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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,110 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of A Late Cretaceous, Muddy, River-Dominated Polar Deltaic System: Schrader Bluff–Prince Creek Formation Transition, Shivugak Bluffs, North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A.

Dolores A. Van Der Kolk, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., eds., Deep Drilling Results in the Atlantic Ocean: Continental Margins and Paleoenvironments: Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, p. 297...


Trophic Group Analysis of Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) Bivalve Assemblages from South Dakota

D. C. Rhoads , I. G. Speden , K. M. Waage

AAPG Bulletin

..., in Approaches to paleoecology: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 296-316. Sokolova, M. N., 1956, Some features of the distribution of the deep-water...


A Test for the Possibility of Photosymbiosis in Extinct Fusuline Foraminifera: Size and Shape Related to Depth of Habitat

John R. Groves, Madison Pike, Kasey Westley


..., Technology Center, 3600 Neville Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15225, USA, [email protected]; 2Department of Earth Science, University...


Biogenic Structures in Outcrops and Cores. I. Approaches to Ichnology

Robert W. Frey, S. George Pemberton

CSPG Bulletin

... Guidebook, p. 23-37, 63-68. Chamberlain, C. K. and Clark, D. L. 1973. Trace fossils and conodonts as evidence for deep-water deposits in the Oquirrh Basin...


Planning the Proving of Oil Reserves

A. A. Reznik

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...), taking into account the necessity for rapid development of the oil and gas industry, recommended a definite ratio between production and reserves...


Review of Developments in 1938, Gulf Coast of Southeast Texas and Louisiana

O. L. Brace

AAPG Bulletin

... No. 1 found gas during July, 1938, in Lower Miocene sand through perforations at 7,140-50 feet. Two deep dry flank tests have subsequently been drilled...


The Avant-Garde in Petroleum: Franco-Algerian Oil Cooperation, 1962-1971

Mattie Wheeler

Petroleum History Institute

... and buried deep in the ground. In order to exploit these resources, enterprising companies not only had to build the infrastructure of extraction...


Three-dimensional modeling of a shoreface-shelf parasequence reservoir analog: Part 2. Geologic controls on fluid flow and hydrocarbon recovery

Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Richard P. Sech

AAPG Bulletin

... depositional dip because oil is bypassed at the toe of each clinothem as water flows preferentially through high-quality sandstone facies in the upper part...


Germany … Overview about Renewed Petroleum Activities; #10397 (2012)

Piotr Gawenda

Search and

..., AAPG European Region. 1 IHS Inc., Geneva, Switzerland Introduction Germany has a long history of hydrocarbon exploration. Modern‐type oil and gas...


Coal Resources and Potential in Indonesia--Summary: Coal

Mangara Simanjuntack, Soelistiyo U. Wijaya

AAPG Special Volumes

...Coal Resources and Potential in Indonesia--Summary: Coal Mangara Simanjuntack, Soelistiyo U. Wijaya 1976 84 88 M 25: Circum-Pacific Energy...


Geology of the Airox Oil-Saturated Diatomite Deposit, Santa Barbara County, California

Thomas Farley, Mark L. Wilson

Pacific Section SEPM

..., gas began escaping along a fracture system and vented through burned diatomite to the surface (fig. 10). These VENT Figure 9. Plan (top) and cross...


Fracture Phenomena in the Waterways and McMurray Formations, Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Northeastern Alberta

E. A. Babcock

CSPG Bulletin

... of the Athabasca Oil Sands region is potentially of great value in exploiting the oil sands. In previously conducted in situ heavy-oil recovery schemes...


The Southern Uplands Accretionary Prism: Implications for Controls on Structural Development of Subduction Complexes: Convergent Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

J. K. Leggett, D. M. Casey

AAPG Special Volumes

... and geophysical constraints on the origin and evolution of Caledonian granites, in The Caledonides of the British Isles -- reviewed: Geological Society of London...


Geology of Natural Gas in Roumania

Ionel I. Gardescu

AAPG Bulletin

..., received about four-fifths of the company's shares. The National Methane Gas Society is now exploiting the Sarmasel gas field on a very small scale...


Insights on Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate Mound Morphology and Evolution From 3D Seismic Data, East Java Basin, Indonesia

Amy S. Ruf, J. A. (Toni) Simo, Tina M. Hughes

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... The East Java Basin of Indonesia is a proven prolific hydrocarbon province with oil and gas fields producing from a variety of Tertiary reservoirs. Many...


Tapping into Unexplored Hydrocarbon Reserves: A Success Story of Integrated Geological Modeling and Deterministic Approach in Mandu Offshore Gas Field

Wilsen Supriady Lauwijaya, Ahmad Anshariy, Adzuhri Aditya, Julfree Sianturi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... flux from intermediate reservoirs Gas flux in oil pool Pseudo gas cap production Gas diffusion through caprock Oil-stripped and saturated at the top...


The Great American Carbonate Bank in the Central Michigan Basin

William B. Harrison III, G. Michael Grammer

AAPG Special Volumes

... exploiting the basin's vast salt deposits. Oil and gas discoveries in Ontario, Canada, and northern Ohio stimulated exploration across the borders...


Status of Theory and Practice of Working Oil Fields

M. F. Mirchink

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., Yarino-Kamennolozh in the Volgo-Ural oil-gas basin, Neftyanyye Kamni in Azerbaydzhan, Kotur-Tepe in Turkmenia, etc., there has been a fundamental change...


Perceptual quality-based model training under annotator label uncertainty

Chen Zhou, Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, {chen.zhou, mohit.p, alregib} SUMMARY Image Classification...


Natural Gas Occurrences of Germany

H. Stille , H. Schluter

AAPG Bulletin

... OCCURRENCE OF NEUENGAMME At Neuengamme natural gas was discovered in 1910, when the city of Hamburg drilled several deep water wells. A gas blow-out...


Comparison of the morphology, facies, and reservoir quality of valley fills in the southern Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada

Cynthia A. Hagstrom, Stephen M. Hubbard, Sean C. Horner, Harrison K. Martin, and Yang Peng

AAPG Bulletin

... the importance of the bitumen resources they contain, a comprehensive regional assessment of valley-fill geometry, planform morphology, and reservoir...


Sandstones of the Antelope Shale Member, Monterey Formation, Midway-Sunset Oil Field, California

Glenn J. Gregory

Pacific Section of AAPG

... 2. Midway - Sunset outcrop and subsurface stratigraphic nomenclature as used by Santa Fe Energy Resources. Well 566X represents a “sand-poor” type log...


Petroleum Developments in North Africa in 1968

Grant Heatzig , Roland Michel

AAPG Bulletin

... increased in all except Morocco, which has an insignificant output (Table 7). This country, however, will begin exploiting its 2 Essaouira basin gas...


Geochemical Evidence for a New Triassic Petroleum System on the Western Margin of Australia

Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne S. Edwards, Nadege Rollet, Christopher J. Boreham, Duy Nguyen, Tamara Buckler

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... and Dorado 1–3 drilled between 2015 and 2019 penetrated gas and/or oil columns, with the Dorado field containing one of the largest oil resources...


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