquakes?
P. D. Beattie , W. B. Dade
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... failures by, say, the random passage of large trucks on the road outside the laboratory. We apply five tests to the hypothesis that the thickness...
Application of Zero Offset 2D CRS-Stack Method for Low Fold Data: Synthetic and Real Data Examples
R. Sule, A. Hendriyana, P. D. Anggraini, Fatkhan, Alfian, Sardjito, Waluyo, Adriansyah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...), in which the reflections in the CRS-Stack section are more continuous. Since muting of direct P-wave is not applied to both dataset, the effect of direct...
Extended Abstract: Sensing Below with Ocean Bottom Seismic
Bill Cafarelli
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... This ghosting or reverberation obscures the subsurface image, complicating any analysis or interpretation. Receiver ghost effect. Before the advent...
Introduction to Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, by Lee C. Gerhard, #70030 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
Geometric models of porosity reduction by ductile grain compaction and cementation
Maryam A. Mousavi, Steven L. Bryant
AAPG Bulletin
... to produce dense, random packings of partly interpenetrating spheres. We varied the fraction of grains assumed to be ductile and the radius of the rigid...
Seismic Imaging Through Gas Cloud Using Borehole Seismic Walkaway Technique; A Case Example From Offshore Malaysia
Teck Kean Lim, Gunawan Taslim, Amy Mawarni M Yusoff
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... estimation (Figure-2). The low velocity of the gas saturated area causes a “pull-down” effect, as well as ray bending of P waves passing through the gas...
The geomorphological distribution of subaqueous tufa columns in a hypersaline lake: Mono Lake, U.S.A.
Claire E. Keevil, Mike Rogerson, Daniel R. Parsons, Ramon Mercedes-Martín, Alexander T. Brasier, John. J.G. Reijmer, Anna Matthews
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... kinetics: modeling the effect of solution stoichiometry: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 77, p. 121– 134. Wood, W.W., and Sanford, W.E., 1990, Ground...
A Comparison of Three Sieve Shakers
Ada Swineford, Frances Swineford
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., GEORGE H. and LEVET, MELVIN N. 1940. Effect of sieving time and sample weight on the statistics of sieve analyses of quartz sands [abstract]: Oil and Gas...
Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossil Provinces
Thomas R. Worsley, Maurice L. Jorgens
Special Publications of SEPM
... are and 2 that frce of oper error The main effect of bias is to introduce sys distortions into collected data without present state MASS can...
Sediment Accumulation Rates For the Mississippi Delta Region: a Time-interval Synthesis
Chris Jenkins
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the rates. This is in conformance with a random-walk model for the Sadler Effect of steady, constant deposition plus a spectrum of unsteady nondeposition...