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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,413 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Uncertainty Estimation in the Volume of Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir: A Case Study From Sulige Field, Ordos Basin, China
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ABSTRACT: Estimation of Anisotropy Parameters Using Intrinsic Rock Properties in a Selected Swamp Field in Niger Delta; #90115 (2010)
Iheanyichukwu P. Okorie, Francesca Osaynade, Understanding Aikulola, Noble Tamunobereton-ari, Robinson S. Dike, Samuel Olotu, and Joseph O. Ebeniro
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...ABSTRACT: Estimation of Anisotropy Parameters Using Intrinsic Rock Properties in a Selected Swamp Field in Niger Delta; #90115 (2010) Iheanyichukwu P...
Abstract: Near-Surface Velocity Estimation Using Source-Domain Full Traveltime Inversion and Waveform Inversion; #90319 (2018)
Lu Liu, Bowen Guo, Yi Luo
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...Abstract: Near-Surface Velocity Estimation Using Source-Domain Full Traveltime Inversion and Waveform Inversion; #90319 (2018) Lu Liu, Bowen Guo, Yi...
Abstract: In Situ NMR Measurements of Methane Isotherms in Organic-Rich Shales for Reserve Estimation; #90319 (2018)
Yue Wu, Yao An, Yunzhao Xing, Alfred Kleinhammes, Jinhong Chen, Stacey Althaus
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...Abstract: In Situ NMR Measurements of Methane Isotherms in Organic-Rich Shales for Reserve Estimation; #90319 (2018) Yue Wu, Yao An, Yunzhao Xing...
Abstract: Coal Bed Methane Field Delineation and Reservoir Volumetric Estimation for CO2 Storage, Buzzard Bench Field, Emery County, Utah;
Carlos Vega-Ortiz, Michael Saunders, Michael Vanden Berg, Oluwafemi Omotilewua, John McLennan
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...Abstract: Coal Bed Methane Field Delineation and Reservoir Volumetric Estimation for CO2 Storage, Buzzard Bench Field, Emery County, Utah; Carlos...
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Should the AAPG Consider Developing Geological Reserves and Resources Estimating and Auditing Standards?
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... or petroleum production geology with at least 1 full year of such experience being in estimation and evaluation of reserve information; and either: Has...
Estimation of shear wave velocity based on adaptive step size algorithm
Yipeng Gu, Jiajia Zhang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Estimation of shear wave velocity based on adaptive step size algorithm Yipeng Gu, Jiajia Zhang Estimation of shear wave velocity based on adaptive...
Abstract: Estimation of Ore Reserves for In-Situ Solution Mining Production Projects, with Emphasis on Uranium, by Geoffrey G. Hunkin; #90968 (1977).
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Petroleum Geology, Volume 10, Issue 7; Frontmatter
James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... methods of control during working of the Anastasiyevsko-Troitsk gas-oil field. V. K. Popov and T. S. Karmazina p. 277 3. Estimation of the capacity...
A Comparison Chart for Visual Percentage Estimation
Robert L. Folk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Comparison Chart for Visual Percentage Estimation Robert L. Folk 1951 Vol. 21 No. 1. (March), It is often desirable to estimate mineral percentages...
Abstract: Mineral resource estimation methods used at Voiseys Bay: Eastern Deeps Ni-Cu-Co deposit
Robert Wheeler
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Mineral resource estimation methods used at Voiseys Bay: Eastern Deeps Ni-Cu-Co deposit Robert Wheeler 256 AGS Abstracts – 2004 Annual...
ABSTRACT: Principles of Designing Worldwide Petroleum Basin Data Bases for Potential Resource Estimation and Location, by Victor S. Resnick; #91038 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Risk Reduction in Estimation of Petrophysical Properties from Seismic Data through Well Log Modeling, Seismic Modeling and Rock Properties Estimation
Chaveste, Alvaro
GCAGS Transactions
...ABSTRACT: Risk Reduction in Estimation of Petrophysical Properties from Seismic Data through Well Log Modeling, Seismic Modeling and Rock Properties...
ABSTRACT: Estimation of Petrophysics from Thin Sections--Petrographic Image Analysis, by Robert Ehrlich and John P. Horkowitz; #91037 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Resistivity profiling survey as guide in preparation estimation geotechnical pile capacity calculation
R. Roslan, RC Omar, Hairin Taha, INZ Baharuddin, AR. Jaafar, W.A. Wahab
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...ABSTRACT: Resistivity profiling survey as guide in preparation estimation geotechnical pile capacity calculation R. Roslan, RC Omar, Hairin Taha, INZ...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Delineation and Estimation of Producibility of Hydrocarbons by Organic Geochemical Logging, by Vaughn D. Robison; #91003 (1990).
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Estimation of Channel Sinuosity from Paleocurrent Data: A Method Using Fractal Geometry: REPLY
Parthasarathi Ghosh
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Estimation of Channel Sinuosity from Paleocurrent Data: A Method Using Fractal Geometry: REPLY Parthasarathi Ghosh 2001 1030 1030 Vol. 71 (2001...
Abstract: A Coal Bed Methane Resource Estimation of the Alberta Basin, by D. Nikols, B. Rottenfusser, and S. Stuhec; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Estimation of In Situ Thermal Conductivity in the Jeanne D'Arc Basin, by Z. Huang and M. A. Williamson; #91012 (1992).
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ABSTRACT: Five Year Look Back at Risk Assessment and Estimation of Hydrocarbon Volumes, by Robert M. Otis; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Permeability Porosity Relationships (K, Phi, Cut-Off), by F. Djettou and H. Reda; #90956 (1995).
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Abstract: Velocity Estimation for Depth Conversion of a 3-D Data Set in Troll Field: A Comparison of Different Techniques, by D. McCorkindale and L-F. Hwang; #90960 (1995).
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