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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,092 Results. Searched 196,218 documents.

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A case study of natural gas hydrates (NGH) in offshore NW Sabah: Identification, shallow geohazard implication for exploration drilling, extraction challenges and potential energy resource estimation

John Jong, Goh Hui Sin, Steve McGiveron, Jim Fitton

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., the electrical resistivity log records higher values, while spontaneous potential readings are lower. Neutron porosity readings for NGH-bearing sediments...


Overpressure in the Shelfal Area of the Lower Kutai Basin

Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the transport properties of the rock, the velocity of sound and electrical resistivity. Unloading opens the connecting pores since they are flexible due...


Influence of Alstonia Angustiloba Tree Water Uptake on Slope Stability: A Case Study at the Unsaturated Slope, Pahang, Malaysia

Muhammad Syamsul Imran Zaini, Muzamir Hasan, Muhammad Farhan Zolkepli

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...rock slope by using electrical resistivity imaging at Sri 53 Muhammad Syamsul Imran Zaini, Muzamir Hasan, Muhammad Farhan Zolkepli Jaya, Pahang, Malay...


Evaluation of Rock Damage and Fracture Propagation on MicroCracks Development and Stimulation Quality of Tight Formations: Quantitative and Statistical Characterization

Ilham El-Monier

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...: 10.1029/JZ070i002p00391 Brace, W.F., Orange, A.S., and Madden, T.R. 1965. The Effect Of Pressure on the Electrical Resistivity of WaterSaturated...


3D inversion of electromagnetic logging-while-drilling data

David Marchant, Nigel Clegg, Luke Rawsthorne, Jari Kunnas

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... The electrical resistivity is / the inverse of conductivity, 𝜌 = 5. Boundary conditions are applied to the tangential components of the electric...


Co-operative inversion of geoelectrical data sets acquired from different electrode arrays

Duy Thong Kieu, Thi Chinh Truong

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... 443. Athanasiou, E. N., Tsourlos, P. I., Papazachos, C. B., and Tsokas, G. N., 2007, Combined weighted inversion of electrical resistivity data...


Realtime analysis and well planning using wireline logs in a hydrogeological context

Benjamin Birt, Olga Filiptsova, Sheryl Ryan, Tim Hopper

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... how to use a simple set of petrophysical logs including natural gamma, resistivity and borehole magnetic resonance logs can be used to make informed...


Reliable 1D magnetotelluric probabilistic inversion considering modelling assumption violations

Hoël Seillé, Gerhard Visser

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...-in. 100 models are recorded from each chain and used for the plotting. The prior probability distribution for the electrical resistivity was set between...


SAFOD—The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth and Its Relevance to Oil and Gas

Bill Rizer

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...: 10.1130/0091-7613 (2000)28<163:EFASSA>2.0.CO;2. Unsworth, Martyn and Paul A. Bedrosian, 2004: Electrical resistivity structure at the SAFOD site from...


Magnetotelluric inversion strategies

Ralf Schaa*, Brett Harris, Andrew Pethick

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... and electrical resistivity from wireline logs can reduce uncertainty and improve inversion outcomes (e.g. Yan et al., 2017; Cuong et al., 2016). We...


Hydrodynamics of the Fountain and Casper Formations, Laramie Basin, Wyoming

Richard W. Davis

Wyoming Geological Association

... solids, the longer the water has been in the formation. Figure 5. Sodium chloride equivalents (ppm) calculated for electrical resistivity data from...


Relations Between ERTS Lineaments, Aeromagnetic Anomalies and Geological Structures in North-Central Nevada

Don W. Levandowski, Ted V. Jennings, W. Terry Lehman

Utah Geological Association

... that a magnetic anomaly occurs close to the geochemical anomalies. Gravity and electrical resistivity measurements suggest that the magnetic anomaly is due...


Effect of Anisotropy on Apparent Resistivity Curves

Sylvain J. Pirson

AAPG Bulletin

... of Resistivity Curves," Colorado School of Mines Master's Thesis (April, 1932). 6. C. M. Tattam, "The Application of the Electrical Resistivity Method...


Bunyu Deep Target Exploration: Implication of Geophysical Data Quality Improvement

Dina Novi Susanti, Helmi Indrajaya, Totong Koesnadi Usman, Aliftama Febrian Wicaksono, Hitler Sijabat, Mohammad Wahyudin, Sugiri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on their electrical resistivity differences, in particularly, differentiate between sediment and basement. The passive seismic data is used to predict...


Comparison of Petrographic Characteristics of Selected Carbonate Rocks to their Petrophysical Log Response--Smackover Formation (Upper Jurassic)

Alfred A. Biehle , Carey M. Crocker

GCAGS Transactions

..., while multivariate cluster analysis grouped porosities solely by percent porosity and not by porosity type. Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical...


Fan-Delta Reservoirs in the Lower Cotton Valley Group (Jurassic), Kildare Field, Northeast Texas

Cynthia E. Black , Robert R. Berg

GCAGS Transactions

...-trending beach facies (1). Higher porosities of 12% and permeabilities of 7 md are found in the beach facies. Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical...


Log Response as a Model for Production: Deep Wilcox Sandstones, Provident City Field, Lavaca County, Texas

James L. Collins

GCAGS Transactions

.../acre-foot was calculated for reservoirs with Sw < 50%. Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir...


Developments in Kansas in 1937

Rycroft G. Moss

AAPG Bulletin

... consisted chiefly of core drilling and seismograph work with some magnetometer, torsion-balance, electrical-resistivity, and surface-structure mapping being...


Improvisation Petrophysics Analysis Using TECWAL to Solve Water Saturation Problem in Low Resistivity Low Contrast Reservoir

Mohammad Reza, Pepi Sahal Mustafid, Zona Nuansa, Normansyah, Bangsawan Arief

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and Water AnaLysis for getting the optimum electrical parameter that will be used in water saturation calculation in Low Resistivity Low Contrast (LRLC...


Life Isnt Perfect: The Petrophysical Difficulties of Modeling the Permian

Tyler Croft, Aidan Blount, Adam McMullen, Sarah Warneke, Melanie Durand, Brian Driskill

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., December 1). The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi...


Old Electrical Log Interpretation [Pre-1958], Chapter 2: The Lateral Curve

Hilchie, D.W.

AAPG Special Volumes

...] The lateral was the first curve run by Schlumberger in 1927. It was not until 1932 that any other resistivity curve was run. The more modern electrical...


Lithological and Geochemical Aspects of the Upper Devonian Torquay Formation, Saskatchewan

James E. Christopher

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... foot thick overlapping Blairmore lignite beds. STRATIGRAPHY On the basis of characteristics shown on electrical (resistivity), gamma ray, and neutron...


A Methodology Using Triple-Combo Well Logs to Quantify In-Place Hydrocarbon Volumes for Inorganic and Organic Elements in Unconventional Reservoirs, Recognizing Differing Reservoir Wetting Characteristics„An Example from the Niobrara of the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado

Michael Holmes, Antony Holmes, Dominic Holmes

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Petrophysical Model for Organic Shales, Petrophysics, 54, 240-247. Archie, G.E. 1942. The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid to Determining Some Reservoir...


Log-Derived Indicator of Thermal Maturity, Nibrara Formation, Denver Basin, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming

Thomas M. Smagala, Charles A. Brown, Gary L. Nydegger

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... to be calibrated. This value of vitrinite reflectance may be empirically correlated to electrical log resistivity of a known source bed with a matrix...


Water Saturations in a Wilcox Shaly Reservoir Sandstone, Fordoche Field, Point Coupee Parish Louisiana

Charles R. Berg , Robert R. Berg

GCAGS Transactions

... model. Archie, G.E., 1942, The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics: Petroleum Technology, v. 1, p...


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